الامارات والبرازيل ستعرضان طائرة قتال خفيف جديدة في معرض دبي للطيران ٢٠١٧

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26 يوليو 2008
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Emirati-Brazilian Light Attack Aircraft to make Dubai Debut, reports

بحسب Aviation Week , ستقوم الامارات والبرازيل بعرض مشروعهما المشترك لطائرة القتال الخفيف ( Light Attack Aircraft ) في معرض دبي للطيران ٢٠١٧
للاسف لم اتمكن من قراءة المقال كاملا لانني لست مشتركا ..

اتمنى ممن لديه تفاصيل اكثر ان يتحفنا بالانجاز الجديد :)

بدأت اتحمس للمعرض اكثر واكثر ..
اذكر الزيارة رفيعة المستوى التي جرت بين الجانبين وتم فيها الاتفاق على التعاون العسكري في عدة مجالات من بينها التصنيع الدفاعي ونقل التكنولوجيا .

اظن ان هذه الطائرة نتاج لمخرجات الزيارة الرائعة ..
كونها متخصصة في الهجوم الخفيف ... سنرى بعون الله كيف سيكون كونفيجريشن التسليح ..

ربما على نمط السوبر توكانو و الAT802U
بالتوفيق ان شاء الله للامارات مثل هذه الشراكات ستفتح امام الامارات افاق جديدة في صناعة الطيران
بنسبة كبيرة هي نسخة محدثة من السوبر توكانو البرازيلية وكان هناك مباحثات بين الامارات والبرازيل علي الطائرة في العام 2015


اعتقد ان الاتجاه لتلك الطائرات اتي بعد النجاح الذي حققته الاير تراكتور الامريكية سواء في اليمن او في مصر لذلك فهي فئة رااائعه من طائرات الدعم السوبر توكانوا والاير تراكتور لكن هذا يعتمد علي التعديلات التي ستحصل عليها الامارات والتسهيلات وربما تصنيع محلي من يدري

بنسبة كبيرة هي نسخة محدثة من السوبر توكانو البرازيلية وكان هناك مباحثات بين الامارات والبرازيل علي الطائرة في العام 2015

مشاهدة المرفق 91540 مشاهدة المرفق 91541

اعتقد ان الاتجاه لتلك الطائرات اتي بعد النجاح الذي حققته الاير تراكتور الامريكية سواء في اليمن او في مصر لذلك فهي فئة رااائعه من طائرات الدعم السوبر توكانوا والاير تراكتور لكن هذا يعتمد علي التعديلات التي ستحصل عليها الامارات والتسهيلات وربما تصنيع محلي من يدري

مشاهدة المرفق 91542

نحن نتحدث عن مشروع مشترك ( السوبر توكانو تخص شركة امبراير وهي منتجة بالفعل قبل الزيارة الاماراتية )

لو كانت هي .. ستكون بعون الله مشروعا جديدا مشتركا ( JV )

ولكنني اميل اكثر لشركة Novaer Craft البرازيلية ( اظن ان لم اخطئ ان هذه الشركة وردت ضمن لائحة التعاون بين الامارات والبرازيل آنذاك ) .. وفي هذه الحالة :

انظر للمفاجأة السعيدة من موقع Novaer الرسمي :)

(COIN) Counterinsurgency Operations Aircraft:
NOVAER was responsible for the design, development and program management. This program remains frozen at the stage of detailed design.


انظر للاشنقاق المسلح الاكبر حجما والمخصص للCOIN والهجوم الخفيف ..

ان لم تكن السوبر توكانو ،، فإن اغلب الظن انها ستكون هذه الجديدة

Emirati-Brazilian Light Attack Aircraft to make Dubai Debut, reports


الشركة لديها مشروع طائرة نسخة لتدريب ونقل خفيف

ممكن النيه على

بالفعل خبر رائع الطائرة منصة في غاية الاهمية تخفف العبئ عن المقاتلات في عمليات القصف وحملها لذخائر موجهه وبحمولة كبيرة قد يجعلها رأس حربة في قتال الميلشيات والجماعات الارهابية كداعش والحوثي بتكلفة اقل وبتشكيلة ذخائر اوسع وارخص ايضا بالاضافة الي مهمتها في التدريب والدعم باعداد كبيرة .. انا من اشد المناصرين للسوبر توكانو والاير تراكتور ومشتقاتهم نهنئ انفسنا والامارات بهذه الاخبار السعيدة ولا اظنها الا البداية
اليكم الخبر السعيد كما جاء في الرابط اعلاه .. مترجما بالانجليزية

NOVAER / Calidus show two aircraft at the Dubai Air Show 2017 (T-Xc SOVI and B-250 Bader)

Oct 26, 2017


This week, NOVAER confirmed the surprising presence of the T-Xc SOVI at the fair in Dubai, in the static display, next to the B-250 Bader.

