Russian air forces will acquire 120 Su-34 bombers

The Russian air forces intend to acquire 120 Su-34 tactical bombers, reports. The Commander in Chief of the Russian air forces, General-Colonel Alexander Zelin, has declared this fact during MAKS-2011. According to him, five squadrons each including 24 bombers will be formed. Su-34s will be acquired gradually. For example, the Russian air forces will acquire 12 such aircraft in 2012.
It has been reported earlier that the air forces will receive six Su-34 tactical bombers in 2011. The jets will be delivered by Novosibirsk aviation production association named after Chkalov. Taking into account the new batch, the total number of Su-34s in the air forces will be 16. The Russian air forces have placed orders on 32 Su-34s so far; the number of such aircraft in operation should reach 70 by 2015.
The acquisition of new aircraft is being carried out within the framework of State program in the area of arms for 2011-2020, which has a scope of finance of 20 trillion rubles. In future Su-34s should form the basis of Russian tactical bomber aviation. The aircraft has a maximum flight speed of 1900 km/h, combat radius of 1100 km. Su-34 has 12 stations and may carry weapons with total weight of 8 tons
أعلن قائد القوات الجويه الروسيه أن سلاح الجو يخطط لشراء 120 قاذفه su34 لتكوين 5 أسراب
كل سرب يحتوى على 24 قاذفه
وقد إستلم سلاح الجو 6قاذفات هذا العام وسيتسلم العام القادم 2012 عدد 12 قاذفه
وبحلول عام 2015 سيكون إستلم 70 قاذفه وسيتم تسليم الباقى تبعآ
ومن المقرر أن تكون su34 القاذفه التكتيكيه الرئيسيه لسلاح الجو الروسى
وهذه القاذفه تصل سرعتها إلى 1900كم
وتستطيع حمل 8طن من القنابل
The first serial Т-50 will be delivered to Russian air forces in 2014–2015

The first serial fifth-generation Т-50 (PAK FA) fighter will be delivered to Russian air forces in 2014–2015, said the Commander in Chief of the Russian air forces General-Colonel Alexander Zelin.
«The test Т-50 aircraft will be completed in 2013, while the deliveries of serial jets will be started in 2014–2015», – said Zelin.
We remind you that the president of UAC, Mikhail Pogosyan, said today that five prototypes of PAK FA will undergo the flight testing and T-50 will become the basic aircraft of Russian and Indian air forces.
Russia and India have come to an arrangement on joint development and production of fifth-generation fighter.
مقاتلة الجيل الخامس الروسيه PAK FA ستنتهى من الإختبارات بحلول عام 2013
وسيتم الإنتاج المتسلسل لها فى عام 2014 2015
ويوجد خمس نماذج من المقاتله PAK FA
ومن المقرر أن تكون المقاتله الرئيسيه لسلاح الجو الروسى والهندى
The draft design of spaceship with nuclear engine will be created in 2012
The draft design of a spaceship with nuclear powerplant will be completed by the end of 2012 and the design if its nuclear reactor – in 2011, said CEO of Keldysh Research Center, Anatoly Koroteev, RIA Novosti reports.
"The draft design of reactor plant will be completed in 2011 and according to plan we should complete the design draft of the whole ship in 2012", - said Koroteev.
The Keldysh Research Center has presented a line of electroplasma engines and electrocomposites for turbines and nozzles of the “future ship” at MAKS-2011.
"Here at MAKS we are demonstrating the line of electroplasma engines developed in different years and we are making conclusions that we are able to reach the required power for the future project", - the academician said.
In addition, we are presenting the line of electrocomposites at the show for the first time. These materials are intended for development of high-temperature turbines and nozzles", - said Koroteev. According to him, the Keldysh Research Center must complete the physic-mathematical modeling of the space system with nuclear engine in 2012.
"The most difficult problem today is the development of cooler-transducer. It is a very stressed block of the nuclear powerplant. We have made a good progress in this direction: besides the layout of cooler-transducer on the stage of draft design we have chosen the special liquid, which is able to work in the outer space. Its designation is too complicated so I cannot pronounce it, but I can tell you that it is an organo-liquid composition, which is providing radiation stability during spaceflight", - said Koroteev.
The head of Keldysh Research Center reminded that, the start of ground testing of the spaceship with nuclear engine is planned on the end of 2014 and it should be completed in 2015.
"In addition, the model of electrical generator with noncontact rotor will be completed within the project’s framework in 2011. The models of turbo compressor should also be completed this year", - Koroteev noted.
