الجيش الجزائري يستأنف البحث عن مناطيد مراقبة

21 ديسمبر 2019
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للامانة منقول

أطلق سعيد شنقريحة برنامج مشتريات للجيش الوطني الشعبي وذلك بعد أقل من شهرين فقط على توليه لقيادة الأركان، على رأس قائمة المشتريات عقد إقتناء مناطيد المراقبة والذي كان من المقرر أن تتكفل بها شركة Lockheed martin، إلا أن زيادة الشركة التدريجي لقيمة الصفقة وعدم إرتياح القايد صالح للمشروع إضافة إلى حملة التسريحات في صفوف القيادة العليا للجيش الجزائري جعل الشركة تتخلى عن المشروع في نهاية عام 2019، ووفقًا لمصادرنا، جدد الملحق العسكري الجزائري بواشنطن، العقيد سليمان المعلم، اتصالاته مع الموردين الأمريكيين لبالونات المراقبة عالية الارتفاع، كما يعتقد أن الجزائر قامت أيضا بإتصالات مع مجموعة Thales الفرنسية.

قد تفوز بالصفقة شركة Raytheon التي سبق لها تزويد الجيش الأمريكي بمناطيد مراقبة تستعمل في العراق، خصوصا بعد تسوية مشكلة طائرات G-550 للإستطلاع، فقد واجهت الشركة مشاكل في تنصيب أجهزة التجسس، الكاميرات والرادارات التي طلبها الجانب الجزائري حيث يشير حذف الشركة لطائرتين من أصل ثلاثة من السجل الفدرالي للطيران إلى قرب تسليم هته الطائرات.

مصدر مدفوع

Saïd Chengriha resumes hunt for aerostats without Lockheed

Less than two months after having succeeded army chief of staff Ahmed Gaïd Salah, Saïd Chengriha has relaunched the National Popular Army's (ANP) procurement programme. The first item on his menu is the huge contract for surveillance aerostats for the oil fields and national borders which was at one time due go to Lockheed Martin. The ANP has looked at aerostats as a means of providing security at Sonatrach sites following the attack on the In Amenas oil production site in 2013 [...]

According to our sources, Colonel Slimane Mallem, who was appointed military attaché in Washington by Gaïd Salah shortly before he died last December, recently renewed contact with several suppliers of high altitude balloons, each with capacity to survey thousands of square kilometres thanks to their ultra-high definition cameras, thermal sensors and radar.

Originally thought up as part of a Russian proposal put forward by Rosoboronexport, the project was subsequently extended to take in border surveillance. In the end, Lockheed Martin was chosen to supply five giant aerostats, supplemented by helicopters and two MC-27J Spartan aircraft from Italy's Leonardo group. The big American group kept increasing the cost of the project, however, until it was way above the $375 million price agreed for just the balloons. Gaïd salah's hostility toward the project and then a series of dismissals within thé ANP's high command finally led to lockheed martin dropping the project in late 2019, the group substantially reduced its presence on the aerostat market, moreover, Several of lockheed martin's American rivale are already in the running for the abandoned contract. Raytheon, which has provided to balloons at several American bases in Iraq, already has a contract with the ANP to supply three highly sophisticated intelligence aircraft.

Raytheon's spy planes ready for final descent to Algeria.The resumption of negotiations between Algiers and American defence groups should be facilitated by the settlement of the long-running saga over the intelligence aircraft ordered from Raytheon in 2016. Faced with the advancing age of its intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) fleet, the ANP placed an order worth over $1 billion for three Gulfstream G550 aircraft covered with sensors. But the contract quickly got bogged down, Raytheon had no experience of systems integration of this kind of aircraft. It turned to Oklahoma-bases sub-contractor field aerospace but this company quickly found its own limited in the face of the record number of cameras, radar sets and interception devices demanded by Algeria's generals. On November 29 and february 3, Raytheon took two of the three aircraft off the American federal aviation register, a necessary step prior to their delivery to Algeria.

TCOM, meanwhile, won a $979 million framework contract from the US Defense Department in September to meet all the American armed forces's surveillance aerostat requirements until 2024. Algiers is also thought to have contacted France's Thales group. The latter's Stratobus has not yet been put on the market but Thales has already carried out projects using small aerostats supplied by fellow French firm A-NSE.

خبر سابق

Arms purchases like never before
In terms of arms purchases, the Ministry of Defense, under the leadership of Gaïd Salah, has so far favored Russia. Algerian soldiers are also turning to the Americans for military equipment.

Already in 2013, After the drama of In Amenas, the National People's Army (ANP) had asked the first American and world defense and security company, Lockheed Martin, to ensure aerial surveillance of its borders and the oil infrastructures of Sonatrach.

For an estimated $ 400 million, Lockheed Martin is on the verge of selling five ultra-sophisticated surveillance surveillance aerostats equipped with radars and ultra-high definition cameras.

This contract in very advanced negotiations, is somewhat slowed down by the various changes at the level of the General Staff of the army.

Raytheon, an American company which specializes mainly in aerospace and defense and electronic systems, has been selected to supply three ultra-sophisticated surveillance aircraft of the Gulfstream 550 type for a market of nearly a billion dollars.

Finally, the American defense giants Northrop Grumman, Harris have made a surprising foray, by encroaching on the Russian Rosoboronexport, in the military radar market launched less than two years ago.

حتى تونس مهتمة بمناطيد مراقبة و هو امر ضروري لمراقبة الحدود بطريقة انجع
خصوصا بعد تسوية مشكلة طائرات G-550 للإستطلاع، فقد واجهت الشركة مشاكل في تنصيب أجهزة التجسس، الكاميرات والرادارات التي طلبها الجانب الجزائري حيث يشير حذف الشركة لطائرتين من أصل ثلاثة من السجل الفدرالي للطيران إلى قرب تسليم هته الطائرات.

أهم ما ورد بالمقال و تأكيد قرب التسليم خاصة بعد الكلام عن إلغاء الصفقة.

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