The Dubai Air Show 2017 (Nov. 12-16) will host for five days, among dozens of other exhibitors from around the world, Calidus .

This local company, associated with Brazilian NOVAER , will exhibit two sophisticated military aircraft, the primary / basic / advanced T-Xc SOVI coach , launched in 2013 (1st flight in 2015), and the brand new B-250 Bader , a lightweight, biplace, armed with machine guns on the wings and equipped with eight points to attach a wide range of weapons, including bombs and smart missiles.

Headquartered in São José dos Campos, in the interior of the State of São Paulo, NOVAER has been developing the B-250 Bader wrapped in great secrecy.

The report became aware of the aircraft during the engine spin of the 1st prototype at the end of last June. This prototype is expected to be statically displayed by the two companies during the Dubai AIr Show 2017 .

This week, NOVAER confirmed the surprising presence of the T-Xc SOVI at the fair in Dubai, in the static display, next to the B-250 Bader . There was some curiosity as to how these planes would be transported to the United Arab Emirates .

Coincidentally, today arrived in Brazil (October 26) a military freighter Boeing C-17 Globemaster III of the Air Force of the United Arab Emirates , with the destination airport ... São José dos Campos.

It is perfectly feasible to board and transport these two aircraft, the B-250 Bader and the T-Xc SOVI , (with the wings removed) by the UAE C-17 .

The author's attention was drawn to the fact that the T-Xc SOVI is included in the Calidus / NOVAER product portfolio as part of a technological package where it will be responsible for the training and training of military pilots, and the B- 250 Bader will attend missions of light attack (CAS) and insurgency (COIN).
كما ورد اعلاه .. سيتم عرض طائرة T-X SOVI التدريبية و طائرة B-250 ( بدر ) للقتال الخفيف ومكافحة التمرد
الابداع في تسليح ( بدر )

armed with machine guns on the wings and equipped with eight points to attach a wide range of weapons, including bombs and smart missiles.

مدافع رشاشة على الجناحين + عدد 8 نقاط تعليق يمكنها حمل مجموعة واسعة من التسليح بما في ذلك القنابل والصواريخ الذكية ..
وتتوالى الاخبار السعيدة .. لاول مرة اعرف ان CALIDUS هي شركة اماراتية تكنولوجية تنضوي تحت الكيان الدفاعي الاماراتي الضخم EDIC او شركة الامارات للصناعات الدفاعية ..

Novaer / Calidus to launch B250 light attack aircraft during Dubai Air Show 2017

Oct 10, 2017


The B250 "Dragon" is based on the A-67 Dragon that was being developed jointly by one of Novaer's formative companies, Geometra.
Last May, Brazilian Defense Minister Raul Jungmannreceived in Brasilia the retinue of his United Arab Emirates counterpart , Minister Mohamed Albawardi Alfalasi .

Alfalasi said: "We are interested in participating in projects in Brazil in all areas, whether military or commercial," said the minister. In fact, it was announced on that occasion, with great repercussion, the interest of companies of the United Arab Emirates to invest in Brazil, especially in the defense sector.


Meeting of Minister Raul Jungmann with his counterpart from the United Arab Emirates, Mohamed Albawardi Alfalasi. "We are interested in participating in projects in all areas, whether military or commercial," said Minister Mohamed.
This trend, confirmed with the arrival of arms manufacturer Caracal LLC to Brazil (a subsidiary of Emirates Defense Industries Company ) was reinforced with the announcement of interest by the Emirates in the Tamandaré Corvettes project .

This has affected the local press as well as a clear interest in the Embraer Defense & Security KC390 military transport jet . The United Arab Emirates is one of the ten largest buyers of defense products in the world. At the Brazilian National Congress, an agreement is under way for the protection of military information, something that could further enhance cooperation between the two countries.


Last May, the delegation of the Arab Emirates visited, in addition to Novaer, the industrial parks of Avibras and Embraer.
But what most analysts said was an excerpt from the statement issued by the Ministry of Defense , which reads " The Arab Emirates, through the company Calidus , develop in partnership with the Brazilian Novaer , the B250 aircraft, which is currently in the certification phase ".

Novaer / Calidus B250, the game changer designed in Brazil

Novaer / calidus B250 Dragon can be seen in this single existing image of the model so far.
The Dubai Air Show 2017 , to be held from November 12 to 16, will witness the official launch of the Novaer / Calidus B250 , in the form of the prototype exhibited in static display at the Calidus booth (stands A34 and A35).

At the end of last June, the first engine turn of the prototype # 1 was carried out at Novaer's facilities in São José dos Campos. From there, a series of small pieces of the puzzle were fitting together to form an amazing backdrop.

Calidus is a new technology company that is part of the Emirates Defense Industrie Company.
The Calidus is a company focused on the development of new technologies based in Abu Dhabi. It operates through partnerships with innovative companies in the field of aviation to provide cutting-edge, mission-oriented and cost-effective solutions for its customers. Exactly where Novaer fit with its expertise in composites and innovative aeronautical projects.

The B-250 light attack aircraft , a development program of the Calidus / Novaer companies , is a carbon fiber aircraft designed to operate in asymmetric warfare and coping with modern threats. Certainly, his project received all the inputs of the development of the T-Xc family , but Newe r went beyond.


Among Novaer's projects, SOVI promises to be the replacement for the venerable T-25 Universal and the long-lived T-27 Tucano (above and below, three-shot views and in-flight image of SOVI / T-Xc)

Deeply acquainted with the T-27 Tucano and A -29 Super Tucano aircraft , there is no doubt that Novaer used these two models as a starting point. In the design of the new airplane, which is larger and more capable than the A-29, answers to questions such as power and reliability of the engine and its installation, durability and resistance to wing fatigue, increased payload loads with eight hard-points fixation of the armament and / or extra fuel tank, intelligent weapon integration and state-of-the-art active / passive defensive systems, according to customer needs, have been extensively studied and answered with effective and current solutions.

The new model offers a comfortable cockpit equipped with Rockwell Collins avionics , allowing pilots to perform long missions of Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), Close Air Support (CAS) and / or training, with great resource savings and maintaining superlative performance, all thanks to a modern design and great maneuverability.

The large "wet" wings have altogether eight hard points for the installation of armament, and according to the preliminary data the author had access to, the performance of the B250 should clearly put it in a category of performance superior to the A-29 Super Tucano , and by wide margin, as the plane could fire a wide range of intelligent weapons with much greater power of destruction, between missiles and guided bombs.

Today, COIN aircraft , in which the B250 is a light attack airplane, are sought after by nations of the Persian Gulf region, Africa and the Middle East . In the United States of America , the OA-x competition is expected to choose the veteran A-10A Thunderbolt II replacement within the " Light Attack Experiment " initiative , among others, the A-29 Super Tucano manufactured in Jacksonville, the AT-6 Wolwerine the Beechcraft and Textron Scorpion .

All airplanes in this category, except the Scorpion, use the engines of the PT-6A turboprop family , but the report has yet to find out what the B250 engine is .

It is not yet clear whether the serial production will take place in Brazil or in the Emirates, but many observers interested in the aircraft point to a binational solution.

The B250 , if approved by the United Arab Emirates Military Forces after the completion of its certification flight campaign, should be adopted by its Air Force and offered on a win-win basis to allies of the United Arab Emirates in the Persian Gulf and Middle East.

Three-shot views of the A-67 Dragon, in which the B250 project was based as a starting point.
The aircraft has aroused great interest from the Brazilian Air Force , as it could, in the last case, replace the A-29 Super Tucano itself as a light attack aircraft and advanced training of the FAB, paving the way for the adoption of the T-Xc family as the new primary / intermediary / acrobatic coaches of the Brazilian Air Force Academy , among other possibilities.

فالسابق طلبت الامارات تطوير الطائرة AT-802 من الشركات الامريكية لكن قوبل بأن التطويرات التي طلبتها الامارات غير قابلة للتنفيذ على هذه الطائرة

فتوجهت الامارات بشراكة مع البرازيل على صناعة طائرة خفيفة تلبي الاحتياج الاماراتي وفي اخر اجتماع بين المسؤولين الاماراتيين والبرازيل اعلن بانه في القريب

سيتم الاعلان عن المشروع وبنتظار التصديق عليه من السلطات العليا في البرازيل ..​

مشاركتي قبل اسبوع..​
الاخبار السعيدة كما قرأت في المقال اعلاه ...

قد تستبدل جميلتنا المصنوعة من الكاربون فايبر والتي اثارت اعجاب سلاح الجو البرازيلي طائرة السوبر توكانو نفسها :)

The aircraft has aroused great interest from the Brazilian Air Force , as it could, in the last case, replace the A-29 Super Tucano itself as a light attack aircraft and advanced training of the FAB, paving the way for the adoption of the T-Xc family as the new primary / intermediary / acrobatic coaches of the Brazilian Air Force Academy , among other possibilities.