Speaking about financing the academician said: "It was a hard period last year since the financing from Roscosmos was very low – only 70 million rubles and 40 of them were paid to Energia for development of its part of the program. But the financing has been increased this year. We have enough money now", - Koroteev concluded
ذكر رئيس مركز بحوث Keldysh
إنه سيتم الإنتهاء من تصميم مركبه فضائيه تعمل بمحرك نووى
فى عام 2012 ومن المقرر الإنتهاء من تصميم المحرك النووى هذا العام
على أن يستكمل باقى التصميم فى عام 2012
وسيتم بدء الإختبارات الأرضيه عليها فى عام 2014 على أن تنتهى فى عام 2015
وقال رئيس المعهد أن المشكله الرئيسيه التى تواجههم فى تصميم المحرك هى سائل التبريد
الخاص بالمحرك حيث يجب عليهم إختراع سائل جديد يعمل فى الفضاء الخارجى
ويمنع خروج الإشعاعات
The bench tests of TV3-117VMA-SBM1V engine have been completed
The bench tests of modernized TV3-117VMA-SBM1V engine for helicopters of Russian air forces have been successfully completed. It has been reported by the chairman of state commission, Lieutenant Colonel Vladislav Bruskov.
According to Anatoly Sitnov, this engine has no rivals in Russia and foreign countries. «Its special feature is the possibility of adjusting the automatic control system for different takeoff output – from 2500 to 2800 HP depending on the type of helicopter. It also has an increased resource – up to 4000 hours. At present, all the operated gas-turbine engines have a limitation by temperature of + 38 degrees, while TV3-117VMA-SBM1V may be operated in conditions with ambient temperature of + 52 – it means that you do not have to wait until sunset or temperature changes. You just get into the helicopter and fly in any conditions» - Anatoly Sitnov explained. He has also noted that: «70 cycles of state bench testing have been performed; the duration of each cycle is 5 hours. The takeoff power test included 4 cycles with duration of 1 hour each instead of 2.5 minutes. Each hour the engine has been working in accordance with full scheme with confirmation of all the main parameters. It means that in case one of the engines fails, the helicopter may return to its base of fly for 250-300 km during one hour. It is very important for such systems as Shtokman field, for taking part in operations in the mountains where there is no place for landing ».
Another significant indicator, which should be noted, is that TV3-117VMA-SBM1V can be launched at the altitude of 6000 meters. The real interruption of engine running in the altitude chamber – 9000 meters. «Thus, a helicopter will be able to fly even above Chomolungma, which has a height of 8800 meters, - Anatoly Sitnov explained. – Of course, the engine has some reproofs for refinement, which will help increase the characteristics, ergonomic components, applicability, etc. Anyway, the engine has succeeded and it will change the characteristics of such aircraft as Mi-24, Mi-35, Mi-28, Ka-50, Ka-52, Mi-8, Ka-32, Ka-27, etc. We already can say that we are moving to another platform. And the most important thing is that putting these engines into operation will significantly increase the endurance of aircraft. We have already confirmed the power of 2800 HP, and if we halve it - 1400 for each string – it is more than enough for the helicopter to reach the desired target or return to base using one engine. I can say that all the designers dream about it! ».
The next phase is flight testing. A new helicopter has been assigned by the Ministry of Defense for the flight testing. It will be delivered from Kazan helicopter plant in accordance with state defense order. It should be noted that TV3-117VMA-SBM1V has already passed the flight testing procedure in Ukraine on Mi-24 and Mi8MTV helicopters. Mi-8 has climbed at 8100 m in 13 minutes and Mi-24 – on 5000 m in 9 minutes. It is twice higher than the nominal climb-out speed for these aircraft.
Following the results of cooperation, Anatoly Sitnov said: «The fact that this engine will be manufactured in Gatchina on «218 Aircraft Repair Plant», proves that the enterprises of Ministry of Defense are leading the way. They have kept personnel, potential and capabilities for implementation of new programs. Ministry of Defense defines the most optimal means of fast re-equipping of its combat systems, helicopters, jets and tanks for new energetics. And it is good that the Minister of Defense defines the industrial policy in terms of manufacturing learning of new helicopter engines. It gives us a capability to avoid the agreements, endless meetings concerning “need or no need”. He says: «We need to do it». And i support him in this case! ».
