كوريا الجنوبية تنتهي من تطوير الChungum ATGM هذا العام


10 مارس 2019
34,062 243 2

صرح مسؤولو Hanwha Defense ل جينس في الDefexpo 2020 ان برنامج تطوير الصواريخ المضادة للدروع Chungum سينتهي اخر هذا العام
صواريخ الالChungum هي مضادات دروع جو ارض من المتوقع ان يتم استعمالها لتسليح مروحيات ال KAI LAH , يمكن لمروحية LAH واحدة ان تحمل أربعة صواريخ من هذا النوع.
وسيتم تقديم السلاح ، الذي بدأ تطويره في عام 2017 ، للتصدير ، مع ذكر الهند من قبل مسؤولي الشركة كسوق محتمل.

Development of South Korea's air-launched Chungum anti-tank guided missile is expected to be completed by the end of 2020, Hanwha Defense officials told Jane's at the 5-9 February Defexpo 2020 exhibition in Lucknow, northern India

The weapon, which is being developed by South Korea's Agency for Defense Development in association with Hanwha Defense, is expected to arm the Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) Light Armed Helicopters (LAHs) on order for the Republic of Korea Army. An LAH can carry a maximum four of these missiles (two on each side)

The weapon, development of which began in 2017, will also be offered for export, with India being mentioned by company officials as a possible market

A model of the Chungum ATGM displayed at Defexpo 2020 was shown fitted with four fold-out (backwards) mid-body fins and four fold-out (backwards) aft fins for flight stabilisation. The missile, which is 120 mm in diameter and weighs 16 kg, has four major subsections: seeker, propulsion, control mechanism, along with battery and optical fibre cable at the rear. It has two mid-body nozzles for thrust contro

مشاهدة المرفق 233634

صرح مسؤولو Hanwha Defense ل جينس في الDefexpo 2020 ان برنامج تطوير الصواريخ المضادة للدروع Chungum سينتهي اخر هذا العام
صواريخ الالChungum هي مضادات دروع جو ارض من المتوقع ان يتم استعمالها لتسليح مروحيات ال KAI LAH , يمكن لمروحية LAH واحدة ان تحمل أربعة صواريخ من هذا النوع.
وسيتم تقديم السلاح ، الذي بدأ تطويره في عام 2017 ، للتصدير ، مع ذكر الهند من قبل مسؤولي الشركة كسوق محتمل.

Development of South Korea's air-launched Chungum anti-tank guided missile is expected to be completed by the end of 2020, Hanwha Defense officials told Jane's at the 5-9 February Defexpo 2020 exhibition in Lucknow, northern India

The weapon, which is being developed by South Korea's Agency for Defense Development in association with Hanwha Defense, is expected to arm the Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) Light Armed Helicopters (LAHs) on order for the Republic of Korea Army. An LAH can carry a maximum four of these missiles (two on each side)

The weapon, development of which began in 2017, will also be offered for export, with India being mentioned by company officials as a possible market

A model of the Chungum ATGM displayed at Defexpo 2020 was shown fitted with four fold-out (backwards) mid-body fins and four fold-out (backwards) aft fins for flight stabilisation. The missile, which is 120 mm in diameter and weighs 16 kg, has four major subsections: seeker, propulsion, control mechanism, along with battery and optical fibre cable at the rear. It has two mid-body nozzles for thrust contro

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