بوليفيا تعلن قطع علاقتها مع فنزويلا


عضو مميز
26 مارس 2015
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:)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :))

عاجل : بوليفيا تعترف بغوايدو رئيسا لفنزويلا و ترفض التعامل مع نظام مادورو باي شكل من الأشكل

خوان غوايدو زعيم المعارضة يدعو لمظاهرات ضخمة غدا 16 نوفمبر في فنزويلا .. غدا ينتظر مادورو اختبار صعب جدا


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A former U.S. senator has sarcastically criticized the CIA for the military coup in Bolivia, hinting U.S. involvement in the downfall of elected president Evo Morales on Sunday.

"Congratulations on winning power in Bolivia, @CIA!" Mike Gravel said on Twitter on Sunday, in an apparent hit at the global spy agency.

The Democratic former Alaska Senator has long criticized the U.S. policies in Latin America.

"The lie you will hear ad nauseum is that socialist states failed spontaneously - in reality it was the concerted effort of the US Imperial Machine to crush any nation that could oppose them any time it appeared," he tweeted in May.

The only reaction to the political developments in Bolivia came from the Muslim congresswoman Ilhan Omar who took to Twitter to define what happened in Bolivia as a "coup".

Omar urged American lawmakers to "unequivocally oppose political violence in Bolivia".

"There's a word for the President of a country being pushed out by the military. It’s called a coup. Bolivians deserve free and fair elections," Omar, a Democrat, added on Twitter.
A former U.S. senator has sarcastically criticized the CIA for the military coup in Bolivia, hinting U.S. involvement in the downfall of elected president Evo Morales on Sunday.

"Congratulations on winning power in Bolivia, @CIA!" Mike Gravel said on Twitter on Sunday, in an apparent hit at the global spy agency.

The Democratic former Alaska Senator has long criticized the U.S. policies in Latin America.

"The lie you will hear ad nauseum is that socialist states failed spontaneously - in reality it was the concerted effort of the US Imperial Machine to crush any nation that could oppose them any time it appeared," he tweeted in May.

The only reaction to the political developments in Bolivia came from the Muslim congresswoman Ilhan Omar who took to Twitter to define what happened in Bolivia as a "coup".

Omar urged American lawmakers to "unequivocally oppose political violence in Bolivia".

"There's a word for the President of a country being pushed out by the military. It’s called a coup. Bolivians deserve free and fair elections," Omar, a Democrat, added on Twitter.

الحمد لله على نعمة CIA ? .. في إنتظار إنقلاب آخر يطيح بمادورو إن شاء الله .. لا تهمني الشرعية او الحق تهمني مصلحة بلدي المغرب .. عدو من أعداء المغرب يسقط .. اذن هو خبر رائع .. لا تهم الطريقة ???
مباشرة بدؤوا بتنفيذ الأوامر الأمريكية !!

ما شاء الله نظام يبشر بالخير ..
مباشرة بدؤوا بتنفيذ الأوامر الأمريكية !!

ما شاء الله نظام يبشر بالخير ..
العاقبة للحيوان مادورو و كلابه في فنزويلا ان شاء الله


الرئيس المنتخب لغواتيمالا يتعهد بقطع العلاقات مع فنزويلا و الاعتراف بزعيم المعارضة غوايدو رئيس لفنزويلا حال تسلمه السلطة رسميا .. مادورو اصبح مثل الكلب المصاب بالجذام .. الكل يهرب منه ??