It is clear that in an effort to combat terrorism, every country responsible to its citizenry has had to raise a special force trained with specific talents and capabilities required in that new battle. As you might imagine, today's counter terrorist units, are also among the world's elite military teams. Thus we are able to list both the Elite Military Teams with the clear knowlege that from these ranks are chosen those who would be combatants in the war against terrorism.
Little is known about the makeup or techniques employed at any given time, so we choose not to speculate beyond what has been made public over the course of the last ten to fifteen years. We are sure these elite military teams are at the cutting edge of technology, techniques and weaponry. Or so we hope.
Below we list the known special forces units in the world. We note when it is thought the primary or secondary mission of the unit is counter-terrorism, but as was noted earlier, all these units can be called upon to donate members for training in counter terrorism, or may in fact be part of or support of a force performing counter-terrorism actvities.
Name Mnemonic Country Description
Alpine Troops Alpine Italy Special Forces
Army Special Forces TSF Thailand Special Forces, Cntr Terr.
Army Special Forces USSF* USA Special Forces, Cntr. Terr.
Carabinieri CAB Italy Counter-Terrorism
Death Volunteers VPLA Vietnam Special Forces
Delta Force Delta U.S. Army Counter-Terrorism,S.F.
Federal Bur. of Inv. FBI U.S. Counter-Terrorism Dept.
French Foreign Legion FFL France Special Forces, Cntr Terr.
(234 Regiment Estranger d'Infantrie)
French Internal Secu. DSGE France Internal Security
Gurkhas Field Force 1/7GR Nepal/UK Special Forces, Cntr Terr.
Grenzschutzgruppen 9 GSG-9 FDG Counter-Terrorism
Israeli 269 Counter- UNIT Israel Counter-Terrorism,S.F.
Terrorist Unit
LR Amph. Recon Comm. LRARC Taiwan UDT, S.F., Cntr. Terr.
Naval Infantry NI USSR ** Special Forces
9/10 Para. Reg. 9th/10th India Para Special Forces
Paratroop le Paras France Special Forces, Cntr Terr.
Rangers Recon Recon U.S. Special Forces, paratroops
San Marco Marines ? Italy UDT, Special Forces
Special Air Service SAS Australia Counter-Terrorism,S.F.
Special Air Service SAS U.K. Counter-Terrorism,S.F.
Special Boat Sqdn. SBS U.K. UDT, Special Forces
Special Forces JSF Jordan Special Forces, Cntr Terr.
Special Forces KSF Korean Special Forces, Cntr Terr
Special Service Force SFS Canada Counter-Terrorism,S.F.
SEAL Team Six SEALs U.S. Navy Counter-Terrorism,S.F
Special Operations SOG Spain Anti-Terrorism
Spetsnaz Spetz USSR ** Special Forces, Cntr Terr.
US Navy Seals SEALs US * UDT, S.F., Cntr Terr
* = following the disasterous Iranian Hostage Rescue attempt, U.S. special forces has been going through a series of major changes. U.S. Special Forces from all services are now combined in the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), with a General (probably two star or above) officer as the leader reporting, most likely, to the Secretary of Defense and thus only one step from the President of the United States.
** = The breakup of the former Soviet Union has had demonstratitive effects upon all facets of the Soviet military. The remaining Confederation of Russian States has absorbed much of the military units of the former USSR. It is not clear which country has kept Spetsnaz, but odds are that the units are now part of a special forces team in Russia. Whether the reporting structure is to Putin as the leader of Russia, or to Putin as the leader of the Confederation, it is clear that if such a unit exists, we can probably figure who has the ultimate authority over their activities.
Treaties and Cooperative Organizations
Little is known about the makeup or techniques employed at any given time, so we choose not to speculate beyond what has been made public over the course of the last ten to fifteen years. We are sure these elite military teams are at the cutting edge of technology, techniques and weaponry. Or so we hope.
Below we list the known special forces units in the world. We note when it is thought the primary or secondary mission of the unit is counter-terrorism, but as was noted earlier, all these units can be called upon to donate members for training in counter terrorism, or may in fact be part of or support of a force performing counter-terrorism actvities.
