أثناء تتبعي الويب وجدت الرابط التالي وبه عدة أشياء
الميج 23 والكروتال والماجيك
مصر والأردن والعراق
عين الصقر /طير الصباح
العراق ومصر والميج 23
دبابات تي 62 والساجر
الميج 23 والكروتال والماجيك
Chinese have experienced problems attempting to reverse-engineer the MiG-23s, T-62 tanks,
Crotale SAMs, and Magic AAMs they received from Egypt or Pakistan; and to date, not a
single Chinese-copy MiG-23 or T-62 has appeared in public, while China's reverse-engineered
Crotale (FM-80) and Magic (PL-7) missiles are either crude copies or still in development.
Darwish, Adel, "China: Government Agrees to Help Update Egypt's Missiles," Independtnt,
June 14, 1990.
مصر والأردن والعراق
In Iraq's
case, in the early 1980s, Egypt and Jordan assembled aircraft kits provided by the Chinese
and then transferred these arms to Iraq. This fiction permitted the Chinese to deny that it
had personally delivered such weapons to either side.
عين الصقر /طير الصباح
China is also assisting Egypt in upgrading its missile production facilities, including
helping it develop an improved version of its domestically manufactured SA-7 SAM, which it
calls the 'Ayn al-Saqr. Egypt, in turn, has exported many of its missile systems to other Arab
and African states.
العراق ومصر والميج 23
In an interesting barter arrangement, Egypt and Iraq
supposedly traded one or two of their MiG-23s--a more advanced combat aircraft than
currently exists in the Chinese arsenal-and other weapons 14 in exchange for the Chinese
aircraft. The Chinese have reportedly attempted to "reverse-engineer" the MiG-23 or
incorporate its technology in Chinese aircraft
دبابات تي 62 والساجر
14China supposedly received T.62 tanks, surface.to.air missiles, and antitank guided weapons from Egypt,
and Exocet missiles from Iraq (Lee, 1987-48, p. 39; Tuomi and Vayrynen, 1982, p. 115).
Another class of AShM is the C-801. The C-801 is very similar in design and function
to the French-built Exocet, prompting speculation that the missile is a "bootleg," reversedengineered
copy of the Exocet, probably obtained from Egypt or Iraq.
Another critical technology is for surface-to-surface
missiles. China, for example, is assisting Egypt in upgrading its domestic missile production
facilities, aiding the Egyptians in improving their indigenously built SCUD-B SSM as well as
their Soviet-model SAMs, and it is supposedly also helping them license-produce Silkworm
Crotale SAMs, and Magic AAMs they received from Egypt or Pakistan; and to date, not a
single Chinese-copy MiG-23 or T-62 has appeared in public, while China's reverse-engineered
Crotale (FM-80) and Magic (PL-7) missiles are either crude copies or still in development.