طلب العراق رسميا من امريكا شراء 24 مقاتلة اف 16
و اذا وافق الرئيس اوباما علي الطلب من المتوقع ان يتم التسليم 2012-2013
و يقول قائد القوات الجوية العراقية اننا نحتاج الي 96 مقاتلة اف 16 علي الأقل و هذا من المتوقع ان يتم ذلك علي اربع طلبيات الي سنة 2020
و من المتوقع ان تكون الخطوة التالية هي تأكيد وكالة DSCA علي الصفقة ثم عدم اعتراض الكونغرس علي الصفقة في مدة 30 يوم ثم توقيع عقد القبول
اعتمد المصدر الاصلي علي شخص اسمه DJ Elliott
-و قال المصدر ذلك-
الذي هو
who pens the Iraqi Security Forces Order of Battle
April 6/10: DJ Elliott, who pens the Iraqi Security Forces Order of Battle, reports a tip that:
“Iraq has finally and formally requested 24 F-16s from the US. At this time they are not at the ‘order’� stage but as I noted in my commentary to you in November 2008 the possibility of an Iraqi LOA by the end of this year – if President Obama agrees – is feasible. Delivery could start as early as next year but likely in 2012/13 time frame.”
That tip came without confirmation or sourcing, but DJ later received a verbal confirmation from Scramble magazine, and adds:
“Boss of the IqAF thought that he would need 96 F16s minimum. 24 indicates the start of the first of at least 4 orders. Looks like the planned target is still 2020.”
The next step for Iraq is formal DSCA publication of their request, once it gets through the US State Department’s bureaucracy and political approvals. Congress would then have 30 days to block the sale. Failing that, a contract/ Letter of Acceptance could be signed