Nikolay Zazulin, general-colonel, laureate of state prize of Russian Federation in the area of science and technic, member of the Russian Academy of Transport, has expressed his hope that after the completion of all the tests and acceptance of the engine the cooperation between Ministry of Defense, Vladimir Klimov – Motor Sich engines and 218 ARP will continue. «I think that the development of such engine is a real breakthrough. It is important that TV3-117VMA-SBM1V will be manufactured in terms of cooperation. At first, while the military enterprise will be mastering technology and adjusting production, the ready components and units will be supplied from Zaporozhye to Gatchina for assembly of new engines. The full-scale production of the engine will be launched there in future. The Minister of Defense, Anatoly Serdukov, and the commander in Chief of the Russian air forces, Alexander Zelin, have supported the testing and production of new engine in Gatchina. I believe that it will significantly increase the defensive potential of our aviation, because the rearmament of our army has been carried out in very slow paces earlier. The production of such engine in our country is the example showing the way we need to use in future. We need to modernize our industry, the enterprises which have been manufacturing the world’s best weaponry earlier. The armed forces need to be on high. The state is strong only when the army is strong and it needs financing for this» - Nikolay Zazulin noted.
In the end of the meeting the members of state commissions and employees of the enterprises, who has taken part in the bench testing of TV3-117VMA-SBM1V engine, have been awarded with diplomas and memorable watches. Vladimir Bruskov has expressed a special gratitude on behalf of military unit 22737 to the administration of 218 ARP. He noted that the enterprise has a worthy testbed base, but it is insufficient for further development, that is why Ministry of Defense has taken a decision on creation of the whole enterprise near St. Petersburg for re-engining and modernization of helicopters, which will allow manufacturing of the vehicles with higher characteristics for performing more complicated and important objectives.
إكتمال الإختبارات على محرك TV3 - 117VMA - SBM1V
وهو محرك للطائرات الهليكوبتر ويوصف بأنه محرك ثورى
يستطيع العمل فى درجة حراره تبلغ 52 درجه
مع أن معظم المحركات تعمل لغاية درجة حراره 38 درجه
هذا بالإضافه إلى قوته ومميزته الأخرى الجديده
وهذا المحرك الروسى الجديد لا يوجد له مثيل فى العالم
وسيستخدم فى كافة أنواع المروحيات الروسيه

The Russian air forces intend to acquire 120 Su-34 tactical bombers, reports. The Commander in Chief of the Russian air forces, General-Colonel Alexander Zelin, has declared this fact during MAKS-2011. According to him, five squadrons each including 24 bombers will be formed. Su-34s will be acquired gradually. For example, the Russian air forces will acquire 12 such aircraft in 2012.
It has been reported earlier that the air forces will receive six Su-34 tactical bombers in 2011. The jets will be delivered by Novosibirsk aviation production association named after Chkalov. Taking into account the new batch, the total number of Su-34s in the air forces will be 16. The Russian air forces have placed orders on 32 Su-34s so far; the number of such aircraft in operation should reach 70 by 2015.
The acquisition of new aircraft is being carried out within the framework of State program in the area of arms for 2011-2020, which has a scope of finance of 20 trillion rubles. In future Su-34s should form the basis of Russian tactical bomber aviation. The aircraft has a maximum flight speed of 1900 km/h, combat radius of 1100 km. Su-34 has 12 stations and may carry weapons with total weight of 8 tons
أعلن قائد القوات الجويه الروسيه أن سلاح الجو يخطط لشراء 120 قاذفه su34 لتكوين 5 أسراب
كل سرب يحتوى على 24 قاذفه
وقد إستلم سلاح الجو 6قاذفات هذا العام وسيتسلم العام القادم 2012 عدد 12 قاذفه
وبحلول عام 2015 سيكون إستلم 70 قاذفه وسيتم تسليم الباقى تبعآ
ومن المقرر أن تكون su34 القاذفه التكتيكيه الرئيسيه لسلاح الجو الروسى
وهذه القاذفه تصل سرعتها إلى 1900كم
وتستطيع حمل 8طن من القنابل
The first serial Т-50 will be delivered to Russian air forces in 2014–2015

The first serial fifth-generation Т-50 (PAK FA) fighter will be delivered to Russian air forces in 2014–2015, said the Commander in Chief of the Russian air forces General-Colonel Alexander Zelin.
«The test Т-50 aircraft will be completed in 2013, while the deliveries of serial jets will be started in 2014–2015», – said Zelin.
We remind you that the president of UAC, Mikhail Pogosyan, said today that five prototypes of PAK FA will undergo the flight testing and T-50 will become the basic aircraft of Russian and Indian air forces.
Russia and India have come to an arrangement on joint development and production of fifth-generation fighter.
