قائد اركان الجزائري في زيارة الى صربيا


5 يونيو 2021
8,595 68 13


يشرع الفريق السعيد شنقريحة رئيس أركان الجيش الوطني الشعبي ممثلا لرئيس الجمهورية، عبد المجيد تبون، في زيارة إلى جمهورية صربيا بدعوة من وزير الدفاع الصربي.

وأوضحت وزارة الدفاع الوطني في بيان لها أن الزيارة تأتي في غطار فعاليات الطبعة 10 للمعرض الدولي للأسلحة “partner” المنظم ببلغراد ما بين 11 و 13 أكتوبر الجاري.
وتندرج الزيارة في إطار تعزيز أواصر الصداقة والتعاون بين الجيش الوطني الشعبي والقوات المسلحة الصربية، كما أنها ستمكن الطرفين من تباحث مختلف الوسائل ذات الاهتمام المشترك

During a live firing demonstration that was held on June 18, 2020, Serbian Army unveils its new LRSVM M18 (Lanser Raketa Samohodni Višecevni Modularni - Multi-Caliber Modular Self-Propelled Rocket Launcher) multi-caliber rocket/missile launcher systems able to fire conventional rockets as well as ALAS anti-tank guide missile and Košava 1/2 rocket surface-to-surface missile using the ALAS missile container.

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news

New LRSVM M18 fires a rocket during a live firing demonstration at the “Nikinci” Weapons and Military Equipment Testing Centre, Serbia. June 18, 2020. (Picture source Serbian MoD)

According to information from the Serbian State Defense Company Yugoimport, the LRSVM M18 (Multi-Caliber Modular Self-Propelled Rocket Launcher) can be fitted with the multi-caliber rocket launcher pod Morava and the M18 Oganj 122mm rocket launcher pod.

The LRSVM M18 is based on a 6x6 military truck chassis FAP 2026 fitted with a new armor crew cab developed by Zastava offering protection against the firing of small arms up to 12.7mm caliber and artillery shell splinters. The crew cab can accommodate four military personnel. There are two small bulletproof windows at the front and two doors on each side with one small bulletproof windows in the upper part. For its self-protection, the roof of the crew cab is fitted with an open-top turret which is armed with a 12.7mm heavy machine gun.

The rear part of the truck is fitted with a launcher station which is mounted on an electrically power-operated turntable which has a traverse of 360°. Different types of containers can be used to fire Oganj 50 km rockets, Kosava 1 and Kosava 2 rockets, and the ALAS anti-tank guided missile. The new Oganj can also use the 107mm/122mm/128mm rocket containers of the Morava MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System).

The LRSVM M18 is fitted with the latest generation aiming system including INS, GPS, and weapon control systems. A new command unit is mounted on the vehicle for digital control of the existing analog servos.

Serbia unveils LRSVM M18 new modular multi caliber rockets missiles launcher vehicle 925 002

New LRSVM M18 fires ALAS anti-tank guided missile during a live firing demonstration at the “Nikinci” Weapons and Military Equipment Testing Centre, Serbia. June 18, 2020. (Picture source Serbian MoD)

The Košava is a Serbian-made long-range multipurpose missile system based on the improved version of the Oganj rocket. The missile was developed primarily to be used against tanks, armored vehicles, fortifications, command posts, low-flying helicopters, coastal ships, industrial facilities, and bridges with a maximum firing range of 50 km.

The ALAS (Advanced Light Attack System, Serbian) is a Serbian-made long-range multipurpose wire-guided missile system developed by the private company EdePro, a subdivision of the Serbian state-owned Yugoimport SDPR. The guidance system is based on video/infrared technology, with the missile connected to the launcher by a fiber-optic cable. The ALAS flies at low altitude and has small radar and infrared (heat) signatures due to using a turbofan motor instead of a turbojet. The missile is able to destroy land targets like tanks, armored vehicles, fortifications, command posts, low-flying helicopters, coastal ships, industrial facilities, and bridges with a firing range from 25 to 60 km.

الصاروخ يتفوق على نظيره الصهيوني
بمدى اكبر

قدرة اختراق

SPIKE = 700mm
ALAS = 1000mm


SPIKE = 130 - 180 m/s
ALAS = 180 m/s

يجب علينا تحويل البوكسر الى صائد دبابات
وترافق ارتال البرية المتحركة Oerlikon لحماية من خطر صواريخ / درونات معادية
و تركيب ALAS بمدى 60KM و يعتبر اكبر من NLOS ب 35 كيلومتر
و سعر SPIKE NLOS - 210.000$ و سعر ALAS تقريبي 260.000$
و مايميز بوكسر نظام حماية النشط




@مراقبون @ادارة إمسحو الموضوع قبل ما تشيع الفضيحة. إسترو خوكم راهو تالف.
قالك صاروخ مضاد للدروع صربي أفضل من NLOS سبايك الإسرائيلي 😵🤢
يا عباد الله واش كاين في هاد الوقت شي صاروخ مضاد للدروع بمدى 60 كلم ؟
أودي عييت نقولها ليكم 10 فلعقل
يجب علينا تحويل البوكسر الى صائد دبابات
وترافق ارتال البرية المتحركة Oerlikon لحماية من خطر صواريخ / درونات معادية
و تركيب ALAS بمدى 60KM و يعتبر اكبر من NLOS ب 35 كيلومتر
و سعر SPIKE NLOS - 210.000$ و سعر ALAS تقريبي 260.000$
و مايميز بوكسر نظام حماية النشط



مشاهدة المرفق 426426مشاهدة المرفق 426427

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