الحكومة العمانية في مفاوضات مع ايطاليا لحصول على طائرات دورية بحرية
يمكن ان تصل قيمة الصفقة الى عدة مئات من الملايين حسب عدد الطائرات
يمكن ان تصل قيمة الصفقة الى عدة مئات من الملايين حسب عدد الطائرات
On another front, "a renowned industry source revealed that Oman is in advanced talks with Leonardo for the procurement of maritime patrol aircraft ," explains Banca Akros. The deal would be part of a mega-package that includes other equipment.
The contract in Oman , on the other hand, " can be worth several hundred million depending on the number of aircraft detected". It is interesting to know, the analysts add, "that there is a mega deal being defined between Leonardo and Oman"

Banca Akros: tre buone commesse per Leonardo da DRS, Oman e Finlandia che il mercato non sconta - MilanoFinanza.it
Lenardo viaggia debole a Piazza Affari eppure Banca Akros ricorda venerdì che sci sono tre buone commesse in arrivo che il mercato non ha ancora scontato nei prezzi. Ovvero sul fronte DRS, Oman e Finlandia. Ecco quali sono