استقبل عبد اللطيف لوديي، الوزير المنتدب لدى رئيس الحكومة المكلف بإدارة الدفاع الوطني يوم 20 فبراير بمقر هذه الإدارة السيد أوكتاي سوديف أوغلو قوربانوف السفير فوق العادة لجمهورية أذربيجان لدى المملكة المغربية حيث تباحث الطرفان حول سبل تعزيز علاقات التعاون العسكري بين البلدين.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Kingdom of Morocco, Oktay Gurbanov, met with the Minister of National Defense under the Prime Minister of Morocco.
Armiya.az reports with reference to Azertaj that during the conversation Ambassador Oktay Gurbanov expressed satisfaction with the high level of friendship and cooperation between Azerbaijan and Morocco. The diplomat also informed the Minister about the military aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan and its consequences, about the realities of the Khojaly genocide and its recognition by a number of world countries.
The ambassador thanked Morocco for the continued support of Azerbaijan’s fair position in international organizations, in particular in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. At the meeting, the diplomat spoke about the work done in recent years in Azerbaijan to develop the military industry producing the most modern weapons and ammunition, as well as the IV Azerbaijan International Defense Exhibition (ADEX).
The parties noted the great potential of military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Morocco, stressed the importance of increasing efforts to develop it, and discussed the prospects of military cooperation and other issues of mutual interest.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Kingdom of Morocco, Oktay Gurbanov, met with the Minister of National Defense under the Prime Minister of Morocco.
Armiya.az reports with reference to Azertaj that during the conversation Ambassador Oktay Gurbanov expressed satisfaction with the high level of friendship and cooperation between Azerbaijan and Morocco. The diplomat also informed the Minister about the military aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan and its consequences, about the realities of the Khojaly genocide and its recognition by a number of world countries.
The ambassador thanked Morocco for the continued support of Azerbaijan’s fair position in international organizations, in particular in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. At the meeting, the diplomat spoke about the work done in recent years in Azerbaijan to develop the military industry producing the most modern weapons and ammunition, as well as the IV Azerbaijan International Defense Exhibition (ADEX).
The parties noted the great potential of military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Morocco, stressed the importance of increasing efforts to develop it, and discussed the prospects of military cooperation and other issues of mutual interest.

Азербайджан и Марокко обсудили военное сотрудничество
Посол Азербайджанской Республики в Королевстве Марокко Октай Гурбанов встретился с министром национальной обороны при премьер-министре Марокко Абделлатифом Лудии.