الجيش الهولندي يتعاقد على منظومة الحماية Iron Fist الاسرائيلية


صقور الدفاع
15 يناير 2016
64,734 401 3
Dutch CV90s to become first NATO combat vehicles to receive active protection

CV90 الهولندية اول عربة قتالية داخل الناتو تتزود بمنظومة حماية نشطة


BAE Systems has received a contract from the Netherlands for the testing and verification of Active Protection Systems (APS) on its CV90 Infantry Fighting Vehicles.

حصلت شركة BAE Systems على عقد من هولندا من اجل تجريب منظومة حماية نشطة على عرباتها القتالية CV90

Active Protection is an advanced solution consisting of countermeasures that can intercept incoming rocket-propelled grenades, anti-tank missiles, and other threats to increase crew and vehicle survivability.

منظومة حماية نشطة هو احد الحلول متقدمة ضد قدائف الغير الموجهة و الموجهة المضادة لدروع

BAE Systems, the manufacturer of the Dutch CV9035 variant vehicles, will lead the APS integration. BAE Systems will also carry out the future installation of the system, called Iron Fist, developed by Israeli supplier IMI Systems. Iron Fist is an automated system that uses a radar to detect and track threats and then takes action to eliminate the threat.

شركة BAE Systems المصنع ل CV9035 نسخة الهولندية , ستتكلف بدمج منظومة الحماية النشطة Iron Fist التي تنتجها شركة IMI الاسرائيلية ...

“Iron Fist will give the Dutch Army a highly sophisticated defensive tool on its CV90s to counter threats and improve the safety of the vehicle and its crew,” said Tommy Gustafsson-Rask, managing director of Sweden-based BAE Systems Hägglunds. “Iron Fist is yet another example of the advanced technology BAE Systems and its partners can deliver to our customers.”

The integration of this advanced APS solution onto the Dutch CV90s demonstrates the vehicle’s adaptability to new and evolving technologies to meet customer-specific requirements.

“During this test phase we will pre-qualify the active system against our threat specification, and together with our partners analyze system safety and prepare for its integration onto our CV9035NL vehicles,” said Hans de Goeij, project manager at the Netherlands Defence Materiel Organisation, Ministry of Defence. “We expect to make a decision on the next phase by early 2018. With Iron Fist, the Netherlands is expected to become the first NATO country with an Active Protection System of its kind on combat vehicles.”

BAE Systems is a leader in the development of survivability technologies for combat vehicles. The company has, for example, developed a system called ADAPTIV, which uses cloaking technology to alter the appearance of a vehicle, making it harder to identify. BAE Systems has also developed a situational awareness tool called BattleView 360. BattleView 360 employs sensors outside the vehicle that feed a 360-degree image to a helmet-mounted monocle, allowing soldiers inside the vehicle to essentially “see through” armor and better detect threats.




الشركات الاسرائيلية تتمدد وتتوسع ، واصبحت ذات باع طويل في التطوير والتجهيز للعديد من الاسلحة
ونحن 22 دولة لم نجد احدنا يطور سلاح للغرب ، نعم اعلم ان التسهيلات تصب في اسرائيل وجميع المساعدات تأتيهم
باردة وسهلة ، ولكن انها لجمرة في الصدر !!
بالتوفيق لبلادي وسائر بلاد المسلمين في التطور والنهضة الحقيقية في المجال العسكري حتى نتفوق عليهم وعلى غيرهم
شاكر لك نقل الخبر .. ودي واحترامي للجميع
هوا مينفعش ننسي الخصام العربي الاسرائيلي ونتعاقد عليه باعداد محترمة ؟ :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
طب التعليق هزار علشان الاخوة ميزعلوش :censored::censored: