شركة تقنية تستثمر 100 مليون دولار في التقنية المحلية


صقور الدفاع
2 ديسمبر 2013
13,380 0 0
رائع ، الله يوفق
صناعات الطاقة و التقنية و العسكرية اهم القطاعات الصناعية الي الدولة بتركز عليهم في السنوات الجاية حسب برنامج التحول
Saudi Arabia Invests US$133M in ICT Startup Ventures

Saudi Arabia has formally launched a new ICT (information, communication and technology) startup ventures fund worth SAR500 million, or about US$133 million.
Known as Riyadh Taqnia Capital, the fund was announced personally by Prince Dr. Turki bin Saud bin Muhammad of the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST). Partners will include Riyadh Financial Capital and several other Saudi holding companies such as the General Investment Fund, the General Pension Fund, and the Human Resources Development Fund.

The fund will maintain its headquarters in the Saudi capital but will open an international arm at 3000 Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, California. Besides ICT, the fund will focus on energy, sustainability and advanced materials.

Saudi Arabia Invests US$133M in ICT Startup Ventures

Saudi Arabia has formally launched a new ICT (information, communication and technology) startup ventures fund worth SAR500 million, or about US$133 million.
Known as Riyadh Taqnia Capital, the fund was announced personally by Prince Dr. Turki bin Saud bin Muhammad of the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST). Partners will include Riyadh Financial Capital and several other Saudi holding companies such as the General Investment Fund, the General Pension Fund, and the Human Resources Development Fund.

The fund will maintain its headquarters in the Saudi capital but will open an international arm at 3000 Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, California. Besides ICT, the fund will focus on energy, sustainability and advanced materials.


ممكن شرح الجزء الاخير
سيكون المقر بالرياض و لكن له ذراع في كاليفورنيا ؟؟ ممكن شرح ؟؟
ممكن شرح الجزء الاخير
سيكون المقر بالرياض و لكن له ذراع في كاليفورنيا ؟؟ ممكن شرح ؟؟

ابد نفس ما قلت ، سيكون المقر بالرياض وله فرع في منلو كاليفورنيا ، حاطين عنوانه يعني وبعدين كاتبين
سيكون تركيز التمويل على الطاقة ، الاستدامة ، والمواد المتطورة
Saudi Arabia has also set up tech incubators and established venture capital funds with headquarters in Riyadh and offices in Menlo Park, California. Among them is Riyadh Taqnia Capital, which has committed to investing over $100 million in local tech firms.

مر علي الخبر امس..
بس كنت أريد مصدر وماحصلت..

شكرا لك صديقي كنت احتاجه ..:cool: