السلام عليكم
هذا هو اول موضوع لى فى هذا المنتدى الذى اتشرف بالانتساب اليه و لعلها تكون فى موضوع يتشوق اليه الكثير من جموع الشعب المصرى و الكثير من الاخوه العرب و المسلمين خاصة فيما يتعلق بتوازن الردع الاستراتيجى فى منطقة الشرق الاوسط
فعلى مدار اكثر من خمس سنوات مضت تطالعنى الكثير من الاخبار والتقارير تتحدث عن برنامج نووى مصرى لعلى اضع بين ايديكم منها ما يلى /
ذكر موقع اخبار اسرائيل الغير خاضعه للرقابه israeli uncensored news تقرير بعنوان ( الوكاله الدوليه تؤكد - مصر لديها برنامج للاسلحه النوويه ) جاء فيه
منذ سنوات كانت لدينا تقارير استخباراتيه تقول بان مصر تقوم بتشغيل برنامج سرى للاسلحه النوويه وبعض محللى الاستخبارات الاسرائيليه اكدوا حقيقة ذالك وان مصر تقوم بتشغيل مفاعلات نوويه و هذا الراى لا يحظى بشعبيه بين الساسه الاسرائيلين و الامريكيين لان العقلانيه هى السبيل الوحيد و انه لا يمكن مهاجمة المفاعلات النوويه المصريه بسبب اتفاقية السلام الموقعه بين مصر و اسرائيل وقد سرب بعض المسئولين تقارير تثبت ان مفتشى الوكاله الدوليه للطاقه الذريه قد عثروا على ادله تثبت تجربة بعض اسلحة اليورانيوم قرب مفاعل انشاص حيث توجد المفاعلات النوويه المصريه
وما كان من المصريين سوى المراوغه بسخافه وادعاء انه نتيجه لبرنامج الاستخدام للنظائر المشعه فى المجال الطبى
والان بات من المؤكد ان مصر قد تمكنت ببطئ من تركم اليوانيوم واثراء البحث لصناعة عدد قليل من الاسلحه النوويه وليس اقل من المؤكد ان الحكومه الاسرائيليه سوف تبقى جبانه و رأسها فى الرمال وتتمسك بمعاهدة سلام وهميه بدلا من ان تقوم بقصف المفاعلات النوويه المصريه على الفور
وربما يكون هذا التسريب ينسب الى ايران التى تسعى الى احراج مصر بعد العداء الذى نمى بينهم فى الفتره الاخيره وربما تكون هذه هى رساله من امريكا مفادها ان على اسرائيلى عدم الاستمرار فى قصف جميع المفاعلات فى المنطقه المجاوره و التعايش مع ايران النوويه .
وما لفت انتباهى هو تعليقات الاسرائيليين التى يغلب عليها
الرعب و تعليقات الايرانيين التى تدل على رغبتهم فى التواطؤ مع اليهود و التحالف معهم
IAEA confirms: Egypt has nuclear weapons program
For years, we’ve been arguing that Egypt is running a low-profile military nuclear program. Some Israeli intelligence analysts share our view based on the fact that Egypt operates lab-size nuclear reactors. This view is unpopular among Israeli and American politicians because the only rational course of action, attacking the Egyptian reactors, is not feasible due to the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty.
The International Atomic Energy Agency’s officials leaked the 2007 and 2008 reports which prove that weapons-grade uranium has been found near Inshas, where the Egyptian nuclear reactors are located.
The Egyptians have been evasive on this matter, ludicrously blaming the uranium traces on medical radio isotopes used in their program.
Now it is absolutely certain that Egypt has very slowly been accumulating uranium, enriching it in its research facilities in order to make a small number of nuclear weapons. It is no less certain that the gutless Israeli government will keep its head in the sand and stick to the fake peace treaty instead of bombing the Egyptian nuclear reactors immediately.
The IAEA leak can possibly be attributed to Iran, which sought to embarrass Egypt after their recent feud, but more likely it is the work of American diplomats who thus send Israel a message that she cannot go on bombing all the reactors in the vicinity, and must put up with a nuclear Iran.
06 May 2009 Egypt, feature
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Imagine the Muslim Brotherhood winning elections and getting hold on Egypt’s nuclear weapons
admin 07 June 2009
Egyptian Nuclear program may seem to be of a very small size at first glance comparing with Iran, for example. Nevertheless, Egyptian Nuclear program may turn out to be even worse than what we have in Iran because Iran does it more or less openly while Egypt has a lot of secrets.
Anonymous 23 March 2010
Egyptian Nuclear program may seem to be of a very small size at first glance comparing with Iran, for example. Nevertheless, Egyptian Nuclear program may turn out to be even worse than what we have in Iran because Iran does it more or less openly while Egypt has a lot of secrets.
Adiella Eugene 23 March 2010
Israeli APCs will surely will be topical if one day Egypt decides to use their nuclear program in some military actions. Although Israeli own nuclear weapon would be much better.
Elijah Eureka 23 March 2010
The number of nuclear reactors in Egypt may be not big but they are there anyway. And the number of nuclear reactors in Egypt may start growing easily and quickly.
Taji Los_Altos_Hills 03 April 2010
Arabs are getting more and more powerful, look at Arabs in China, for example. Their decisions weigh more and more.
Nessia Louisville 03 April 2010
Egypt IAEA news demonstrate that everything is much more complicated than it may seem at a first glance. Egypt IAEA news prove that if there’s a third world war it will definitely come from the East.
Sileas Magnolia 05 April 2010
It’s according to the Torah that Egypt and some other Arabic countries will provoke the war. But Torah cannot be interpreted literally and if to be more precise, the war has already begun.
Dong Maiquetia 05 April 2010
Egypt’s view on nuclear weapons may turn out to be extremely surprising for the whole world. Te country’s never admitted its involvement into nuclear weapons race but no one knows Egypt’s view on nuclear weapons in general.
Eppie McKeesport 06 April 2010
To sum up, Egypt may turn into another enemy. Getting Gaza taxes Israel might think about nuclear weapons for itself, too, because those Arabs are really quick.
Jamey Mena 06 April 2010
Egyptian weapons program is not as transparent as everyone would like it to be.But as soon as it exists, the world will have to take it into account. Egyptian weapons program is absolutely unexpected but it’s nice Jews know about it and won’t be too much surprised if Egypt attacks one day.
Lezlie Monticello 07 April 2010
And after these facts it must be hard to cope for Jews with Israel’s gas imports from Egypt. Israelis’ve never been particularly kind people but now Egypt has nuclear weapons and Israel’s gas, too.
Peyton Montour_Falls 07 April 2010
News about Egyptian army weapons is really something unpleasant. But this is something Israel will have to put up.News about Egyptian army weaponsis the chance for Jews to think about real values of our life.
Jeanie Mountain_Brook 08 April 2010
So many countries have nuclear weapons, so why is it Egypt Israel is so much worried about? There’re some other things which should be considered as soon as possible. Among them Israel aid Haiti so much depends on after this horrible earthquake.
Rei Murray 08 April 2010
Those Egyptian weapons have caused so much concern already that perhaps Israel will have to think carefully whether perhaps they also should start working on the nuclear weapons in the nearest future.Egyptian weapons are undoubtedly another proof that well-being of the whole world will depend on the Arabic countries.
Grizela Namorik 09 April 2010
And after the world gets to know more and more about Arabs, there’s still an exposition UN Palestinians are so much keen on to show the world how awful Israelis are. Arabs are so much better!
Ian Nampa 09 April 2010
The year 2008 should have been called the year of Egypt nuclear weapons 2008. But since it wasn’t, everything which is left to the society is to think about the new line and tactics of behavior.Egypt nuclear weapons 2008 being the beginning of this program will symbolize a new epoch in nuclear weapons.
