السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

النمر العربي 

عضو مميز
5 مايو 2008
7,395 6 0
Saudis Buy Advanced Nuclear-Capable Missiles from China​
السعودية تشتري صوارخ متقدمة ذات تقنية نووية

He landed Tuesday, April 12, just six days after US Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Saudi King Abdullah ended a stormy interview which failed to bridge the widening gap between Washington and Riyadh..............................................................................

وزير الدفاع الامريكي روبرت غيتس في زيارة للعاهل السعودي وانتهى اللقاء بشكل عاصف والتي فشلت في ردم الهوه الاخذه في الاتساع بين واشنطن والرياض وفي المقابلة الثانية والتي كانت في اقل من اسبوع حضر الملك عبدالله حفظه الله مع ثلاث مستشارين ملكيين ............................الخ الى نهاية الخبر

المهم في الخبر ثلاث نقاط

CSS-3 DF-3A ballistic missiles**
the DF-21 (NATO-designated CSS-5),****
CSS-6) is a solid-fuel, short-range ballistic****

التقرير من المصدر الاصلي :

Saudis Buy Advanced Nuclear-Capable Missiles from China

By David Dafinoiu

Saudi Arabia and China now more than just ‘good friends’
US National Security Adviser Tom Donilon is the second high-ranking American official to visit Riyadh in less than a week. He landed Tuesday, April 12, just six days after US Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Saudi King Abdullah ended a stormy interview which failed to bridge the widening gap between Washington and Riyadh.
For the second interview, the monarch was attended by three top royal advisers, all hawks and live wires in security and external affairs: Director of General Intelligence Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz, Secretary-General of the National Security Council Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and Saudi Ambassador to the US Adel Jubeir.

The ambassador, who is important enough to the king to spend more time in the royal palace in Riyadh than at his post in Washington, was the only one of the three to be present at the meeting with Gates.

Our Gulf intelligence sources report that by calling in his most influential advisers, Abdullah was telling Washington:

1. That he attaches supreme importance to Saudi relations with the United States;

2. That he will not be moved from the independent foreign and security policies he has set in train – whether or not they meet with American approval. In pursuing them, Princes Muqrin and Bandar and Ambassador Jubeir enjoy his full backing.

According to our sources, the three advisers have been given their assignments: Muqrin is focusing on Iran, Yemen, Libya and Al Qaeda. Bandar deals with Saudi Arabia’s foreign military relations – excepting the US – and is managing the comparison shopping for advanced weapons among multiple suppliers. Ambassador Jubeir’s job is to advise the king and represent Saudi positions on matters of common interest to the US administration.

Saudis buy advanced Chinese nuclear-capable missiles

Bandar recently paid a secret visit to China and clinched terms for CSS-3 DF-3 ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads to replace the hardware Saudi Arabia bought from China in the 1980s.

US intelligence discovered the first transaction in 1988 when those Chinese missiles were installed outside Riyadh and positioned to face Tehran. Our intelligence and military sources reveal the transaction Bandar negotiated provides for the sale of two types of Chinese missiles: the DF-21 (NATO-designated CSS-5), which is a two-stage, solid-propellant, single-warhead medium-range ballistic (MRBM) system developed by China Changfeng Mechanics and Electronis Technology Academy.

The DF-21 is capable of delivering a 500kT nuclear warhead over a distance of 1,800 km. Its purchase underlines the Saudi royal family’s determination to have its own nuclear arms and missiles ready for launch in the face of an approaching nuclear-armed Iran.

The second missile, the DongFeng 15 (Export name M-9; NATO-designation CSS-6) is a solid-fuel, short-range ballistic (SRBM) system developed by CASC China Academy of Rocket Motor Technology ARMT, the 4th Space Academy.

Our information is that the Saudis purchased the improved variants of DongFeng 15 B and DongFeng 15C, recently sighted in service with China’s Popular Liberation Army (PLA). During the 1996 Taiwan Strait crisis, those variants, which were launched as a warning to Taiwan, won a reputation for accuracy and effectiveness.

التعديل الأخير:
رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

لفت نظري في الخبر تطوير رياح الشرق الى

css-3 df-3a

كم مداه ودقته بعد التطوير ؟؟؟؟
رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

وجدت خبر هنا لا اعلم عن مدى صحته

الصاروخ Css-3
نوع الصاروخ : صاروخ باليستي عابر للقارات
الرمز الدولي : Icbm
التصميم : تصميم الصين Df-4
سنة الدخول الى الخدمة : 1980م
قاعدة الاطلاق : منصات ارضية
مراحل الصاروخ : مرحلتان
طول الصاروخ : 26.77م
قطر الصاروخ : 2.43م
وزن الراس الحربي : 2200 كغ
القوة التدميرية : 02 ميجاطن Tnt
المدى : 7000 كم
رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

نوع الوقود صلب ام سائل ؟
رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

من مقاتل من الصحراء


رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

هل تعرفون معنى المدى :7000 كلم

يعني الجميع في مرمانا ليس فقط ايران!!!!!
رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

css-3 df-3a ballistic missiles**
the df-21 (nato-designated css-5),****
css-6) is a solid-fuel, short-range ballistic****

