The Chinese Navy employs about 20 submarines of this type, and last year China sold these submarines to the Thailand Navy as well. These submarines, operated by a crew of 38, are about 66 meters long and have a displacement of about 1,900 tons. Their maximum surface speed is about 20 knots. They can operate at a maximum depth of up to 300 meters and remain submerged – according to the manufacturer – for up to 20 days. The maximum sea endurance of this submarine is 60 days.
تقارير تشير لتفاوض مصر مع الصين علي غواصات S26T الصينية و ابدي المصريين اهتمامهم بتلك الغواصات.
طبعاً الغواصات ديه مزودة بنظام AIP , تستطيع البقاء تحت الماء لمدة 20 يوم متواصل و اهم مميزاتها استخدام صواريخ C-708

A Threat to Israel: the Egyptian Navy Upgrades its Submarine Warfare Capabilities
The Egyptian Navy embarked on an expedited force build-up process about a decade ago. As part of this process, the Egyptians acquired four U-209 type submarines from Germany; surface vessels from the USA, Russia, Germany and France; cutting-edge missile and torpedo systems; anti-aircraft...