المغرب يتعاقد على منظومة التشويش التركية Koral


عضو مميز
25 أغسطس 2016
117,176 529 16
حسب الخبر فإن المغرب قام بالتعاقد على منظومة التشويش التركية المتطورة كورال Koral


و ذكر الخبر بأن المغرب بالفعل طلب هذه المنظومة على أن يتم تسليمها في السنوات القليلة المقبلة


يذكر أن منظومة كورال هي منظومة تشويش على الرادارات و خداع من صنع شركة aselsan التركية
و يقول الأتراك أن المنظومة شاركت بفعالية في سوريا و قره باغ

ازعجونا الاتراك بانه السلاح السري والامن القومي وغير قابل للتصدير

ومع اول زبون باعوه
مبارك للمغرب
قرأت تقرير تركي يتحدث أن كورال كان له دور كبير في نجاح البيرقدار في سوريا بالذات

Turkish defense giant Aselsan inks $50.7M export deal​


JUN 22, 2021 12:58 PM GMT+3
ASELSAN systems are displayed at the company's new facility during its inauguration in the Gölbaşı district of the capital Ankara, Turkey, Nov. 12, 2020. (AA Photo)
ASELSAN systems are displayed at the company's new facility during its inauguration in the Gölbaşı district of the capital Ankara, Turkey, Nov. 12, 2020. (AA Photo)

Turkish defense giant Aselsan inked an export agreement worth 42.59 million euros ($50.7 million) with an undisclosed customer, according to a company statement Tuesday.
The defense firm informed the country's Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) that the agreement was signed with an international client.
"Under the contract, the deliveries will be made in 2023-2024," it noted.
Aselsan is active in military and civil telecommunications, as well as radar, electronic warfare, defense, weapons, command control and navigation systems.
In 2020, the defense firm’s turnover grew by 24% compared to the previous year, exceeding TL 16 billion ($1.83 billion), while its net profit reached TL 4.5 billion with a year-on-year increase of 33%.

Aselsan, which increased its collections with export-based revenues, completed the pandemic year with a strong cash position.
The company's EBITDA (Earnings Before Interests, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) rose 38% to reach a record level of TL 4 billion. The EBITDA margin, meanwhile, exceeded expectations and reached the highest level in the company's history with 24.4%.
The defense giant also continued its export deals uninterruptedly in 2020, when international mobility was largely halted in COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. The company contributed to Turkey's export volume by signing contracts worth $446 million in total with six new countries in 2020. With the contribution of new orders from abroad, foreign balance orders exceeded the threshold of $1 billion and reached its historical peak. Total balance orders also amounted to $9.5 billion.


Turkish defense giant Aselsan inks $50.7M export deal​


JUN 22, 2021 12:58 PM GMT+3
ASELSAN systems are displayed at the company's new facility during its inauguration in the Gölbaşı district of the capital Ankara, Turkey, Nov. 12, 2020. (AA Photo)'s new facility during its inauguration in the Gölbaşı district of the capital Ankara, Turkey, Nov. 12, 2020. (AA Photo)
ASELSAN systems are displayed at the company's new facility during its inauguration in the Gölbaşı district of the capital Ankara, Turkey, Nov. 12, 2020. (AA Photo)

Turkish defense giant Aselsan inked an export agreement worth 42.59 million euros ($50.7 million) with an undisclosed customer, according to a company statement Tuesday.
The defense firm informed the country's Public Disclosure Platform (KAP) that the agreement was signed with an international client.
"Under the contract, the deliveries will be made in 2023-2024," it noted.
Aselsan is active in military and civil telecommunications, as well as radar, electronic warfare, defense, weapons, command control and navigation systems.
In 2020, the defense firm’s turnover grew by 24% compared to the previous year, exceeding TL 16 billion ($1.83 billion), while its net profit reached TL 4.5 billion with a year-on-year increase of 33%.

Aselsan, which increased its collections with export-based revenues, completed the pandemic year with a strong cash position.
The company's EBITDA (Earnings Before Interests, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) rose 38% to reach a record level of TL 4 billion. The EBITDA margin, meanwhile, exceeded expectations and reached the highest level in the company's history with 24.4%.
The defense giant also continued its export deals uninterruptedly in 2020, when international mobility was largely halted in COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. The company contributed to Turkey's export volume by signing contracts worth $446 million in total with six new countries in 2020. With the contribution of new orders from abroad, foreign balance orders exceeded the threshold of $1 billion and reached its historical peak. Total balance orders also amounted to $9.5 billion.

البلد الذي اشترى المنظومة هو الجزائر 😂
فين كتجعبوني يا المغاربة فين ما كانت شي ولا عقرب راكوم مخرجيناه من الجحر . برافو يا اسود الأطلس وباقي السنوريات.
اغراق الموضوع بالتعليقات الهزيلة لن يغير من صحة الخبر

Turkish defense giant Aselsan inked an export agreement worth 42.59 million euros ($50.7 million) with an undisclosed customer, according to a company statement Tuesday.

اغراق الموضوع بالتعليقات الهزيلة لن يغير من صحة الخبر

Turkish defense giant Aselsan inked an export agreement worth 42.59 million euros ($50.7 million) with an undisclosed customer, according to a company statement Tuesday.

اولا هنا توجد صفقة و المصدر الأمريكي قال المغرب اين مشكلتكم يا جزائريين؟
البلد الذي اشترى المنظومة هو الجزائر 😂
هههههه لو كان المصدر الأمريكي قال الجزائر لوجدت التطبيل وموضوع انشئ من قبل هذا لي ينكر خخخخخ مرة فتحو مواضيع اعتماد على تغريدة عضو جزائري معهم خخخخ والان يعطونا الدروس اي صفقة مغربية تجدهم يسارعون بشكل مرتبك ومضحك للنفي الله يشافيهم.