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Jutarnji finds out: Croatia is buying French Rafale fighter planes, here's how much it will cost
If the contract were signed this year, France would deliver the first six planes in 2024
By: Krešimir Žabec
Posted: May 20, 2021 2:10 pm
Dassault Rafale
The Croatian government has decided to buy 12 used French F3R Rafale fighter jets, Jutarnji list has learned unofficially from well-informed sources.
The decision should be made by the Government for Armed Forces Day. It is a twin-engine fighter plane and, as we find out, the oldest plane that would be delivered to Croatia is 10 years old. According to available information, Croatia would pay just under a billion euros for the entire package, which includes planes, training and weapons.

Dassault Rafale
At today's session of the Defense Council, support was given to the Government for the purchase of a fighter jet.
Zoran Milanovic in the Croatia barracks said a little later that the government had not been given a recommendation on which type of aircraft to buy, but he hoped "that he and the prime minister understood each other well". Asked if he knew which plane we were buying, he replied "No comment".
After the official decision of the Government to accept the French offer, negotiations on the contract follow.
If the contract were signed this year, France would deliver the first six planes in 2024, and the remaining six a year later. President Milanović, on the other hand, said that planes must be in Croatia by 2024 at the latest.
Ukoliko bi ugovor bio potpisan ove godine, Francuska bi prvih šest aviona isporučila 2024. godine