Ronnette Nashua 09 April 2010
May be read the comment to one of the Jewish Israelis saying that we will hit the High Dam armed nuclear might be the vision and sacrificed now for you to reply to such an action would destroy the reactors Dimona and Nahal and contamination of Lake Tiberias and the Jordan River and all water sources in Israel with biological weapons, and bacterial and other words We are before we die of thirst’ll drink from your blood and kill you the same way
Egyptian armor and sword Cityofghostsandmenstun 02 June 2010
Yeah, we know you Arabs want to kill us Jews. It is our government that refuses this reality.
admin 03 June 2010
we do not want to kill Jews for just enjoying..
we want to tack back our lands and our home..
we do not have a problem with Jews Despite our prophesy that we will fight your people – and that is happening ..
our hate and our revenge goals is to Israel the country of thieves Gangs..
we still wait for the time of wars.. we want to die in a fight for our rights for our blood for our honor.
justman worldofmen 04 June 2010
Mr. admin does not explain the words incorrectly While Israel gives Egypt the price of gas is unparalleled in the world, we find that Israel incitement in the Nile Basin countries to prevent water from Egypt Is this how you have to give back? This has been the Minister extreme Lieberman threatened to hit the High Dam, it is natural that there should be a ready answer for use if paid mad and extremism to do such a thing but we did not start the aggression on only one
Egyptian armor and sword Cityofghostsandmenstun 05 June 2010
Perhaps your words correctly predicted Prophet Booze (will not be the Resurrection to fight Muslims Jews Afiktlohm all been hiding the Jewish and behind rocks and trees Vintq stone and trees, and say, O Muslim, O Abdullah this Jew behind me says kill him it is only Algrkd trees of the Jews), I see this today may approached Fastta
Egyptian armor and sword Cityofghostsandmenstun 15 June 2010
can’t you people just learn how to live side by side peacefully and share the pie instead of fighting, each one wants it for their own, and by the way, Egypt may be a developing country but trust me, if theirs a fight, we will not lose or at least till the last man standing dies trying. it’s just the fact that we wouldn’t allow any threats towards our country, just as anyone wouldn’t, or is it only fair to anyone else but us?! oh! and just so you’d know, in Egypt you’ll find all religions , we have Christian Egyptians, Muslim Egyptians and believe it or not Jewish Egyptians. and guess what we respect each other ‘n we even living around each other with no problems.
leli vallyofthekings 02 July 2010
Leli: You have a short memory. Egypt started three wars with us. You’ve made peace only after we defeated you three times.
admin 02 July 2010
هذا وما زال للموضوع بقيه ومع المزيد من الاخبار و المصادر التى اشارت الى سعى مصر لامتلاك السلاح النووى والمصادرالتى تؤكد حدوث ذالك
هذا هو اول موضوع لى فى هذا المنتدى الذى اتشرف بالانتساب اليه و لعلها تكون فى موضوع يتشوق اليه الكثير من جموع الشعب المصرى و الكثير من الاخوه العرب و المسلمين خاصة فيما يتعلق بتوازن الردع الاستراتيجى فى منطقة الشرق الاوسط
فعلى مدار اكثر من خمس سنوات مضت تطالعنى الكثير من الاخبار والتقارير تتحدث عن برنامج نووى مصرى لعلى اضع بين ايديكم منها ما يلى /
ذكر موقع اخبار اسرائيل الغير خاضعه للرقابه israeli uncensored news تقرير بعنوان ( الوكاله الدوليه تؤكد - مصر لديها برنامج للاسلحه النوويه ) جاء فيه
منذ سنوات كانت لدينا تقارير استخباراتيه تقول بان مصر تقوم بتشغيل برنامج سرى للاسلحه النوويه وبعض محللى الاستخبارات الاسرائيليه اكدوا حقيقة ذالك وان مصر تقوم بتشغيل مفاعلات نوويه و هذا الراى لا يحظى بشعبيه بين الساسه الاسرائيلين و الامريكيين لان العقلانيه هى السبيل الوحيد و انه لا يمكن مهاجمة المفاعلات النوويه المصريه بسبب اتفاقية السلام الموقعه بين مصر و اسرائيل وقد سرب بعض المسئولين تقارير تثبت ان مفتشى الوكاله الدوليه للطاقه الذريه قد عثروا على ادله تثبت تجربة بعض اسلحة اليورانيوم قرب مفاعل انشاص حيث توجد المفاعلات النوويه المصريه
وما كان من المصريين سوى المراوغه بسخافه وادعاء انه نتيجه لبرنامج الاستخدام للنظائر المشعه فى المجال الطبى
والان بات من المؤكد ان مصر قد تمكنت ببطئ من تركم اليوانيوم واثراء البحث لصناعة عدد قليل من الاسلحه النوويه وليس اقل من المؤكد ان الحكومه الاسرائيليه سوف تبقى جبانه و رأسها فى الرمال وتتمسك بمعاهدة سلام وهميه بدلا من ان تقوم بقصف المفاعلات النوويه المصريه على الفور
وربما يكون هذا التسريب ينسب الى ايران التى تسعى الى احراج مصر بعد العداء الذى نمى بينهم فى الفتره الاخيره وربما تكون هذه هى رساله من امريكا مفادها ان على اسرائيلى عدم الاستمرار فى قصف جميع المفاعلات فى المنطقه المجاوره و التعايش مع ايران النوويه .
