السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..
تحية طيبة للجميع ..
بين الصور التي لم اجد اجابة شافية لها .. صورة لغواصة في موقع شركة ( الامارات للتكنولوجيا البحرية - Emirates Marine Technologies ) التابعة لمجموعة بن جبر الصناعية ..
هذه صورتها :
نبذة عن الشركة باللغة الانجليزية ( من ضمن قدرات الشركة : البحوث والتطوير , التصنيع , الهندسة , التدريب على الصيانة والعمليات , الانشطة التجارية )
The Emirates Marine Technologies specializes in underwater vehicle activities, from the conception and development of programs, studies and designs, to the manufacture of the corresponding products. EMT’s solid background is attributed to its 5 major areas of operation.
Research & Development
Makes accessible for its customers, for any commercial or technical projects, their technical and industrial structure molded with many years of experience. EMT’s management and technical experience, its operational and commercial skills in the sector of military diving and in surface is their stronghold for Research & Development.
Using modern high technology in its facility located in UAE. The facility includes specially designed GRP production unit as well as a deep-water pool for pre-delivery testing of Swimmer Delivery Vehicles (SDVs), guaranteeing customers of top quality products.
Commercial activities of EMT
Involve marketing, selling and manufacturing of high-speed motorboats and underwater wet vehicles. It also provides ongoing technical training and maintenance service. Complementary equipments go along every SDVs or high-speed motorboats purchased such as underwater breathing apparatus and diving & safety equipment.
Training for maintenance & operation
The training covers piloting and navigation from basic to final operational levels given to customers' staff. EMT also provides its customer’s technical team a training package manual for maintenance and upkeep of SDVs and high-speed motorboats.
Allows EMT customers a specially designed equipment according to theiroperational requirements. Suitable programs are developed by EMT engineers and can help in setting up research & development program for its clients for specific operational equipment requests.
صور متنوعة لانتاجهم :

ارجو الافادة في ماهية هذه الغواصة !!
وشكرا مقدما
تحية طيبة للجميع ..
بين الصور التي لم اجد اجابة شافية لها .. صورة لغواصة في موقع شركة ( الامارات للتكنولوجيا البحرية - Emirates Marine Technologies ) التابعة لمجموعة بن جبر الصناعية ..

هذه صورتها :

نبذة عن الشركة باللغة الانجليزية ( من ضمن قدرات الشركة : البحوث والتطوير , التصنيع , الهندسة , التدريب على الصيانة والعمليات , الانشطة التجارية )
The Emirates Marine Technologies specializes in underwater vehicle activities, from the conception and development of programs, studies and designs, to the manufacture of the corresponding products. EMT’s solid background is attributed to its 5 major areas of operation.
Research & Development
Makes accessible for its customers, for any commercial or technical projects, their technical and industrial structure molded with many years of experience. EMT’s management and technical experience, its operational and commercial skills in the sector of military diving and in surface is their stronghold for Research & Development.
Using modern high technology in its facility located in UAE. The facility includes specially designed GRP production unit as well as a deep-water pool for pre-delivery testing of Swimmer Delivery Vehicles (SDVs), guaranteeing customers of top quality products.
Commercial activities of EMT
Involve marketing, selling and manufacturing of high-speed motorboats and underwater wet vehicles. It also provides ongoing technical training and maintenance service. Complementary equipments go along every SDVs or high-speed motorboats purchased such as underwater breathing apparatus and diving & safety equipment.
Training for maintenance & operation
The training covers piloting and navigation from basic to final operational levels given to customers' staff. EMT also provides its customer’s technical team a training package manual for maintenance and upkeep of SDVs and high-speed motorboats.
Allows EMT customers a specially designed equipment according to theiroperational requirements. Suitable programs are developed by EMT engineers and can help in setting up research & development program for its clients for specific operational equipment requests.
صور متنوعة لانتاجهم :

ارجو الافادة في ماهية هذه الغواصة !!

وشكرا مقدما