Schiebel Camcopter S-100

in services :2
Selex ES Falco

According to, in November 2009 the Jordanian Armed Forces awarded a contract to SELEX Galileo to develop indigenous UAV technologies and electro-optic sensors for Jordan special operations forces based on the company's Falco tactical unmanned aerial system (TUAS).[
in services :unknown

in services :2
Jordan Falcon

in services :4
موصفات النظام
Target Acquisition Surveillance recognition - panther of RSTA Jordan
Visual UAV real-time ground surveillance radar system mapping command and control vehicle monitoring JP RSTA 4X4
rsta prêtjp 4x4
Border protection and key grandesinstallations request flexible use of surveillance assets. The'jordan panther all-terrain rsta can operate independently ouintégré more border management and coastal protection systems.
real-time video monitoring
High performance monitoring is carried out with a capacity electro-optical sensor package including thermiquethermique & avecimageurs visible laser range finder. All lesimages sensor is digitally signed and recorded in real time to ensure resteintacte evidential trail.
command and control system mapping
The heart is one of rsta systèmeintégré situational awareness terminal, which provides tactical key interfacesimage and control. This displays all the data in one place to help control decisions.
Net working activéen system
The network-ready system enables both remote control monitoring system, desimages transmission and disinformation tactics, with a capacity of & "; pullin & rsquo; data deployed from other nets sensor.
ground surveillance radar
Radar, with systèmeintégré electro-optical sensors, provides a very versatile and affordable security platform. With the latest electronics and antenna technology, the radar offers unique capabilities for remote detection of moving objects.
Jars antenna. monitoring system
Unmanned air pots with systèmeintégré electro-optic sensors offer a very versatile and affordable security platform. With the latest electronics and antenna technology, the system offers unique features for remote sensing of static and moving objects.
System Specifications
Free multi sensor group
enhanced situational awareness
surveillance and command vehicle roles
sensors complete control
the network has
Antenna. remote control sensors
digital video archiving
video motion detection
Proven off-road vehicle
comfortable operator environment
The air-conditioning driver and operators
24 hour, all weather surveillance
Standard or military road vehicles with off-road vrai2 déchetscapacité
The soil and monitoring system véhiculesindépendants. antenna. allow solutions.
appropriate applications
border surveillance
coastal surveillance
the sécuritéintérieure
the protection desinfrastructures
force protection
against terrorism
Ground platforms
On new technology & asoetifida, multi-pole retractable roller system & ndash; MRMS & 5;
Jai 'jordan aerospaceindustries and gay-world aviation divestitures have recently completed a prototype (multi-pole retractable roller system) for lifting intelligence reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition mission equipment package. The system provides the ability to quickly assess the charges through the field of real-time battle misinformation fusion board and off-board sensors. Advances in systems to provide wide-area research imaging, automatic target detection and target help. recognition capabilities. These capabilities provide a real-time data, including the position of the target, the classification and priority. Combining this with tactical network / internet allows the viewer to formulate and contribute to policy and enemies of amicalequalité exploitationlaimage forces. The system is compatible with all 4x4 utility vehicles and is compatible with all types of systems rsta for this purpose.
technical specifications
eo 19th capteurintégré
United Nations-cooled. cooled. Thermal ouimageur with high performance lens
color tv with optical zoom camera day
low light monochrome tv camera with optical zoom
Eye-safe laser range finder
compass numériqueintégrée
qualified rugged
The electro-optical director and military standard control system
eo detection performance
Man @ & @ 6 - 10 km
Vehicle @ & @ 12 - 17 km
radar sensor
10m range limit to 31km
Accuracy range & 0, 0 & 5m, 0.1%
The scan time 3.2s or 1.6s
Chevrolet gmc truck. express. series or any other type of 4x4 truck. vehicles
uav system description
Silence Eye et'jordan falcon are easy to use, affordable, retrieve surveillance drones, used on land and at sea for all types of missions. Both systems are equipped with digital autopilots, telemetry transmitter and GPS receiver. So, the systems are fully autonomous, usable ranges exceeding 33km los, and offers easy handling that does not require staff with expertise or experience brandish aircraft. The planned missions using GPS waypoint or flight program guides the air vehicle and can be changed during the flight mission. The systems can be used in any field, since no track is required. Launched using bungee catapult launcher and recovered by parachute, to preset coordinates. Generally, a 4x4 off-road vehicles (such as gmc truck., Toyota, hummer, etc..) Transports the system. This road vehicle may be the launcher, ground control station, autopilot data-link antenna in addition to four air vehicles and 4 ~ 6 seats for staff, and is also used as a recovery vehicle. However, it should be noted that all ground support equipment are stand-alone systems and can be installed in the same vehicle. All cell components and avionics systems and sub-components sontinterchangeables. Minimum Requirements 4 nécessairesinstaller staff and operate the system.
'Jordan falcon
Wingspan (m) 3 ~ 4
Length (m) 1.9
central piston engine
Max speed (km-h) 160
Range (km) 33
Desaltitude (m) 10000
Weight (kg) 14
Flight time (hr) 4
Take off / land launch / chute
Video payload. / Ir camera
Payload weight (kg) 5
Silent eye
Wingspan (m) 3 ~ 4
Length (m) 1.9
electric motor
Max speed (km-h) 100
Range (km) 33
Desaltitude (m) 20000
Weight (kg) 9
Flight time (hr) 1
Take off / land launch / chute
Payload weight (kg) 2