وما لفت انتباهى هو تعليقات الاسرائيليين التى يغلب عليها
الرعب و تعليقات الايرانيين التى تدل على رغبتهم فى التواطؤ مع اليهود و التحالف معهم
IAEA confirms: Egypt has nuclear weapons program
For years, we’ve been arguing that Egypt is running a low-profile military nuclear program. Some Israeli intelligence analysts share our view based on the fact that Egypt operates lab-size nuclear reactors. This view is unpopular among Israeli and American politicians because the only rational course of action, attacking the Egyptian reactors, is not feasible due to the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty.
The International Atomic Energy Agency’s officials leaked the 2007 and 2008 reports which prove that weapons-grade uranium has been found near Inshas, where the Egyptian nuclear reactors are located.
The Egyptians have been evasive on this matter, ludicrously blaming the uranium traces on medical radio isotopes used in their program.
Now it is absolutely certain that Egypt has very slowly been accumulating uranium, enriching it in its research facilities in order to make a small number of nuclear weapons. It is no less certain that the gutless Israeli government will keep its head in the sand and stick to the fake peace treaty instead of bombing the Egyptian nuclear reactors immediately.
The IAEA leak can possibly be attributed to Iran, which sought to embarrass Egypt after their recent feud, but more likely it is the work of American diplomats who thus send Israel a message that she cannot go on bombing all the reactors in the vicinity, and must put up with a nuclear Iran.

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Imagine the Muslim Brotherhood winning elections and getting hold on Egypt’s nuclear weapons
admin 07 June 2009
Egyptian Nuclear program may seem to be of a very small size at first glance comparing with Iran, for example. Nevertheless, Egyptian Nuclear program may turn out to be even worse than what we have in Iran because Iran does it more or less openly while Egypt has a lot of secrets.
Anonymous 23 March 2010
Egyptian Nuclear program may seem to be of a very small size at first glance comparing with Iran, for example. Nevertheless, Egyptian Nuclear program may turn out to be even worse than what we have in Iran because Iran does it more or less openly while Egypt has a lot of secrets.
Adiella Eugene 23 March 2010
Israeli APCs will surely will be topical if one day Egypt decides to use their nuclear program in some military actions. Although Israeli own nuclear weapon would be much better.
Elijah Eureka 23 March 2010
The number of nuclear reactors in Egypt may be not big but they are there anyway. And the number of nuclear reactors in Egypt may start growing easily and quickly.
Taji Los_Altos_Hills 03 April 2010
Arabs are getting more and more powerful, look at Arabs in China, for example. Their decisions weigh more and more.
Nessia Louisville 03 April 2010
Egypt IAEA news demonstrate that everything is much more complicated than it may seem at a first glance. Egypt IAEA news prove that if there’s a third world war it will definitely come from the East.
Sileas Magnolia 05 April 2010
It’s according to the Torah that Egypt and some other Arabic countries will provoke the war. But Torah cannot be interpreted literally and if to be more precise, the war has already begun.
Dong Maiquetia 05 April 2010
Egypt’s view on nuclear weapons may turn out to be extremely surprising for the whole world. Te country’s never admitted its involvement into nuclear weapons race but no one knows Egypt’s view on nuclear weapons in general.
Eppie McKeesport 06 April 2010
To sum up, Egypt may turn into another enemy. Getting Gaza taxes Israel might think about nuclear weapons for itself, too, because those Arabs are really quick.
Jamey Mena 06 April 2010
Egyptian weapons program is not as transparent as everyone would like it to be.But as soon as it exists, the world will have to take it into account. Egyptian weapons program is absolutely unexpected but it’s nice Jews know about it and won’t be too much surprised if Egypt attacks one day.
Lezlie Monticello 07 April 2010
And after these facts it must be hard to cope for Jews with Israel’s gas imports from Egypt. Israelis’ve never been particularly kind people but now Egypt has nuclear weapons and Israel’s gas, too.
Peyton Montour_Falls 07 April 2010
News about Egyptian army weapons is really something unpleasant. But this is something Israel will have to put up.News about Egyptian army weaponsis the chance for Jews to think about real values of our life.
Jeanie Mountain_Brook 08 April 2010
So many countries have nuclear weapons, so why is it Egypt Israel is so much worried about? There’re some other things which should be considered as soon as possible. Among them Israel aid Haiti so much depends on after this horrible earthquake.
Rei Murray 08 April 2010
Those Egyptian weapons have caused so much concern already that perhaps Israel will have to think carefully whether perhaps they also should start working on the nuclear weapons in the nearest future.Egyptian weapons are undoubtedly another proof that well-being of the whole world will depend on the Arabic countries.
Grizela Namorik 09 April 2010
And after the world gets to know more and more about Arabs, there’s still an exposition UN Palestinians are so much keen on to show the world how awful Israelis are. Arabs are so much better!
Ian Nampa 09 April 2010
The year 2008 should have been called the year of Egypt nuclear weapons 2008. But since it wasn’t, everything which is left to the society is to think about the new line and tactics of behavior.Egypt nuclear weapons 2008 being the beginning of this program will symbolize a new epoch in nuclear weapons.
Ronnette Nashua 09 April 2010
May be read the comment to one of the Jewish Israelis saying that we will hit the High Dam armed nuclear might be the vision and sacrificed now for you to reply to such an action would destroy the reactors Dimona and Nahal and contamination of Lake Tiberias and the Jordan River and all water sources in Israel with biological weapons, and bacterial and other words We are before we die of thirst’ll drink from your blood and kill you the same way
Egyptian armor and sword Cityofghostsandmenstun 02 June 2010
Yeah, we know you Arabs want to kill us Jews. It is our government that refuses this reality.
admin 03 June 2010
we do not want to kill Jews for just enjoying..
we want to tack back our lands and our home..
we do not have a problem with Jews Despite our prophesy that we will fight your people – and that is happening ..
our hate and our revenge goals is to Israel the country of thieves Gangs..
we still wait for the time of wars.. we want to die in a fight for our rights for our blood for our honor.
justman worldofmen 04 June 2010
Mr. admin does not explain the words incorrectly While Israel gives Egypt the price of gas is unparalleled in the world, we find that Israel incitement in the Nile Basin countries to prevent water from Egypt Is this how you have to give back? This has been the Minister extreme Lieberman threatened to hit the High Dam, it is natural that there should be a ready answer for use if paid mad and extremism to do such a thing but we did not start the aggression on only one
Egyptian armor and sword Cityofghostsandmenstun 05 June 2010
Perhaps your words correctly predicted Prophet Booze (will not be the Resurrection to fight Muslims Jews Afiktlohm all been hiding the Jewish and behind rocks and trees Vintq stone and trees, and say, O Muslim, O Abdullah this Jew behind me says kill him it is only Algrkd trees of the Jews), I see this today may approached Fastta
Egyptian armor and sword Cityofghostsandmenstun 15 June 2010
can’t you people just learn how to live side by side peacefully and share the pie instead of fighting, each one wants it for their own, and by the way, Egypt may be a developing country but trust me, if theirs a fight, we will not lose or at least till the last man standing dies trying. it’s just the fact that we wouldn’t allow any threats towards our country, just as anyone wouldn’t, or is it only fair to anyone else but us?! oh! and just so you’d know, in Egypt you’ll find all religions , we have Christian Egyptians, Muslim Egyptians and believe it or not Jewish Egyptians. and guess what we respect each other ‘n we even living around each other with no problems.
leli vallyofthekings 02 July 2010
Leli: You have a short memory. Egypt started three wars with us. You’ve made peace only after we defeated you three times.
admin 02 July 2010
هذا وما زال للموضوع بقيه ومع المزيد من الاخبار و المصادر التى اشارت الى سعى مصر لامتلاك السلاح النووى والمصادرالتى تؤكد حدوث ذالك