شروط القبول بالكلية الجوية المصرية


15 مايو 2010
1,131 1 7
cadets must :
1-Be Egyptian by heridity from forefathers
2-Have good manners, tendencies and must be trusted inorder not to affect the security of the Armed Forces and its reputation.
3-Not married or have been previously married.
4-Be clean living.
5-Not have been exp
Aim of the Egyptian Air Academy
Preparing and supplying the Air Forces with Pilots, navigators andair military officers.
elled or resigned from any military academy.
Qualifications 1-cadets must have the secondary school certificate (science or math)regardless the applicant grades2-cadets should apply within two years of the date of obtaining thesecondary school certificate, not more, unless he is enrolledina college or high institute.
Not more the 21 years on the day of starting the study at the Air Academy
Applicant must pass medical, physical, national awareness and
Rewards For Cadets During the period of study
Distinguished students in the secondary school certificate who areaccepted in the EAA are given a reward every year.

The period and stages of studying at the E.A.A
Three academic years during which the cadet studies the scientificand theoretical subjects in the following wings:-

1-The cadet studies theoretical and practical flying at the flying wing.
2-The cadet studies general military subject- flying subjects-administration and humanities- computer- foreign languages at thescience wing.

Laboratories and Training Aids
The Following labs were established at the Air Academy
Language lab.
Computer lab.
Electronic lab.
Class for learning types of engines using its original models.
Class for learning Air Frames and its circuits.
Class for wireless and radar training.
Flying simulators.
Air navigation equipment class.
In addition to a library that includes ten thousands of different
books in the field of flying, air navigation and military subjects.

Address and telephone of the E.A.A
Box office 44632, Egptian Air Academy , Belbais, SharkiaGovernorate,Egypt
Air Academy Telephone number: Cairo (02) 403-9464 .
Air Academy FAX number : Cairo (02) 403-9881 .

Certificates awarded:
the pilot cadet is awarded the degree ofbachelor of flying and flying sign in addition to the international
commercial pilot permission.
*Upon graduation, the navigation cadet is awarded the degree ofbachelor of air navigation and air navigation sign.

Rewards For Cadets During the period of study
Distinguished students in the secondary school certificate who areaccepted in the EAA are given a reward every year.

The period and stages of studying at the E.A.A
Three academic years during which the cadet studies the scientificand theoretical subjects in the following wings:-

1-The cadet studies theoretical and practical flying at the flying wing.
2-The cadet studies general military subject- flying subjects-administration and humanities- computer- foreign languages at thescience wing.

Laboratories and Training Aids
The Following labs were established at the Air Academy
Language lab.
Computer lab.
Electronic lab.
Class for learning types of engines using its original models.
Class for learning Air Frames and its circuits.
Class for wireless and radar training.
Flying simulators.
Air navigation equipment class.
In addition to a library that includes ten thousands of different
books in the field of flying, air navigation and military subjects.

Address and telephone of the E.A.A
Box office 44632, Egptian Air Academy , Belbais, SharkiaGovernorate,Egypt
Air Academy Telephone number: Cairo (02) 403-9464 .
Air Academy FAX number : Cairo (02) 403-9881 .

Certificates awarded:
the pilot cadet is awarded the degree ofbachelor of flying and flying sign in addition to the international
commercial pilot permission.
*Upon graduation, the navigation cadet is awarded the degree ofbachelor of air navigation and air navigation sign.
Rewards For Cadets During the period of study
Distinguished students in the secondary school certificate who areaccepted in the EAA are given a reward every year.

The period and stages of studying at the E.A.A
Three academic years during which the cadet studies the scientificand theoretical subjects in the following wings:-

1-The cadet studies theoretical and practical flying at the flying wing.
2-The cadet studies general military subject- flying subjects-administration and humanities- computer- foreign languages at thescience wing.

Laboratories and Training Aids
The Following labs were established at the Air Academy
Language lab.
Computer lab.
Electronic lab.
Class for learning types of engines using its original models.
Class for learning Air Frames and its circuits.
Class for wireless and radar training.
Flying simulators.
Air navigation equipment class.
In addition to a library that includes ten thousands of different
books in the field of flying, air navigation and military subjects.

Address and telephone of the E.A.A
Box office 44632, Egptian Air Academy , Belbais, SharkiaGovernorate,Egypt
Air Academy Telephone number: Cairo (02) 403-9464 .
Air Academy FAX number : Cairo (02) 403-9881 .

Certificates awarded:
the pilot cadet is awarded the degree ofbachelor of flying and flying sign in addition to the international
commercial pilot permission.
*Upon graduation, the navigation cadet is awarded the degree ofbachelor of air navigation and air navigation sign.

The Countries that have sent cadets forstudying at the E.A.A
The Arab countries:-Saudi Arabia- Libya –Syria- Kuwait- Morocco- Iraq- Yemen- Algeria-Bahrain –Somalia- Sudan- United Arab Emirates- Jordan.
Asian countries:-Malaysia.
African countries:-Tanzania- Guinea – Zaire- Nigeria-Burundi- Upper volta- Angola-Zambia - Kenya.
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رد: شروط القبول بالكلية الجوية المصرية

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