"أكثر قدرة من أي شيء لدينا":
المشرعون ، والشهود يعبرون عن قلقهم بشأن ظاهرة الأجسام الطائرة المجهولة
‘More capable than anything we have’: lawmakers, witnesses, express alarm on UFO phenomenon
Witnesses recounted other-worldly events, but the head of the government office investigating those claims isn’t biting.
Lawmakers request UFO select committee after whistleblower testimony
The whistleblower claimed the government has operated a decades-long UFO retrieval and reverse engineering program.
Lawmakers request UFO select committee after whistleblower testimony
The whistleblower claimed the government has operated a decades-long UFO retrieval and reverse engineering program.
Lawmakers request UFO select committee after whistleblower testimony
The whistleblower claimed the government has operated a decades-long UFO retrieval and reverse engineering program.