مقاتلة الجيل الخامس الروسيه PAK FA ستنتهى من الإختبارات بحلول عام 2013
وسيتم الإنتاج المتسلسل لها فى عام 2014 2015
ويوجد خمس نماذج من المقاتله PAK FA
ومن المقرر أن تكون المقاتله الرئيسيه لسلاح الجو الروسى والهندى
The draft design of spaceship with nuclear engine will be created in 2012
The draft design of a spaceship with nuclear powerplant will be completed by the end of 2012 and the design if its nuclear reactor – in 2011, said CEO of Keldysh Research Center, Anatoly Koroteev, RIA Novosti reports.
"The draft design of reactor plant will be completed in 2011 and according to plan we should complete the design draft of the whole ship in 2012", - said Koroteev.
The Keldysh Research Center has presented a line of electroplasma engines and electrocomposites for turbines and nozzles of the “future ship” at MAKS-2011.
"Here at MAKS we are demonstrating the line of electroplasma engines developed in different years and we are making conclusions that we are able to reach the required power for the future project", - the academician said.
In addition, we are presenting the line of electrocomposites at the show for the first time. These materials are intended for development of high-temperature turbines and nozzles", - said Koroteev. According to him, the Keldysh Research Center must complete the physic-mathematical modeling of the space system with nuclear engine in 2012.
"The most difficult problem today is the development of cooler-transducer. It is a very stressed block of the nuclear powerplant. We have made a good progress in this direction: besides the layout of cooler-transducer on the stage of draft design we have chosen the special liquid, which is able to work in the outer space. Its designation is too complicated so I cannot pronounce it, but I can tell you that it is an organo-liquid composition, which is providing radiation stability during spaceflight", - said Koroteev.
The head of Keldysh Research Center reminded that, the start of ground testing of the spaceship with nuclear engine is planned on the end of 2014 and it should be completed in 2015.
"In addition, the model of electrical generator with noncontact rotor will be completed within the project’s framework in 2011. The models of turbo compressor should also be completed this year", - Koroteev noted.
Speaking about financing the academician said: "It was a hard period last year since the financing from Roscosmos was very low – only 70 million rubles and 40 of them were paid to Energia for development of its part of the program. But the financing has been increased this year. We have enough money now", - Koroteev concluded
ذكر رئيس مركز بحوث Keldysh
إنه سيتم الإنتهاء من تصميم مركبه فضائيه تعمل بمحرك نووى
فى عام 2012 ومن المقرر الإنتهاء من تصميم المحرك النووى هذا العام
على أن يستكمل باقى التصميم فى عام 2012
وسيتم بدء الإختبارات الأرضيه عليها فى عام 2014 على أن تنتهى فى عام 2015
وقال رئيس المعهد أن المشكله الرئيسيه التى تواجههم فى تصميم المحرك هى سائل التبريد
الخاص بالمحرك حيث يجب عليهم إختراع سائل جديد يعمل فى الفضاء الخارجى
ويمنع خروج الإشعاعات
The bench tests of TV3-117VMA-SBM1V engine have been completed
The bench tests of modernized TV3-117VMA-SBM1V engine for helicopters of Russian air forces have been successfully completed. It has been reported by the chairman of state commission, Lieutenant Colonel Vladislav Bruskov.

The act has been presented to the President, Chairman of the Board of “Vladimir Klimov – Motor Sich engines”, Anatoly Sitnov, during a solemn ceremony. He said: «There is no noticing preventing this engine being phased in and the list of shortcomings is very short. We have some acts with around 150 positions and this time this number is very low. It underlines the technical perfection of the engine. I would also like to admit that the engineering changes made in the basic model during creation of TV3-117VMA-SBM1V significantly increase its competitiveness».
According to Anatoly Sitnov, this engine has no rivals in Russia and foreign countries. «Its special feature is the possibility of adjusting the automatic control system for different takeoff output – from 2500 to 2800 HP depending on the type of helicopter. It also has an increased resource – up to 4000 hours. At present, all the operated gas-turbine engines have a limitation by temperature of + 38 degrees, while TV3-117VMA-SBM1V may be operated in conditions with ambient temperature of + 52 – it means that you do not have to wait until sunset or temperature changes. You just get into the helicopter and fly in any conditions» - Anatoly Sitnov explained. He has also noted that: «70 cycles of state bench testing have been performed; the duration of each cycle is 5 hours. The takeoff power test included 4 cycles with duration of 1 hour each instead of 2.5 minutes. Each hour the engine has been working in accordance with full scheme with confirmation of all the main parameters. It means that in case one of the engines fails, the helicopter may return to its base of fly for 250-300 km during one hour. It is very important for such systems as Shtokman field, for taking part in operations in the mountains where there is no place for landing ».
