Russia Outlines 10-Year $640B Buying Plans
MOSCOW - Russian officials have revealed a few details about Moscow's $640 billion effort to bring 80 percent of the military's arsenal up to modern standards by 2020.
The defense ministry will buy about 600 airplanes and more than 1,000 helicopters, Vladimir Popovkin, the first deputy defense minister in charge of arms procurement, told reporters Feb. 24. About 100 helicopters will be purchased this year, Popovkin said.
The Navy should receive about 100 new vessels, including 35 corvettes, 15 frigates and 20 submarines. Of the submarines, eight should be of the nuclear Borei class, carrying Bulava multiwarhead naval intercontinental ballistic missiles that the ministry plans to commission later this year after additional tests.
The ministry will fund the development of a new liquid-fuel heavy intercontinental ballistic missile, to replace aging RS-18 Stilleto (SS-19 NATO codename) and RS-20 Satan (SS-18 NATO codename), Popovkin said. Such missiles can carry up to 10 warheads, he said, while solid fuel missiles, such as Topol, can carry maximum three warheads.
Russia will buy 10 batteries of the advanced S-500 anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense missiles, expected to be put in service in 2014, as well as 56 S-400 missile batteries.
Ten percent of the money, or about $64 billion, will be spent on developing new weaponry, Popovkin sai. This means nearly tripling annual spending on the research and design, he said.
The program envisages the procurement of two Mistral aircraft carriers, in addition to the two that Russia is buying from France, as well as Iveco light multirole vehicles from Italy. The military does not plan massive procurement of the foreign-made weapons, though small batches of drones, sniper guns and French-made Felin infantry combat suits will be bought by the Russian Armed Forces, Popovich said.
Seventy percent of the money under the program is supposed to be spent after 2015, he said.
The government will lend $24 billion to defense companies to help them prepare for bigger contracts after 2015.
افرجت موسكو عن معلومات لصفقه تحديث جيشها والتى تبلغ 640 مليار دولار تمثل نحو 80% من الجيش الروسى بحلول 2020
وقد اعلنت و
زاره الدفاع الروسيه عن شراء مايزيد عن 600 مقاتله حديثه بالاضافه الى مايزيد عن 1000 مروحيه على ان تدخل قرابه 100 مروحيه هذا العام كما ستدخل البحريه قرابه المائه قطعه شامله 35 كورفيت و15 فرقاطه و20 غواصه منها 9 نوويه تحمل الصاروخ بولفا كما انها ستعيد تمويل الصاروخ العابر للقارات ذات الوقود السائل ليحل محل الصاروخ ار اس استليتو 18 ويعد ار اس 20 قادر على حمل 10راس حربى متنوع عكس توبل الذى يستطيع حمل ثلاثه روس فقط .
وستشترى روسيا ايضا 10 بطاريات من طراز s500بعيد المدى والمتوقع دوخوله الخدمه سنه 2014 مع 56بطاريه s400
الجدير بالذكر بان جزء من هذا المال سينفق على تطوير الاسلحه ويقدر ب64 مليار دولار
وتشمل قائمه الشراء ايضا شراء حاملتين ميسترال من فرنسا غير الاثنين الذين تم التعاقد عليهم بالفعل وشراء افيكو المركبه الصغيره الايطاليه المتعدده المهام وبعض من طائرات التجسس عاليه التكنولوجيا

الجدير بالذكر بان اكث من 70% من الانفاق سيتم بعد 2015 .
MOSCOW - Russian officials have revealed a few details about Moscow's $640 billion effort to bring 80 percent of the military's arsenal up to modern standards by 2020.
The defense ministry will buy about 600 airplanes and more than 1,000 helicopters, Vladimir Popovkin, the first deputy defense minister in charge of arms procurement, told reporters Feb. 24. About 100 helicopters will be purchased this year, Popovkin said.
The Navy should receive about 100 new vessels, including 35 corvettes, 15 frigates and 20 submarines. Of the submarines, eight should be of the nuclear Borei class, carrying Bulava multiwarhead naval intercontinental ballistic missiles that the ministry plans to commission later this year after additional tests.
The ministry will fund the development of a new liquid-fuel heavy intercontinental ballistic missile, to replace aging RS-18 Stilleto (SS-19 NATO codename) and RS-20 Satan (SS-18 NATO codename), Popovkin said. Such missiles can carry up to 10 warheads, he said, while solid fuel missiles, such as Topol, can carry maximum three warheads.
Russia will buy 10 batteries of the advanced S-500 anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense missiles, expected to be put in service in 2014, as well as 56 S-400 missile batteries.
Ten percent of the money, or about $64 billion, will be spent on developing new weaponry, Popovkin sai. This means nearly tripling annual spending on the research and design, he said.
The program envisages the procurement of two Mistral aircraft carriers, in addition to the two that Russia is buying from France, as well as Iveco light multirole vehicles from Italy. The military does not plan massive procurement of the foreign-made weapons, though small batches of drones, sniper guns and French-made Felin infantry combat suits will be bought by the Russian Armed Forces, Popovich said.
Seventy percent of the money under the program is supposed to be spent after 2015, he said.
The government will lend $24 billion to defense companies to help them prepare for bigger contracts after 2015.
افرجت موسكو عن معلومات لصفقه تحديث جيشها والتى تبلغ 640 مليار دولار تمثل نحو 80% من الجيش الروسى بحلول 2020

وقد اعلنت و

وستشترى روسيا ايضا 10 بطاريات من طراز s500بعيد المدى والمتوقع دوخوله الخدمه سنه 2014 مع 56بطاريه s400
الجدير بالذكر بان جزء من هذا المال سينفق على تطوير الاسلحه ويقدر ب64 مليار دولار

وتشمل قائمه الشراء ايضا شراء حاملتين ميسترال من فرنسا غير الاثنين الذين تم التعاقد عليهم بالفعل وشراء افيكو المركبه الصغيره الايطاليه المتعدده المهام وبعض من طائرات التجسس عاليه التكنولوجيا

الجدير بالذكر بان اكث من 70% من الانفاق سيتم بعد 2015 .