المغرب يتسلم محاكي للتدريب العالي ADM صنعته خصيصا له شركة (L-3 Link) و يعتبر هذا الجهاز الأكثر تقدما تدريب الأطقم الجوية F-16c block 52
http://www.defpro.com/news/details/32376/?SID=ba5b9110771571a63dae64b93d9f6daf"Royal Moroccan Air Force pilots are now training on the most advanced F-16 Aircrew Training Device ever fielded to an international military," said Dan Kelly, vice president of Air Force programs at L-3 Link. "The F-16 Aircrew Training System will enable Royal Moroccan Air Force F-16 pilots to hone their air-to-air and air-to-ground combat skills within highly realistic operational environments while operating as a team."
During simulation exercises, pilots will be able to acquire and identify targets, deliver a wide range of ordnance, practice takeoffs and landings, conduct aerial in-flight refueling, and undertake emergency procedures.
Each F-16C Block 52 ATD is integrated with L-3 Link's nine-panel, 360-degree field-of-view SimuSphere visual display and the SimuView image generation system, which provides correlated imagery between out-the-window and cockpit sensor displays.