مصنع Greenville الذي سينتج مقاتلات الفايبر المغربية و التايوانية سيرفع معدل الانتاج الى 4 مقاتلات شهريا بالاضافة الى زيادة عدد العاملين الى 400
Production is ramping up to four aircraft a month at Greenville, which has increased its workforce to 400 employees, she noted. It is also operating under an .indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity Air Force contract to supply F-16s to Morocco and Taiwan and potential future or repeat customers.

Lockheed: New Demand for F-16s Could Push Type Past 5,000 Mark - Air Force Magazine
After nearly shutting down production several times, Lockheed Martin is getting a surge of orders for the F-16, with a current backlog of 130 jets.