الاول سائل اما الاثنان الاخيران صلب

مشكور على التوضيح اخي النمر
رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

نمر الله يعطيك العافيه عطني اكثر تفصيل عن اصاروخ مثال الدقه اصاروخ
رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

مشكور عالخبر بالتوفيق لبلادي درع الاسلام وحامية حماة
رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

نمر الله يعطيك العافيه عطني اكثر تفصيل عن اصاروخ مثال الدقه اصاروخ

والله ان بغيت الصراحه انا لم اكن اعلم

انه تم تطوير رياح الشرق الى CSS-3

هو التطوير في صفقة الـ6مليار

لكن ان تصل لهذا الامر غريبه جدا

اتمنى انيكون الصورة هذه من موقع مقاتل من الصحراء

تكفي لمعرفة الصاروخ بشكل جيد

رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

شاكر دعوتك لي يا نمري العزيز
لكن ما الذي يفعله فاشل مثلي في وجودك هنا?
أفضل المتابعه بصمت مع اليقين بوجود الأفضل والأسرع والأقوى في ترسانه سلاح الصواريخ الاستراتيجية.
لكن سياسه الغموض حتى الآن ناجحه وفعاله فلا أحد يدري من ينام بعين واحدة داخل صوامع الأطلاق.
رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

احلا تقييم لعيونك الحلويين اخبار فعلنا حلوه
رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

هل تعرفون معنى المدى :7000 كلم

يعني الجميع في مرمانا ليس فقط ايران!!!!!

اولا مبروك للسعودية وموضوع رائع لكاتبه ولكن اخى الكريم ما معنى الجميع هل هناك خلافات مع احد غير ايران؟

بتوفيق لاهل الحجاز

رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

اولا مبروك للسعودية وموضوع رائع لكاتبه ولكن اخى الكريم ما معنى الجميع هل هناك خلافات مع احد غير ايران؟

بتوفيق لاهل الحجاز

صديق اليوم عدو الغد

وفي السياسة لايوجد صديق دائم

ونحن ابناء السعودية من الشمال الى الحجاز الى الربع الخالي الى الشرقية الى نجد

واتمنى منك الابتعاد عن التفرقة بين ابناء الوطن
التعديل الأخير:
رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

والله حيرونا هالعالم
موقع صيني يتحدث عن شراء هذه الصواريخ من الصين

Press reports have speculated that China has approached the Saudis with offers to sell modern missile systems. The 600-km range CSS-6 and 1800-km range CSS-5 solid-fueled missiles have been mentioned. The 5500-km range CSS-3 intercontinental ballistic missile would be another likely candidate as it is basically the CSS-2 with an additional stage. Prince Sultan, the Saudi minister of defense, is reported to have arranged the original China missile deal along with his sons Prince Bandar Sultan--the current Saudi ambassador to the United States--and Prince Khalid bin Sultan, the Saudi commander during Desert Storm. Prince Sultan has in fact made a number of high-level visits to China over the past few years and the airfield at his ranch near Riyadh was where the CSS-2 missiles were reportedly secretly delivered in 1988. However, though Beijing would no doubt love to sell another complete missile system to Riyadh--the CSS-2 deal was worth US$3-3.5 billion--the Saudis are probably aware they were snookered. They are likely to be cautious before plunking down such huge sums again.

وهذا مع الباكستان وصوارخ الغوري الباكستانية
Press reports have speculated that China has approached the Saudis with offers to sell modern missile systems. The 600-km range CSS-6 and 1800-km range CSS-5 solid-fueled missiles have been mentioned. The 5500-km range CSS-3 intercontinental ballistic missile would be another likely candidate as it is basically the CSS-2 with an additional stage. Prince Sultan, the Saudi minister of defense, is reported to have arranged the original China missile deal along with his sons Prince Bandar Sultan--the current Saudi ambassador to the United States--and Prince Khalid bin Sultan, the Saudi commander during Desert Storm. Prince Sultan has in fact made a number of high-level visits to China over the past few years and the airfield at his ranch near Riyadh was where the CSS-2 missiles were reportedly secretly delivered in 1988. However, though Beijing would no doubt love to sell another complete missile system to Riyadh--the CSS-2 deal was worth US$3-3.5 billion--the Saudis are probably aware they were snookered. They are likely to be cautious before plunking down such huge sums again.

A more likely candidate as a source for future Saudi missile purchases is Pakistan. According to a number of press reports, including those regarding the 1994 defection of a Saudi diplomat, Saudi Arabia has been funding Pakistan's nuclear and missile program purchases from China. The money certainly had to have come from somewhere, as Pakistan has been bankrupt for years and the Chinese are not known for their easy payment plans. In May 1999, following the Pakistani nuclear tests, Prince Sultan toured the uranium-enrichment plant and missile production facilities at Kahuta. Sultan may also have been present in Pakistan at a May 2002 test launch of the nuclear-capable Ghauri missile. If these reports are correct, what in essence has happened is that Saudi Arabia has given money to China for Pakistan's missile and nuclear programs. If so, Saudi Arabia could be buying a nuclear capability from China through a proxy state with Pakistan serving as the cutout. If Riyadh's influence over Pakistan extends to its nuclear programs, Saudi Arabia could rapidly become a de facto nuclear power through a simple shipment of missiles and warheads.

