الجيش الدنماركي يستلم ال Piranha 5


عضو مميز
27 يونيو 2018
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United Arab Emirates
الجيش الدنماركي يتسلم اول دفعة من مدرعات البيرنا 5

المدرعات سوف تحل محل مدرعات M113 الامريكية

بالاضافة الى مدرعات Eagle 5 التي سوف يتم تسليح الألوية الجديدة

تعاقد الجيش الدنماركي على عدد 309 من البيرانا و 91 من ال Eagle

يتجه الجيش الدنماركي لجعل ألويته ذات قابلية عالية للحركة و تزويده باسلحة جديدة من الجيل الجديد من دفاع جوي و مدفعية

The Royal Danish Army has received the new Piranha 5 armored personnel carriers, it was announced on 27 March.

After 55 years in the Danish Defense and four updates, the classic M113 armored personnel carriers are finally phased out for the benefit of the new Piranha 5 vehicles, and together with the also new Eagle 5 armored patrol vehicles will constitute the rootstock in building the new brigade.

“Our soldiers need modern equipment that meets the demands of the future battlefield – and so does Piranha 5 and Eagle 5,” said Defense Minister Claus Hjort Fredriksen during the ceremony of formally handed over the first production examples of the Piranha 5 8×8 armoured personnel carrier and the Eagle 5 4×4 patrol vehicle.

According to Chief of Defense, General Bjørn Bisserup, the transfer of the new vehicles marks a milestone for the future army.

“Piranha 5 provides increased security for the soldier and is designed to solve tasks in the future of defense. The new vehicles together with modernized and up-to-date tanks, new patrol vehicles and new artillery and air defense ensure that the Army is strong in resolving the tasks of the future,” said General Bjørn Bisserup.

The Danish Army has awarded a multi-year framework contract to General Dynamics European Land Systems for the upgrade and to provide on-going support for its fleet of wheeled armored vehicles.

For more than 20 years, General Dynamics European Land Systems has been a trusted partner to Denmark, supplying vehicles and related life-cycle support to the Danish Army.

The Piranha is one of the most successful Western 8×8 wheeled armoured vehicle in the world. More than 12,000 vehicles of the PIRANHA family are in service with 20 user nations including and several European countries: Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Romania, Spain, and Switzerland.

The vehicles offer a full range of standout features, such as custom built driveline, modular protection, unrivalled payload to gross vehicle weight ratio, almost unlimited range of weapon stations, amphibious capability and the renowned Piranha mobility.