Name Mnemonic Country Description
Alpine Troops Alpine Italy Special Forces
Army Special Forces TSF Thailand Special Forces, Cntr Terr.
Army Special Forces USSF* USA Special Forces, Cntr. Terr.
Carabinieri CAB Italy Counter-Terrorism
Death Volunteers VPLA Vietnam Special Forces
Delta Force Delta U.S. Army Counter-Terrorism,S.F.
Federal Bur. of Inv. FBI U.S. Counter-Terrorism Dept.
French Foreign Legion FFL France Special Forces, Cntr Terr.
(234 Regiment Estranger d'Infantrie)
French Internal Secu. DSGE France Internal Security
Gurkhas Field Force 1/7GR Nepal/UK Special Forces, Cntr Terr.
Grenzschutzgruppen 9 GSG-9 FDG Counter-Terrorism
Israeli 269 Counter- UNIT Israel Counter-Terrorism,S.F.
Terrorist Unit
LR Amph. Recon Comm. LRARC Taiwan UDT, S.F., Cntr. Terr.
Naval Infantry NI USSR ** Special Forces
9/10 Para. Reg. 9th/10th India Para Special Forces
Paratroop le Paras France Special Forces, Cntr Terr.
Rangers Recon Recon U.S. Special Forces, paratroops
San Marco Marines ? Italy UDT, Special Forces
Special Air Service SAS Australia Counter-Terrorism,S.F.
Special Air Service SAS U.K. Counter-Terrorism,S.F.
Special Boat Sqdn. SBS U.K. UDT, Special Forces
Special Forces JSF Jordan Special Forces, Cntr Terr.
Special Forces KSF Korean Special Forces, Cntr Terr
Special Service Force SFS Canada Counter-Terrorism,S.F.
SEAL Team Six SEALs U.S. Navy Counter-Terrorism,S.F
Special Operations SOG Spain Anti-Terrorism
Spetsnaz Spetz USSR ** Special Forces, Cntr Terr.
US Navy Seals SEALs US * UDT, S.F., Cntr Terr
* = following the disasterous Iranian Hostage Rescue attempt, U.S. special forces has been going through a series of major changes. U.S. Special Forces from all services are now combined in the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), with a General (probably two star or above) officer as the leader reporting, most likely, to the Secretary of Defense and thus only one step from the President of the United States.
** = The breakup of the former Soviet Union has had demonstratitive effects upon all facets of the Soviet military. The remaining Confederation of Russian States has absorbed much of the military units of the former USSR. It is not clear which country has kept Spetsnaz, but odds are that the units are now part of a special forces team in Russia. Whether the reporting structure is to Putin as the leader of Russia, or to Putin as the leader of the Confederation, it is clear that if such a unit exists, we can probably figure who has the ultimate authority over their activities.
Treaties and Cooperative Organizations
- TREVI (Terrorism, Radicalism, and Violence International), Permanent police liason structure in the EEC member states of Western Europe. Members are all EEC nations except Ireland, plus Israel and Switzerland.
- Hijack Pact between U.S. and Cuba, "...return aircraft, crews, passengers, and hijackers."
- Bonn Summit in 1978 agreed to sanctions against states which aided and abetted the hijacking of aircraft. Countries agreeing were U.S., U.K., Canada, France, Italy, Japan, and West Germany.
Other Reading
Elite Forces - Max Walmer
The Tehran Contract - Gayle Rivers and James Hudson
The Specialist - Gayle Rivers
Terrorism - Walter Lacquer
(See the MILNET BIBLIOGRAPHY for futher information on these and other books used in MILNET)
Elite Forces - Max Walmer
The Tehran Contract - Gayle Rivers and James Hudson
The Specialist - Gayle Rivers
Terrorism - Walter Lacquer
(See the MILNET BIBLIOGRAPHY for futher information on these and other books used in MILNET)
اخواني اضع بين يديكم هذا التقرير فقط للاطلاع عليه بمصداقيه هذا التقرير لن تجد مصادر كهذه توكد لك هذه المعلومات لانه موجود ايميل البروفيسور واسم الكتاب الرجاء التصويت بعد التفكير