فريم تانية للمغرب

19 يناير 2010
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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته
بعد صفقة الفريم المغربية الأولى المغرب تعاقد على الفريم التانية
In late January 2011, AMI sources indicated that the Royal Moroccan
Navy (Marine Royal Marocaine – MRM) may be interested in a second
unit of the FREMM frigate from France‘s DCNS.
In 2007, Morocco ordered their first FREMM from DCNS as well as four
70-meter off-shore patrol vessels (OPV) from Raidco Marine in France in
addition to three Sigma class frigates from the Netherlands. These
procurements are believed to be in response to moves by Morocco‘s
neighbor, Algeria to procure new surface combatants and submarines for
their sea service.
While the MRM is considering the procurement of a second FREMM,
there are still numerous questions to be answered. First and foremost is the
funding (around US$700M for unit two). With the first unit scheduled to
commission in 2013, the funding line for a second procurement would
need to be in place within the next two years in order to have a contract
awarded in a reasonable amount of time to enable savings from current FREMM construction and economies of scale.
Political risk will also factor in this procurement. The social and political
unrest in much of the region may see internal political disruptions in
Morocco similar to those seen in Tunisia, Algeria, Jordan and Egypt of
late. Additional defense spending would probably be considered unpopular
in the civil sector and could add fuel to the fire in Morocco in the event of
any unrest. In the event of civil unrest, the procurement of the second unit
could in fact be squashed before it has a chance to get off the ground.
AMI believes that assuming the civil situation in Morocco remains stable –
a second FREMM will be procured but not before 2012. What is certain is
that Morocco is making naval procurement plans in response to Algerian
naval force developments – specifically the recent deliveries of two
Russian Kilo class submarines and the pending order for new frigates or
corvettes. The addition of a second FREMM frigate would allow for the
MRM to deploy a more robust anti-submarine (ASW) and anti-air
capability (AAW) for longer periods on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar.
Additional information on this project can be obtained by contacting Rick
Dorn at AMI International (Tel: + 1 360 373 2686 or E-mail:
[email protected]) or visiting the FREMM Frigate project report at:
رد: فريم تانية للمغرب

بالتوفيق للمغرب

بارك الله فيك
صورة للفريم الأولى محمد سادس
رد: فريم تانية للمغرب

بالتوفيق للمغرب الشقيقه

ومزيد من التقدم و الازدهار و الامن و الامان​
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بالتوفيق للمغرب الشقيق والمزيد من التطور والتقدم والى الامام ان شاء الله
رد: فريم تانية للمغرب

بالتوفيق للمغرب الشقيق

اتوقع جربوا الاولى و نالت اعجاب القائمين بالبحريه المغربيه
رد: فريم تانية للمغرب

بالتوفيق للاشقاء فى المغرب الفريم + سيكما = بحريه رائعه
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هل هناك اخبار عن غواصات او اى شى اخر لبحريه المغريبه
رد: فريم تانية للمغرب

الله أكبر و لله للحمد شكرا لك أخي الكريم أروع الأخبر 2 فريم الى جانب فرقاطات السيغما و القطع البحرية الاخرى ينقصنا فقط 3 غواصات لتكون البحرية الملكية المغربية قوية بادن الله
رد: فريم تانية للمغرب

الف مبروووووك!!
بعد الوحش الاول المغرب سيتعاقد على الفرقاطة الثانية
موازين القوى تتغير و البعض يشعر بالخوف!!
و المفاجات مستمرة!!​
رد: فريم تانية للمغرب

صفقات قادمة في الطريق رائعة ستدخل سنة 2012 بالبركة وسيكون عام حافل إن شاء الله
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مبروك للمغرب الفريم الثانية عقبال ثالثة ان شاء الله
رد: فريم تانية للمغرب

n late January 2011, AMI sources indicated that the Royal Moroccan
Navy (Marine Royal Marocaine – MRM) may be interested in a second
unit of the FREMM frigate from France‘s DCNS.
In 2007, Morocco ordered their first FREMM from DCNS as well as four
70-meter off-shore patrol vessels (OPV) from Raidco Marine in France in
addition to three Sigma class frigates from the Netherlands. These
procurements are believed to be in response to moves by Morocco‘s
neighbor, Algeria to procure new surface combatants and submarines for
their sea service.
رد: فريم تانية للمغرب

n late january 2011, ami sources indicated that the royal moroccan
navy (marine royal marocaine – mrm) may be interested in a second
unit of the fremm frigate from france‘s dcns.
In 2007, morocco ordered their first fremm from dcns as well as four
70-meter off-shore patrol vessels (opv) from raidco marine in france in
addition to three sigma class frigates from the netherlands. These
procurements are believed to be in response to moves by morocco‘s
neighbor, algeria to procure new surface combatants and submarines for
their sea service.

لا تغرك هذه العبارة أخي فكل شيئ يبدء بها وكن واثق أن إعلان رسميا عن هذه الصفقة مسألة وقت فقط كل المتتبعين للصفقات المغربية يعرفون هذا وننتظر مجموع 3فريم إن شاء الله والأيام بيننا
رد: فريم تانية للمغرب

لا تغرك هذه العبارة أخي فكل شيئ يبدء بها وكن واثق أن إعلان رسميا عن هذه الصفقة مسألة وقت فقط كل المتتبعين للصفقات المغربية يعرفون هذا وننتظر مجموع 3فريم إن شاء الله والأيام بيننا

as you like bro . mabrouk :ANSmile04[1]: