تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

نسر الاطلس

صقور الدفاع
15 يوليو 2009
28,623 59 0
المغرب تعاقد على شراء 125 دبابة T90S يعني النسخه المهجنه من التي90




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التعديل الأخير:
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

ابرامز و t90

أسأل الله أن يجعلها شوكة في نحر كل من يريد بأهل المغرب سوء
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

نعم وجدت الخبر لكن لم أكن متأكذ لذالك لم أضعه
لقد قلبو لي رأسي ت90 إن كانت موجدة إبرامز الخالد م60 هجينة الإبرامز من يتحدى
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

ابرامز و T-90 و VT-1A و M-60A3 الى جانب T-72 و ليوبارد
من سوف يجرا على تحدى او حتى الاقتراب بوجود هذا سداسي المدمر و الخطير

صور من اجل تدكير لمن سوف تخونه الداكرة

ابرامز M1A1




و ان شاء الله بهذا تمويه مخيف




M60 A3






نعم وجدت الخبر لكن لم أكن متأكذ لذالك لم أضعه
لقد قلبو لي رأسي ت90 إن كانت موجدة إبرامز الخالد م60 هجينة الإبرامز من يتحدى
التعديل الأخير:
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

لكن وجود ست انواع من الدبابات يعني تكاليف اكبر ساء على مستوى الصيانة والتكوين والدعم
بل حتى لا قدر الله على ارض المعركة
انا اعتقد ان المغرب سيتعاقد على نوعين بالكاثر من بين هذه الستة فلا اظن انه سيغفل عن هذه الجزئيات
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

المصدر لا يأكد شراء المغرب للتي - 90 الروسيه ، بل يقول ان المغرب رصد اعتمادات ماليه ((( لإحتمال ))) شراء 140 دبابه ام - 60 من امريكا و 125 دبابه تي - 90 من روسيا.

الأحتمال يختلف اختلافا كليا عن التأكيد.
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

ان شاء الله تكون من نصيب المغرب الشقيق والله دبابات ممتازة
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

الخالد2 إستلمها المغرب الإبرامز قريب جدا 140 م60 موجودة وتسمى هجينة الإبرامز برج إبرامز محركها وعدة أشياء أخرى ت90 منذ أكثر من سنتين والصحف تذكر أنها موجودة والآن هذا المصدر لاكن لاأظن أن المغرب سيشتريها
الليوبارد ليس لدي فكرة لاكن ستكون ههه الآن ماهو مؤكد الخالد2 الإبرامز وهجينتها
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

الله أكبر سداسي مخيف خليط قوي ألأبراماز و التي90 الله أكبر ان وضعوهما في الصحراء مع تغطبة من الآف-16 تطهير شامل لما يسمى بالبوليزبال
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

الخالد2 إستلمها المغرب الإبرامز قريب جدا 140 م60 موجودة وتسمى هجينة الإبرامز برج إبرامز محركها وعدة أشياء أخرى ت90 منذ أكثر من سنتين والصحف تذكر أنها موجودة والآن هذا المصدر لاكن لاأظن أن المغرب سيشتريها
الليوبارد ليس لدي فكرة لاكن ستكون ههه الآن ماهو مؤكد الخالد2 الإبرامز وهجينتها

أخي المغرب اشتري دبابه vt-1a وهي النسخه الصينيه من الخالد الباكستانيه والمخصصه للتصدير ولم يشتري الخالد الباكستانيه ، لايوجد دبابه الخالد2 في الوقت الحالي حيث انها مازالت علي الورق ، باكستان انتهت حاليا من انتاج نموذج لدبابه الخالد 1 ، ولم يدخل بعد مرحله التصنيع العسكري ، لذلك شراء المغرب للخالد 2 هو امر غير صحيح.
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

أنا عندي كتاب the military balance 2010
و لم أقرأ حتى الأن هاته الأشياء في انتضار تكملته
مع الوقت سيضهر صحة من عدم صحة هدا الخبر
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

يبدو أن مصدرك يا أخي houri جيد جدا
هاته بعض الصفقات الدي دكرها عجبني المصدر

Morocco August 3, 2007
60 M109A5 155mm self-propelled howitzers, 30
HMMWVs with equipment, training and services
$29 million
Morocco December 18, 2007
24 F-16C/D Block 50/52 aircraft with weapons
systems, equipment, training and services
$2.4 billion
Morocco December 18, 2007
24 T-6B Texan aircraft with equipment, training
and services
$200 million
Morocco July 30, 2008
Support equipment and weapons for F-16 C/D
Block 50/52 including 30 AIM-120C-7 AMRAAM,
and other weapons systems, components,
equipment, training and services
$155 million
Morocco May 18, 2009
One Gulfstream G-550 with equipment and
$142 million
Morocco September 9, 2009
Support equipment and weapons for F-16 C/D
Block 50/52 including 40 LAU-129A launchers, 20
AGM-65D MAVERICK, 60 Enhanced GBU-12
PAVEWAY II kits and other weapons systems,
components, equipment training and services
$187 million
Morocco October 26, 2009
CH-47D CHINOOK helicopters with equipment,
training and services
$134 millio
أنا عندي كتاب the military balance 2010
هدا الرابط لتحميله
و هنا يتكلم عن مناورات الأسد الأفريقي
كتاب رائحة أدعو لتحميله
28 April–04 June AFRICAN LION
MOR (Tifnit) Trg incl comms, C2, PKO, medical
and avn ops
MOR: 650 pers, incl F-5, C-130 US: 650 pers
incl USMC, KC-130
و هنا عن البعتات المغربية لسلام
المصدر التي أعطيته حتى هو من أروع ما يكون أخي أشياء مدققو للغاية

Morocco Russia 2004 -
Tunguska-M1 gun/missile
SHORAD system
$100 million
Morocco France 2006 - Mirage F1CH/EH upgrades $460 million
Netherlands 2008 2011 3 SIGMA frigates $824 million
France 2008 2012 1 FREMM frigate $676 million
Italy 2008 2010 4 C-27J transport aircraft $166 millio
أما عن ت-90 فهو فقط دكر احتمال شراء من المغرب
يحتمل 140 نموذج في
M60s من الولايات المتحدة و 125 تي 90s من روسيا.
و يبدو أن المغرب اختار يا أخي الأبراهمز و الدبابة الصينية و م-60 الهجينة
و شيء أخر عدد الأبراهمز سيزداد الى 500 دبابة بعد الأنسحاب الشامل للقوات الأمريكية من العراق
كما دكر الرابط الرائع الدي وضعته صفقات أخرى عن المغرب و المعروفة
a 2004 order for the TunguskaM1 gun/missile short-to-medium range SP air defense system with the Russian arms
export entity Rosoboronexport.
Estimated at $100 million at the time, the order‟s
completion cannot be verified
التعديل الأخير:
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

كما تكلم المصدر عن صفقات الجو المغربية بكل دقة
In 2010, IISS reported that Morocco‟s 24 F-16s remained on order and had yet to be
This seems to be corroborated by data provided by the Congressional
Research Service that shows that U.S. deliveries to Morocco remained limited in 2009.
In late 2009 Jane‟s reported that Morocco should begin receiving its F-16s in the 2010-
2011 timeframe,
however major FMS systems cases can take anywhere from 3-7 years
to implement and it will be some time before Morocco both receives and effectively
integrates these new holdings into its air force order of battle.
Morocco‟s air-to-air and air-to-surface munitions were also slated to be upgraded and
augmented to match the F-16 purchase. DSCA reported to Congress that Morocco an
FMS that included:
30 AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles
60 AIM-9M Sidewinder air-to-air missiles
20 HARM anti-radiation/radar missiles
Eight AGM-65D/G Maverick air-to-surface missiles
45 AGM-65H Maverick air-to-surface missilesCordesman & Nerguizian: The North African Military Balance 12/07/10 Page 40
50 JDAM tail kits, including 20 GBU-31 for Mk-82 500-lb bombs and 30 GBU-
38 for Mk-84 2000-lb bombs
20 GBU-24 Paveway III kits
50 GBU-10 Paveway II kits
150 GPU-12 Paveway II kits
60 Enhanced GBU-12 Paveway II bombs
300 Mk-82 training bombs
60,000 20-mm training projectiles
4,000 ALE-47 self-protection chaff and equipment
4,000 ALE-47 self-protection flares and equipment
The FMS was estimated to be as high as $155 million, and coupled with F-16s would not
only give Morocco‟s air force significant capabilities in terms of air-to-air and air-tosurface targeting, tracking and precision attack, it would also provide Morocco with nonnegligible anti-radar capabilities in the form of the HARM anti-radiation missile – a
capability that Algeria and Tunisia did not possess at the time, while Libya‟s anti-radar
missiles are older or obsolescent systems.
On September 9, 2009, Morocco requested the purchase of additional support equipment
for its fleet of F-16C/Ds. According to the DSCA, the $187 million deal includes:
40 LAU-129A launchers
20 AGM-65D Maverick missiles
Four AGM-65D Maverick training missiles
60 Enhanced GBU-12 Paveway II kits
28 M61 20 mm Vulcan cannons
One ground based simulator
40 LAU-119A missile rails
Six AN/AAQ-33 SNIPER targeting pods with ground stations
30 AN/AVS-9 night visions goggles
In addition to its need for modern fighter and ground attack aircraft, the Moroccan air
force lacks advanced combat training capability. In 2009 Morocco finalized the purchase
of as many as 24 T-6C Texan II training aircraft and supporting equipment and
electronics including GPS/inertial navigation systems (INS) from the US. The FMS may
cost as much as $200 million. The T-6C is expected to supplement or replace the air
force‟s existing T-37 trainers, which are high-maintenance, exhibit high fuel consumption
and low mission rates. The T-6s are expected to reduce Moroccan fuel requirements for
training by as much as 66 percent.
However, this does not address Morocco‟s
continuing maintenance problems and a heavy dependence on foreign technicians.Cordesman & Nerguizian: The North African Military Balance 12/07/10 Page 41
Morocco has also turned to the U.S.to supplement its rotary transport capability. In
October 2009, DSCA notified Congress that Morocco had requested to purchase three
Boeing CH-47 Chinook heavy/medium lift transport helicopters. The $134 million deal
will also include more powerful Honeywell T55-GA-714A turboshaft engines as well as
other systems, parts, and support
لكن لأخواني ماد يقصد ب f-16s
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

و هنا نتكلم عن القوات البحرية و صفقاتها الجديدة

on february 8, 2008, dutch firm schelde naval shipbuilding secured an $824 million
contract with the moroccan navy for the construction of three sigma-class corvettes,
one of which is to be the larger 105-meter variant while the remaining two are to be
smaller at 98-meters with delivery estimated for 2011-2012. The ships are likely to be cordesman & nerguizian: The north african military balance 12/07/10 page 43
armed with a single oto melara 76/62 gun, four mbda mm40 exocet surface-to-surface
missiles and mbda‟s vertical-launched (vl) mica point-defense system.
the three
ships will also be equipped with the tacticos combat management system, a
smart-s mk2 surveillance radar, a likod mk2 tracking radar, a kingklip hullmounted sonar, along with an iff system and am electronic support and countermeasure
the first of the three moroccan sigma‟s – the larger 105-meter variant equipped
with tactical command facilities and addition accommodations – was launched on july
12, 2010 and is expected to enter service in late 2011 with its two smaller sister vessels
launching in 2011.
on april 18, 2008, morocco finalized a deal to acquire a fremm multi-mission frigate
from france. The deal was expected to fall through, given morocco‟s decision to acquire
three sigma corvettes, however, given morocco‟s decision to opt for u.s. 24 f-16s
instead of the more expensive 18 dassault rafales, rabat‟s decision may have been
motivated by a desire to buttress continued good relations with france. Slated for
delivery in 2012-2013, the new 5,800-ton class of vessels is meant to boost france and
italy‟s naval anti-submarine, anti-surface, anti-air and land-strike capabilities, and there
will be versions to meet all these roles.
valued at $750 million, morocco‟s commitment
to acquire a fremm-based frigate from france coincided with rabat‟s decision to go
ahead with an f-16 purchase from the us over the french rafale.
despite its limited defenses budget, the acquisition of three sigma-class corvettes and
one fremm-class frigate would double morocco‟s fleet of major missile-armed naval
assets by 2013, not taking into account a sizeable increase in overall major ship quality
يبدو أن الطرجمة سهلة في متل هاته الأمور فيكفيك الفرنسية ان لم تكن تعرف الأنجليزية لفهم بعض الأمور
و ان كنت تجيد أو 2/10 في الأنجليزية ستفهم المضمون
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

