SAM (Surface to Air Missile System) Simulator


10 مارس 2019
34,060 243 2

محاكي أنضمة دفاع جوي روسية ، مع صور واقعية من المنضومة

المنضومات الممثلة:
(SA-75M Dvina (SA-2F Guideline), S-75M3 Volhov (SA-2E Guideline), S-125M1 Neva (SA-3B Goa
( 2K11-M1 KRUG-M1 (SA-4B Ganef), S-200VE Vega-E (SA-5B Gammon), 9K33M2 OSA-AK (SA-8B Gecko


ncludes accurate representations of history's most famous SAM kills...

...U-2C Spy plane over Sverdlovsk and Cuba ...

...B-52D/G Heavy bombers over Hanoi ...

... F-4E Phantoms over the Sinai ...

...F-16 and the F-117A Stealth bomber over Belgrade.

التعديل الأخير:
One of the valuable byproducts of the disintegration of the Soviet regime has been the release into the open source domain of a large volume of declassified technical material covering Soviet systems used through the Cold War period. These include a range of radar systems and SAM systems, especially those operated by Warsaw Pact nations. Numerous websites have appeared in Eastern Europe and Germany, which detail these weapon systems in a manner which a Cold War era Western technical intelligence analyst could only dream of

An even more valuable contribution has recently appeared in Hungary, a high quality simulator program hosted on Windows, which provides faithful emulations of a range of Soviet SAM system engagement radar consoles. APA sought advice from several contributors with operational experience on these systems, and all confirmed that the simulator provides a high quality representation of the SNR-75 Fan Song E (SA-2 Guideline), SNR-125 Low Blow (SA-3 Goa), 1S32 Pat Hand (SA-4 Ganef) and most recently, the 5N62 Square Pair (SA-5 Gammon). This author has studied the original Russian language technical manuals for various components of the SA-5 Gammon, and the simulator indeed provides a faithful representation

The author of this program intends to produce over time accurate simulators for a wide range of Soviet SAM and SPAAG systems operated by the Warsaw Pact. All simulator panel representations are based upon digital photographs of real panels in preserved examples of these systems, and functional modes represent reflect operational manuals for these systems

While most of these SAM systems are no longer operational, and those which are, are typically no longer in the legacy configuration depicted, the simulator is valuable as it illustrates the high level of proficiency and high training standards required for these systems to be used effectively in combat. This clearly explains the enormous disparities in combat effect observed between operations by the Warpac advisor led PAVN pre-1973, by Soviet PVO troops along the Suez during the War of Attrition, and Serbian forces during OAF, in comparison with the woeful performance of the Syrians in 1982, and the Iraqis in 1991. The latter have become completely unrealistic yet widely accepted benchmarks of IADS combat effect and performance

تعرفت على برنامج المحاكات هذا منذ زمن طويل وانا متمرس على منظومات SA-3GOA و SA-4GANEF و SA-8 GECKOK تجربة جميلة لي صراتحتا,مصصم البرنامج اعلن ايقاف التطوير قبل عدة اشهر ):
اجمل تجربت لي هي في سيناريو اسقاط الشبح,F-117,بعد 20 محاولت نجحت ههههههه
صراحتا دائما ما كنت اتسائل هل بالسهولة هذه تصمميم مثل هذه البرامج خاصتا انه الذي صمم هذا البرنامج حسب ما عارف هو شخص واحد اسمه hpasp ومن المجر هو اعتقد,هل احد يعرف ما اللغة التي استخدمها في تصمييم البرنامج؟!