Another significant indicator, which should be noted, is that TV3-117VMA-SBM1V can be launched at the altitude of 6000 meters. The real interruption of engine running in the altitude chamber – 9000 meters. «Thus, a helicopter will be able to fly even above Chomolungma, which has a height of 8800 meters, - Anatoly Sitnov explained. – Of course, the engine has some reproofs for refinement, which will help increase the characteristics, ergonomic components, applicability, etc. Anyway, the engine has succeeded and it will change the characteristics of such aircraft as Mi-24, Mi-35, Mi-28, Ka-50, Ka-52, Mi-8, Ka-32, Ka-27, etc. We already can say that we are moving to another platform. And the most important thing is that putting these engines into operation will significantly increase the endurance of aircraft. We have already confirmed the power of 2800 HP, and if we halve it - 1400 for each string – it is more than enough for the helicopter to reach the desired target or return to base using one engine. I can say that all the designers dream about it! ».
The next phase is flight testing. A new helicopter has been assigned by the Ministry of Defense for the flight testing. It will be delivered from Kazan helicopter plant in accordance with state defense order. It should be noted that TV3-117VMA-SBM1V has already passed the flight testing procedure in Ukraine on Mi-24 and Mi8MTV helicopters. Mi-8 has climbed at 8100 m in 13 minutes and Mi-24 – on 5000 m in 9 minutes. It is twice higher than the nominal climb-out speed for these aircraft.
Following the results of cooperation, Anatoly Sitnov said: «The fact that this engine will be manufactured in Gatchina on «218 Aircraft Repair Plant», proves that the enterprises of Ministry of Defense are leading the way. They have kept personnel, potential and capabilities for implementation of new programs. Ministry of Defense defines the most optimal means of fast re-equipping of its combat systems, helicopters, jets and tanks for new energetics. And it is good that the Minister of Defense defines the industrial policy in terms of manufacturing learning of new helicopter engines. It gives us a capability to avoid the agreements, endless meetings concerning “need or no need”. He says: «We need to do it». And i support him in this case! ».
Nikolay Zazulin, general-colonel, laureate of state prize of Russian Federation in the area of science and technic, member of the Russian Academy of Transport, has expressed his hope that after the completion of all the tests and acceptance of the engine the cooperation between Ministry of Defense, Vladimir Klimov – Motor Sich engines and 218 ARP will continue. «I think that the development of such engine is a real breakthrough. It is important that TV3-117VMA-SBM1V will be manufactured in terms of cooperation. At first, while the military enterprise will be mastering technology and adjusting production, the ready components and units will be supplied from Zaporozhye to Gatchina for assembly of new engines. The full-scale production of the engine will be launched there in future. The Minister of Defense, Anatoly Serdukov, and the commander in Chief of the Russian air forces, Alexander Zelin, have supported the testing and production of new engine in Gatchina. I believe that it will significantly increase the defensive potential of our aviation, because the rearmament of our army has been carried out in very slow paces earlier. The production of such engine in our country is the example showing the way we need to use in future. We need to modernize our industry, the enterprises which have been manufacturing the world’s best weaponry earlier. The armed forces need to be on high. The state is strong only when the army is strong and it needs financing for this» - Nikolay Zazulin noted.
In the end of the meeting the members of state commissions and employees of the enterprises, who has taken part in the bench testing of TV3-117VMA-SBM1V engine, have been awarded with diplomas and memorable watches. Vladimir Bruskov has expressed a special gratitude on behalf of military unit 22737 to the administration of 218 ARP. He noted that the enterprise has a worthy testbed base, but it is insufficient for further development, that is why Ministry of Defense has taken a decision on creation of the whole enterprise near St. Petersburg for re-engining and modernization of helicopters, which will allow manufacturing of the vehicles with higher characteristics for performing more complicated and important objectives.
إكتمال الإختبارات على محرك TV3 - 117VMA - SBM1V
وهو محرك للطائرات الهليكوبتر ويوصف بأنه محرك ثورى
يستطيع العمل فى درجة حراره تبلغ 52 درجه
مع أن معظم المحركات تعمل لغاية درجة حراره 38 درجه
هذا بالإضافه إلى قوته ومميزته الأخرى الجديده
وهذا المحرك الروسى الجديد لا يوجد له مثيل فى العالم
وسيستخدم فى كافة أنواع المروحيات الروسيه