و هنا يتكلم عن عدد قوات الدرك الملكي و القوات المساعدة
morocco gendarmerie
20,000 - 2 rallye 235
guerrier (trainer)
2 sa-360
dauphin (sar)
6 sa-342k
6 sa-330 puma
3 sa-318b lama
2 sa-316
alouette iii
3 sa-318
alouette ii
18 patrol and
coastal combats
force auxiliaire 30,000
5,000 mobile
- - 37 patrol and
7 sar craf
و بالنسبة لي طائرات الحرب الألكتروني

Falcon 20 ELINT 2
C-130 Elint 2
التعديل الأخير:
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

morocco‟s forces included fighter ground-attack squadrons consisting of eight f-5as,
two f-5bs, 20 f-5es, three f-5fs, and 14 mirage f-1ehs, plus one air defense squadron
with 19 mirage f-1chs. The moroccan air force is also now equipped with 24 f-16
block 52 fighter aircraft, including 18 f-16cs and six f-16ds.
Morocco had relatively modern air munitions, including some aim-9b/d/j sidewinders,
r-530s, r-550 magic air-to-air missiles, as well as agm-62b walleye and agm-65b
mavericks air-to-surface missiles for its f-5es.
Its transport forces were relatively large and included 15 c-130h, six cn-235, two do-
28, and two falcon 20, plus one falcon 50, two gulfstream, four king air 100 and five
super king air 200. Morocco is one of the few air forces with tanker and mid-air
refueling assets; it has one b-707 and two kc-130h transport/tanker aircraft. Morocco
makes extensive use of air transport and supply in its operations against the polisario.
In addition, the air force is effective in using its reconnaissance aircraft, and its 4 ov-10
broncos and ch-130s with slar have proven to be of considerable value in monitoring
the defensive wall in the western sahara and locating and targeting polisario movements
with vehicles. It seems able to make effective use of its two c-130 and two falcon 20
elint aircraft, and is one of the few regional air forces with such an electronic cordesman & nerguizian: The north african military balance 12/07/10 page 69
intelligence capability. It acquired a westinghouse air defense system in the early 1980s,
and has moderately effective warning and combat air control capability.
Morocco had 19 sa-342 armed helicopters, seven armed with hot anti-tank guided
missiles and 12 armed with cannons. These armed helicopters do not have advanced
sensors and avionics, but are adequate for day combat. Morocco also has eight ch-47
heavy transport helicopters, 24 medium transport helicopters, and 41 light helicopters.
Helicopter mobility and readiness are good by regional standards
و هنا الكلام عن القوة الجوية المغربية
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

المزيد من التقدم ولازدهار لقواتنا المسلحة الباسلة
وعاش الملك
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

المزيد من التقدم ولازدهار لقواتنا المسلحة الباسلة
وعاش الملك
رد: تاكيد صفقة 90t للمغرب

الخالد2 إستلمها المغرب الإبرام إستلمها 140 م60 موجودة وتسمى هجينة الإبرامز برج إبرامز محركها وعدة أشياء أخرى ت إستلمها90