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United Arab Emirates
Finland’s Boomeranger Boats to deliver special operations RHIBs to UAE, India
Gabriel Dominguez - Jane's Defence Weekly
08 December 2017

A Boomeranger C-950D Special Operations Boat shown here during a trial run. Finland’s Boomeranger Boats announced on 27 November that it had signed contracts to deliver special operations RHIBs to the UAE military and the IN. Source: Boomeranger Boats

Finnish boat manufacturer Boomeranger Boats announced on 27 November that it had signed contracts to deliver special operations rigid-hull inflatable boats (RHIBs) to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) military and the Indian Navy (IN).

The company said in a statement that it will provide 34 such boats to the UAE over the next two years. The RHIBs will be equipped to carry out visit, board, search, and seizure (VBSS) as well as combat diver operations.

“To support these roles, each boat will have [the] latest tactical equipment, including thermal imaging cameras, armour plating, and helicopter transport systems,” the firm added.

The agreement reached with the IN includes the delivery of an undisclosed number of the RHIBs along with a comprehensive support system.

“For the company, this project is an opportunity to highlight its strong know-how in tailoring products for demanding conditions and meeting the needs of diverse customers. More information will be supplied regarding the specifics of the Indian project as it progresses,” said Boomeranger Boats.

According to its website, the company currently offers six different models of especial operations boats designed for heavy duty maritime authority use such as patrolling, interception, boarding, and search-and-rescue missions.

The statement did not mention which models are set to be delivered.

عدد 34 من هذه القوارب للقوات المسلحة الاماراتية ..


RHIB Contracts to UAE and India Confirmed



The factory is being expanded and more staff will be recruited for production and specialised tasks.

Boomeranger Boats Oy has confirmed the biggest Special Operations Boat deal of the industry’s history with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Defence Forces and a significant RHIB systems delivery to the Indian Navy.

Boomeranger will deliver a fleet of 34 units of Special Operations RHIBs to the United Arab Emirates over the next two years. These boats are equipped for VBSS (Visit, Board, Search and Seizure) and combat diver operations. To support these roles, each boat will have latest tactical equipment including thermal imaging cameras, armour plating and helicopter transport systems.

The agreement made with the Indian Navy includes the delivery of a comprehensive support system along with the boats. For the company, this project is an opportunity to highlight its strong know-how in tailoring products for demanding conditions and meeting the needs of diverse customers. More information will be supplied regarding the specifics of the Indian project as it progresses.

The UAE deal would not have been made without the company’s new and visionary Abu Dhabi owner, who is ready to invest in the development of the company and understands the long-term perspective of a relationship with authorities. The new owner has invested significantly in the Loviisa factory, enabling the purchase of new design tools and development of company infrastructure.
”We have been working on these deals for six years. The contracts raise our profile to a whole new level, placing us into our own category. As a note, these are the best kinds of contracts a manufacturer can have, and it is a compliment that both the Indian and United Arab Emirates’ authorities trust the Finnish know-how,” says Managing Director Miika Tammi.

”We are currently expanding the factory by a third. During this year, we have hired 10 new boat builders, and we have significantly expanded our subcontractor network. At the moment, we are looking for more people to our production. We would like to give a big thank you to our whole team, with whose great commitment the company has taken giant leaps forward. Challenging projects have also required a significant investment in product development,” comments Jani Leskinen, CTO

مصدر اخر من موقع الشركة
وللمزيد لمواصفات القوارب ..


أعلنت قوارب Boomeranger الفنلندية في 27 نوفمبر أنها وقعت عقود لتصدير قوارب العمليات الخاصة RHIBs Boomeranger قوارب صلبة قابلة للنفخ الى الجيش الإماراتي .

وقالت الشركة في بيان انها ستقدم 34 سفينة من هذا النوع الى الامارات خلال العامين المقبلين. سوف تكون مجهزة للقيام بمهام، العمليات التنفيذية الخارجية ،البحث، والحجز والمصادرة (VBSS) وكذلك عمليات الغواص القتالية.


