كشفت الشركة اليابانية IHI النقاب عن نظام مستقل للكشف عن الألغام تحت الماء في معرض الدفاع DSEI Japan 2019 في تشيبا.
تم تصميم هذا النظام ، الذي يتكون من مركبتين مختلفتين بدون طيار تحت الماء ، للحصول على ومعالجة وتصنيف ونقل المعلومات حول "الأشياء الشبيهة بالألغام" ، من بين أشياء أخرى ، إلى السفينة الأم.
تتمثل إحدى العناصر المكونة للنظام في مركبة ذاتية الحكم تحت الماء طولها 5 أمتار (AUV) يمكن أن تصل سرعتها القصوى إلى 4 عقدة ، وتتحمل حتى 24 ساعة ، ويمكن أن تعمل بعمق أقصى 200 متر و 600 متر أو 3000 م ، اعتمادا على التكوين.
Japanese company IHI unveiled an autonomous underwater mine-detection system at the 18-20 November DSEI Japan 2019 defence exhibition in Chiba
The system, which comprises two different unmanned vehicles, is designed to acquire, process, classify, and relay information about "mine-like objects, among other things, to the mother ship
One of the elements comprising the system is a 5 m-long autonomus underwater vehicle (AUV) that can reach a top speed of 4 kt, has an endurance of up to 24 hours, and can operate at maximum depth of 200 m, 600 m or 3,000 m, depending on the configuration
In its standard configuration the AUV, which weighs 990 kg and is 690 mm in diameter, is equipped with a side scan sonar, a multi-beam sonar, and a digital video camera, but additional systems and sensors are also available depending on the requirement, a company official told Jane's . Navigation is enabled by a combination of GPS/INS and Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) as well as by ultra-short baseline and "sea-floor acoustic lighthouse" systems, added the official
After detecting a potential mine, the AUV automatically transmits the collected data - including images of the object as well as its exact location - via an acoustic modem to the second component of the system, a semi-submersible autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) featuring a periscope antenna, which then relays the data to the "mother vessel" through wireless LAN
تم تصميم هذا النظام ، الذي يتكون من مركبتين مختلفتين بدون طيار تحت الماء ، للحصول على ومعالجة وتصنيف ونقل المعلومات حول "الأشياء الشبيهة بالألغام" ، من بين أشياء أخرى ، إلى السفينة الأم.
تتمثل إحدى العناصر المكونة للنظام في مركبة ذاتية الحكم تحت الماء طولها 5 أمتار (AUV) يمكن أن تصل سرعتها القصوى إلى 4 عقدة ، وتتحمل حتى 24 ساعة ، ويمكن أن تعمل بعمق أقصى 200 متر و 600 متر أو 3000 م ، اعتمادا على التكوين.
Japanese company IHI unveiled an autonomous underwater mine-detection system at the 18-20 November DSEI Japan 2019 defence exhibition in Chiba
The system, which comprises two different unmanned vehicles, is designed to acquire, process, classify, and relay information about "mine-like objects, among other things, to the mother ship
One of the elements comprising the system is a 5 m-long autonomus underwater vehicle (AUV) that can reach a top speed of 4 kt, has an endurance of up to 24 hours, and can operate at maximum depth of 200 m, 600 m or 3,000 m, depending on the configuration
In its standard configuration the AUV, which weighs 990 kg and is 690 mm in diameter, is equipped with a side scan sonar, a multi-beam sonar, and a digital video camera, but additional systems and sensors are also available depending on the requirement, a company official told Jane's . Navigation is enabled by a combination of GPS/INS and Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) as well as by ultra-short baseline and "sea-floor acoustic lighthouse" systems, added the official
After detecting a potential mine, the AUV automatically transmits the collected data - including images of the object as well as its exact location - via an acoustic modem to the second component of the system, a semi-submersible autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) featuring a periscope antenna, which then relays the data to the "mother vessel" through wireless LAN
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