الامارات تلغي طلبية لطائرات بياجو والشركة على وشك الافلاس

8 يناير 2012
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- الإمارات (أداسي) تلغي طلبية لطائرات بياجو P1HH بعدد 8 بعد كثير من المشاكل والتأخير
- الطائرات لم تلبي مطالب الامارات
- القيمة 400 مليون يورو
- الشركة على وشك الإفلاس

Italy's Drone Ambitions Crash-Land As Piaggio Aero Loses Only Client (excerpt)

(Source: Reuters; published Nov 30, 2018)

By Giulio Piovaccari, Stanley Carvalho

MILAN/ABU DHABI --- Europe’s only commercial maker of military drones, Italy-based Piaggio Aerospace, has lost its sole customer after going into bankruptcy in a setback for Italian ambitions to challenge U.S. and Israeli firms in a fast growing industry.

Piaggio, a unit of Abu Dhabi’s sovereign fund Mubadala, competes with firms such as U.S. General Atomic, Northrop Grumman (NOC.N) and Lockheed Martin (LMT.N) as well as Israel’s Elbit Systems ELST.TA and Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI).

The market for military drones is estimated to be worth between $6 billion and $10 billion in 2018, but analysts say it is set to increase sharply over the next decade.

This month, United Arab Emirates canceled an order placed through state-owned defense company ADASI with Piaggio Aerospace for eight unmanned P1HH drones, a Mubadala spokesman said, adding the decision was made due to “delays and failures of the agreed programs”.

One source familiar with the matter said the order had been worth 400 million euros ($454 million), a figure which included development costs borne by the Italian company.

ADASI could not be reached for a comment while Piaggio Aerospace declined to comment. (end of excerpt)
P.1HH HammerHead features a technologically advanced Vehicle Control & Management System (VCMS) that when combined with the advanced Mission Management System (MMS) manages the UAV and its mission specific equipment.
The VCMS, commanded from the Ground Control Station (GCS) via an airborne datalink system, conducts the vehicle commanding aerodynamic control surfaces and manages on-board equipment with a triple redundant Flight Control Computer (FCC) system and multiple remote multi-lane Servo Interface Units (SIU), developed to achieve the required level of safety and mission reliability.
Position, attitude and air data are guaranteed by triple redundant Inertial Sensors (INS) and Air Data Probes (ADS), mounted in the VCMS. P.1HH HammerHead VCMS features an Automatic Take-Off and Landing (ATOL) system served with dual redundant external sensors for required reliability and safety.

All VCMS LRU’s are installed inside the large volume fuselage, in a very protected optimized operative environment, in a specific lay-out that provides zonal separation and temperature analysis to achieve a state of the art operative temperature range, highest VCMS reliability and finally, P.1HH HammerHead safety. Very easy access is provided through the large entry door and a multitude of access doors for the best maintainability within the segment.
غريب جدا:unsure:

اذكر ان الامارات استحوذت على هذه الشركة أو جزء منها قبل عدة سنوات .​
شاهدت هذه الطائرة في السعودية
هل تستخدمها القوات الإماراتية؟
في خبر آخر اليوم:
- الشركة في وضع مؤسف وتبحث عن رواتب موظفيها هذا الشهر
- السبب الرئيسي لخسارة الشركة هي ببساطة بسبب الطليان أنفسهم. مبادلة اشترطت أن تكون طلبيتها مربوطة بطلبية الطليان أنفسهم لهذه الطائرة. يعني بالمختصر تريد الإمارات ضمانة من الطليان فيما يخص تطوير الطائرة وعدم النصب على الإمارات بعد شرا الشركة. الطليان انسحبوا من طلبيتهم فانسحبت مبادلة أيضا.

Facing Uncertain Future, Piaggio Aerospace Gets New Management (excerpt)

(Source: Defense News; posted Dec 07, 2018)

By Tom Kington

ROME --- Two weeks after its Gulf owners placed it into receivership, Piaggio Aerospace has a new manager appointed by the Italian government who is seeking a buyer for the historic Italy-based firm.

The company’s prospects are however gloomy after its former owner Mubadala, the UAE investment fund, cancelled its planned order for eight Piaggio Aero P1.HH drones, just as Italy is dragging its heels over its own order of drones from the company.

On Tuesday, the Italian government appointed a lawyer, Vincenzo Nicastro, as administrator of the firm, whose first first task was to pay November’s wages to staff.

An Italian industry source said he would then be responsible for devising a plan to relaunch the firm, before seeking a new buyer, with Italy’s Leonardo being touted in Italy as a candidate.

Leonardo CEO Alessandro Profumo has not ruled out taking a stake in the firm.

“We need to understand how the situation evolves and then we will evaluate the case,” he said last week. (end of excerpt)

تعليقي: من حال لأردى يا الطليان