With the first export orders signed and new capabilities being introduced at a rapid pace, 2017 looks set to be an important year for the JF-17 Thunder developed by China and Pakistan. The first flight of a two-seat version—JF-17B—is planned for the first quarter, Pakistan will stand up its fifth squadron flying the aircraft, and contracts are due to be signed for the most advanced variant, the Block 3, complete with active, electronically scanned array (AESA) radar. The ...
الربع الأول من هذا العام سيكون موعد الطيران الاول لطائرة JF-17B ذات المقعدين ..
أبرز معالم البلوك 3 وجود رادار (AESA) و غالباً سيكون رادار KLJ-7A

من مواصفات الرادار ,, تتبع 15 هدف والتعامل مع أربعة أهداف في آن واحد بالإضافة الى أن الرادار قادر على أكتشاف هدف بصمته الرادارية تصل 5 م مربع من على مدى 170 كم
Specific details, such as the materials or number of transceiver modules (TRM), were not listed. According to Henri Kenhmann (via East Pendulum), NRIET’s deputy director Wang Hongzhe stated that the radar has a maximum range of 170 km (likely in reference to a radar cross-section of 5m2).
Kenhmann also reported that the KLJ-7A can simultaneously track 15 targets and engage four.