"كل سفينة تحمل أحدث المعدات التكتيكية، بما في ذلك كاميرات التصوير الحراري، الدروع المصفحة، وأنظمة النقل بالطائرات العمودية".

ويشمل الاتفاق الذي تم التوصل إليه مع وزارة الداخلية تسليم عدد غير معلوم من قوارب RHIBs إلى جانب عدد من انظمة الدعم الشامل.

"بالنسبة للشركة، هذا المشروع هو فرصة لتسليط الضوء على الصناعة القوية في منتجاتها للظروف الاكثر تطلبا وتلبية احتياجات العملاء المتنوعة.

ووفقا لموقعها على شبكة الإنترنت، تقدم الشركة حاليا ستة نماذج مختلفة من قوارب العمليات الخاصة المصممة لاستخدام القوة البحرية الثقيلة مثل الدوريات، والاعتراض، وبعثات البحث والإنقاذ.

وتتراوح طرازات عملياتها الخاصة من 7.4 إلى 12 مترا في الطول وتصل إلى سرعات تصل إلى 40 ميلا بحريا إما بالدفع الخارجي أو الداخلي، ودفع النفاثات المائية.

ولم يذكر البيان النماذج التي سيتم تسليمها.
لماذا لا يتم التعامل مع شركة قوارب الخليج الاماراتية و يفتتح فيها قسم للانتاج العسكري البحري مع اليخوت التي تصنعها ، وهذه الشركه لها خبره كبيره منذ الثمانينات
شاهدوا ماذا تنتج هذه الشركة
التعديل الأخير:
لماذا لا يتم التعامل مع شركة قوارب الخليج الاماراتية و يفتتح فيها قسم للانتاج العسكري البحري مع اليخوت التي تصنعها .
شاهدوا ماذا تنتج هذه الشركة

ربما لعدم وجود خبرة سابقة في التصنيع الدفاعي البحري ..

ابوظبي لبناء السفن ، الاتحاد لبناء السفن ، الصير مارين ، الفتان لبناء السفن ، ابوظبي مار ، الخ ... هذه خيارات لديها تجارب وتخصص يغري بالتعاون معها ..
من ميزات القوارب قابلة للحركة والرفع من قبل الطائرات العمودية يعني مرونة في نقل مع البلاك الهوك.
التعديل الأخير:
الامر الآخر ايها السادة .. الامارات اشترت

BRIEF-Revenio Group sells Boomeranger Boats Oy to International Golden Group from UAE

* Signed an agreement to sell entire stock capital of Boomeranger Boats Oy to International Golden Group from United Arab Emirates

* Says parties have agreed not to disclose sale price

* Says sale is estimated to boost group's cash flow by approximately three million euros ($3.40 million) Source text for Eikon: Further company coverage: ($1 = 0.8798 euros) (Gdynia


تم شراء الشركة الفنلندية بوسطة المجموعة الذهبية الدولية الاماراتية IGG :)
تم شراء الشركة في 2015 واضافتها لمجموعة شركات المجموعة الذهبية الدولية IGG


Established in 1991 in Finland, Boomeranger Boats Ltd was acquired by International Golden Group in 2015 to be a new subsidiary specialising in the production of first-class Rigid Inflatable Boats (RHIB). Designed and built in-house, the boats are created for professionals by artisans in the field. Developed for use in the harshest marine environments, these boats meet the demanding requirements of military and defence clients and are produced according to strict international quality standards. All manufacturing is done in Loviisa, Finland in our all- purpose built factory for GRP-boat manufacturing with separated ventilated workshops for lamination, aluminium production, tube works, electrical, and metal works.



خطوة رائعة من الامارات وعقبال المزيد من الشركات والمنتجات
هل القوراب مضادة للرصاص او فيها نسبة تدريع ؟

“To support these roles, each boat will have [the] latest tactical equipment, including thermal imaging cameras, armour plating, and helicopter transport systems,” the firm added.
