ليتوانيا سوف تقتني L-ATV


عضو مميز
27 يونيو 2018
2,581 109 0
United Arab Emirates
وزير الدفاع الليتواني يصرح بأن بلاده سوف تقتني L-ATV

العقد سوف يكلف الدولة مبلغ 114 مليون دولار

من المتوقع توقيع العقد في سنة 2020

يتم مناقشة التفاصيل التقنية من الصفقة

العدد الذي سوف يتم التعاقد عليه حوالي 200 مدرعة

سوف يتم توزيع العدد على الجيش بسبب تاكل و تقادم المدرعات المستخدمة حاليا في الجيش و المتمثلة في مدرعات الهامفي و تيوتا لاند كروزر 200

Lithuanian Defense Minister Raimundas Karoblis announced on Thursday that country plans to acquire L-ATV combat multi-role vehicles from the USA.

According to Leta.lv citing the Lithuanian Defense Minister, it is anticipated that the L-ATV’s contract will be signed in 2020 and will cost $114 million (Euro100 million).

“The (technical) specifications are being finalized now. We plan to move toward final decisions next year or in 2020,” the minister said.

“About 100 million euros have been earmarked,” he added.

A potential contract, announced Thursday by Raimundas Karoblis, will worth more than $114 million (Euro100 million ) and covers delivery of up to 200 Light Combat Tactical All-terrain Vehicles (L-ATV)from Oshkosh Defense.

The vehicles would be distributed across the Lithuanian Armed Forces to fill a shortage due to “normal wear and tear” of equipment and increased demand, the Defense Ministry has said.

Currently, the Lithuanian Armed Forces use HMMWV and Toyota Land Cruiser 200 armored all-terrain vehicles.

The Oshkosh L-ATV is a light combat multi-role vehicle.

The L-ATV combines field-proven technologies, an advanced crew protection system that provides MRAP-level protection and expeditionary levels of mobility in a light-duty profile. Equipped with the Oshkosh TAK-4i intelligent independent suspension system*, this Light Combat Tactical All-Terrain Vehicle delivers new levels of agility to safely traverse rugged terrain and compressed urban areas.

The L-ATV can be fitted with a wide range of remote-controlled weapon stations or ring mount 7.62 or 12,7mm machine gun. The L-ATV’s Oshkosh roof mounted turret is capable of mounting either an M240 machine gun, a Mk 19 grenade launcher or, a BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank guided missile, all of which can be operated either from the turret or remotely inside the cabin.

وزير الدفاع الليتواني يصرح بأن بلاده سوف تقتني L-ATV

العقد سوف يكلف الدولة مبلغ 114 مليون دولار

من المتوقع توقيع العقد في سنة 2020

يتم مناقشة التفاصيل التقنية من الصفقة

العدد الذي سوف يتم التعاقد عليه حوالي 200 مدرعة

سوف يتم توزيع العدد على الجيش بسبب تاكل و تقادم المدرعات المستخدمة حاليا في الجيش و المتمثلة في مدرعات الهامفي و تيوتا لاند كروزر 200

Lithuanian Defense Minister Raimundas Karoblis announced on Thursday that country plans to acquire L-ATV combat multi-role vehicles from the USA.

According to Leta.lv citing the Lithuanian Defense Minister, it is anticipated that the L-ATV’s contract will be signed in 2020 and will cost $114 million (Euro100 million).

“The (technical) specifications are being finalized now. We plan to move toward final decisions next year or in 2020,” the minister said.

“About 100 million euros have been earmarked,” he added.

A potential contract, announced Thursday by Raimundas Karoblis, will worth more than $114 million (Euro100 million ) and covers delivery of up to 200 Light Combat Tactical All-terrain Vehicles (L-ATV)from Oshkosh Defense.

The vehicles would be distributed across the Lithuanian Armed Forces to fill a shortage due to “normal wear and tear” of equipment and increased demand, the Defense Ministry has said.

Currently, the Lithuanian Armed Forces use HMMWV and Toyota Land Cruiser 200 armored all-terrain vehicles.

The Oshkosh L-ATV is a light combat multi-role vehicle.

The L-ATV combines field-proven technologies, an advanced crew protection system that provides MRAP-level protection and expeditionary levels of mobility in a light-duty profile. Equipped with the Oshkosh TAK-4i intelligent independent suspension system*, this Light Combat Tactical All-Terrain Vehicle delivers new levels of agility to safely traverse rugged terrain and compressed urban areas.

The L-ATV can be fitted with a wide range of remote-controlled weapon stations or ring mount 7.62 or 12,7mm machine gun. The L-ATV’s Oshkosh roof mounted turret is capable of mounting either an M240 machine gun, a Mk 19 grenade launcher or, a BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank guided missile, all of which can be operated either from the turret or remotely inside the cabin.

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