المصدر :
رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

7000 كيلومتر
يعني موسكو وأغلب عواصم اوربا في مرمى اهدافنا

قطاع الصواريخ الأستراتيجية
اكثر قطاع سرية في المملكة
وهذه احد اهم نقاط قوته

وفي كل الاحوال
ماتحمله هذه الصواريخ هو اسلحة ردع
اي انه لا يتوقع استخدامه في اي صراع

لك احلى تقييم
رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

اولا مبروك للسعودية وموضوع رائع لكاتبه ولكن اخى الكريم ما معنى الجميع هل هناك خلافات مع احد غير ايران؟

بتوفيق لاهل الحجاز

كن قويا يحترمك الاخر ويهابك

وشكرا لتحيتك اهل الحجاز لانني من الحجاز والنعم بكل السعودية نجد والشمال والجنوب والشرقية والحجاز كلنا واحد تحت راية لااله الا الله محمد رسول الله
رد: السعودية تشتري صواريخ ذات تقنيه نووية

saudis buy advanced nuclear-capable missiles from china​

السعودية تشتري صوارخ متقدمة ذات تقنية نووية

he landed tuesday, april 12, just six days after us defense secretary robert gates and saudi king abdullah ended a stormy interview which failed to bridge the widening gap between washington and riyadh..............................................................................

وزير الدفاع الامريكي روبرت غيتس في زيارة للعاهل السعودي وانتهى اللقاء بشكل عاصف والتي فشلت في ردم الهوه الاخذه في الاتساع بين واشنطن والرياض وفي المقابلة الثانية والتي كانت في اقل من اسبوع حضر الملك عبدالله حفظه الله مع ثلاث مستشارين ملكيين ............................الخ الى نهاية الخبر

المهم في الخبر ثلاث نقاط

css-3 df-3a ballistic missiles**
the df-21 (nato-designated css-5),****
css-6) is a solid-fuel, short-range ballistic****

التقرير من المصدر الاصلي :

Saudis buy advanced nuclear-capable missiles from china

by david dafinoiu

saudi arabia and china now more than just ‘good friends’
us national security adviser tom donilon is the second high-ranking american official to visit riyadh in less than a week. He landed tuesday, april 12, just six days after us defense secretary robert gates and saudi king abdullah ended a stormy interview which failed to bridge the widening gap between washington and riyadh.
For the second interview, the monarch was attended by three top royal advisers, all hawks and live wires in security and external affairs: Director of general intelligence prince muqrin bin abdulaziz, secretary-general of the national security council prince bandar bin sultan, and saudi ambassador to the us adel jubeir.

The ambassador, who is important enough to the king to spend more time in the royal palace in riyadh than at his post in washington, was the only one of the three to be present at the meeting with gates.

Our gulf intelligence sources report that by calling in his most influential advisers, abdullah was telling washington:

1. That he attaches supreme importance to saudi relations with the united states;

2. That he will not be moved from the independent foreign and security policies he has set in train – whether or not they meet with american approval. In pursuing them, princes muqrin and bandar and ambassador jubeir enjoy his full backing.

According to our sources, the three advisers have been given their assignments: Muqrin is focusing on iran, yemen, libya and al qaeda. Bandar deals with saudi arabia’s foreign military relations – excepting the us – and is managing the comparison shopping for advanced weapons among multiple suppliers. Ambassador jubeir’s job is to advise the king and represent saudi positions on matters of common interest to the us administration.

Saudis buy advanced chinese nuclear-capable missiles

bandar recently paid a secret visit to china and clinched terms for css-3 df-3 ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads to replace the hardware saudi arabia bought from china in the 1980s.

Us intelligence discovered the first transaction in 1988 when those chinese missiles were installed outside riyadh and positioned to face tehran. Our intelligence and military sources reveal the transaction bandar negotiated provides for the sale of two types of chinese missiles: The df-21 (nato-designated css-5), which is a two-stage, solid-propellant, single-warhead medium-range ballistic (mrbm) system developed by china changfeng mechanics and electronis technology academy.

The df-21 is capable of delivering a 500kt nuclear warhead over a distance of 1,800 km. Its purchase underlines the saudi royal family’s determination to have its own nuclear arms and missiles ready for launch in the face of an approaching nuclear-armed iran.

The second missile, the dongfeng 15 (export name m-9; nato-designation css-6) is a solid-fuel, short-range ballistic (srbm) system developed by casc china academy of rocket motor technology armt, the 4th space academy.

Our information is that the saudis purchased the improved variants of dongfeng 15 b and dongfeng 15c, recently sighted in service with china’s popular liberation army (pla). During the 1996 taiwan strait crisis, those variants, which were launched as a warning to taiwan, won a reputation for accuracy and effectiveness.


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