وزير الدفاع التركي: الأس 400 لن يدمج مع أنظمة الناتو


خـــــبراء المنتـــــدى
23 يونيو 2016
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ذكرت وكالة تاس الروسية على لسان وزير الدفاع التركي بأن بلده بحاجة ماسة حالياً إلى منظومة دفاع جوي متقدمة و يعد الأس 400 أحد الخيارات المرشحة حيث أن الوزير أعلن بأن القرار النهائي سيتخذ في القريب العاجل من قبل الرئيس ورئيس الوزراء.

MOSCOW, April 13. /TASS/. The Turkish leadership is at the final stage of making the decision on the choice of air defense systems for its military, with Russia’s advanced S-400 surface-to-air missile system being one of the options, the country’s defense minister has said.

وزير الدفاع قال بأن البلدين حققا في مارس الماضي نوعا من التقدم في المفاوضات حول شراء الأس 400 لكن ذلك التقدم لم يصل الى مرحلة توقيع العقد.

In early March, Isik said that the sides have made some progress in talks on the S-400 purchase, but the sides "have not yet reached the moment" when a contract can be inked.

كما أن الوزير شدد على معلومه مهمه و هي عدم إمكانية دمج منظومة الاس 400 مع نظام الناتو

The minister said that if Turkey purchases the Russian-made missile systems, they would not be integrated into the NATO system.

فين اللي امتحنونا بالدمج؟!
ونستطيع دمج المنظومتين ؟!
فين اللي امتحنونا بالدمج؟!
ونستطيع دمج المنظومتين ؟!

أحد الخبراء الدفاعيين في مركز EDAM في تركيا كتب مقال مهم في هذه الجزئية و أقتبس الجزء الأهم:

this time, Turkish officials are much more realistic, knowing that if the deal with Russia goes as planned, the S-400 system will not be integrated with the NATO missile defence architecture. This perspective is realistic because such an integration would not be merely a military-technical issue, but more of a political and security decision. Now, Turkish decision-makers know that this might enable Moscow to have access to invaluable information about NATO's critical capabilities.

From a military standpoint, lack of integration to the NATO architecture would mark some problems. Missile defence is a complicated mission that necessitates an advanced network of command and control, sensors, intelligence, target acquisition and surveillance systems.

It seems Ankara is pursuing a dual-track defence planning strategy by retaining its key role in the NATO's ballistic missile defence efforts through the X-band radar in Kurecik, while running its national agenda with more flexible technology-transfer options at the same time. Although such a perspective might be accomplished, this would be a significant burden on Turkish diplomacy and defence economics.

Technically, there is no rule within the NATO treaty that would prohibit member states from procuring Russian arms, and there are allied nations that currently have them. Although Russian strategic weapons in NATO-member nations' arsenals seem problematic for allied coherence, it might be disadvantageous for Russia as well.

During the allied exercises in the past, it is known that NATO used the Russian-made S-300s of Slovakia, and Greece test-fired S-300s from NATO's Missile Firing Installation in Crete a few years ago. Thus, it would be a major handicap for Moscow if Turkey decides to provide its future S-400s and related radars for NATO exercises in the future because it will give the Alliance access to its technology and experience with how it works.

يبدو أن تركيا أذا أشترت الاس 400 فأنها ستعمل على مبدأ الدفاع المزدوج أو الجزر المستقلة , فنياً و سياسياً من الصعب تماماً دمج منظومات الدفاع الروسية في منظومة الناتو.

على فكرة تركيا تشدد على فكرة نقل التقنية و هذا ماجعلها تترك الباتريوت و الأستر 30

The US Patriot bid did not include technology transfer and the European Aster-30 line did not match Turkey's technology transfer and co-production expectations.
في أحد المقابلات التي عملتها وكالة سبوتينك الروسية مع لواء تركي متقاعد قال معلقاً على الأسباب التي جعلت الناتو يظغط على تركيا لإيقاف الصفقة مع الصين و قال أن تلك الظغوطات ممكن الأن تأثر على الصفقة مع روسيا

"They would tell us: 'You are a member of NATO, your defense system should be integrated into that of the Alliance.
Russia's air defense systems [don't meet NATO's requirements] and can't provide such integration.' They can use these arguments as an excuse," Eslen explained suggesting that NATO will do whatever it takes to prevent Ankara from purchasing Russian anti-aircraft weapons.

الناتو بالحرف الواحد قال هذا وهو فعلياً صادق :D
على فكرة , أذا وافقت روسيا على إقراض تركيا فأن الصفقة ستتم بسرعة
المصادر تتحدث عن بطاريتين اس 400 للدفاع الجوي في تركيا :)

Turkey will buy two batteries of S-400 surface-to-air missile systems from Russia in order to fulfil the country's urgent requirement, Daily Sabah learned from security sources. The procurement agreement will likely be concluded when the Russian and Turkish finance ministers complete the loan agreement, the sources also indicated.

بطارية أو كتيبة الأس 400 تحوي 8 قاذفات صاروخية التي بدورها تضم 32 صاروخ ومركز قيادة متنقل

According to sources within the defense industry, a regular S-400 battalion consists of at least eight launchers with 32 missiles and a mobile command post.

ومرة أخرى الأتراك على لسان وزير الدفاع يؤكدون أن الأس 400 سيعمل منفرداً ولن يكون متكاملاً مع النظم الأخرى المتوافقة مع الناتو

As a N.A.T.O.-member, Turkey's procurement of the Russian S-400 system has raised concerns regarding the compatibility and integration of these weapons into the N.A.T.O. infrastructure. Minister Işık clarified last week that Turkey will use the Russian systems without integration, noting: ''Russia's S-400 missile systems will not be integrated into the N.A.T.O. system.''
