باتريا تطور مدفع نيمو في حاوية لصالح البحرية الاماراتية ..

صقر الامارات 

خـــــبراء المنتـــــدى
26 يوليو 2008
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Jeremy Binnie– ‏@JeremyBinnie

Patria has announced it has developed a containerized version of its 120mm Nemo mortar system for the UAE Navy.

1:57 AM - 7 Dec 2016

بحسب التغريدة ، شركة باتريا طورت نسخة من مدفع نيمو 122مم لصالح البحرية الاماراتية ..

خبر مثير للإهتمام :)
التطبيق السابق لمدفع نيمو 122 مم في البحرية الاماراتية كان على متن زوارق غناضة كلاس من صنع ابوظبي لبناء السفن


تم تجهيز الجزء الآخر بصواريخ مارتي ER ذات المدى الممدد .

لكن ،، مدفع نيمو في حاوية !!
هذه مثيرة للاهتمام بحق ،، ولماذا في حاوية !!
اجد سهولة تركيبه كنظام متكامل على الزوارق ..

الحاوية نفسها تحتوي على المدفع وقمرة الرامي والتجهيزات المرافقة ... وهذا ما يدعو للتفكر في نظام مدفع نيمو الحاوية
The Finnish defense company Patria as adapted its NEMO 120mm smooth-bore, gyro stabilized motor gun system to fit into an easily transportable shipping container.

That was reported by mvlehti.net.

The new NEMO 120mm container mortar system will showcase at International Defence Exhibition & Conference, IDEX 2017 in Abu Dhabi in February 19nd – 23th.

The special version of lightweight version of Patria’s Advanced Mortar System can be hidden inside a shipping container.

The special shipping container version of NEMO 120mm mortar system can be mounted on a vessel’s deck, on a pier, on a flatbed truck or sat directly on the ground. From those positions, NEMO can be put to work in fire modes that are direct (like a tank) and indirect (like an artillery piece). In the latter, it can have five rounds impact a target area all at once via Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact (MRSI) firing solutions calculated by the gun’s computer system.

According to сompany sources, Patria has developed a containerised system for its 120 mm mortar system, with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Navy to be the launch customer.

Inside it holds 100 rounds of various 120mm rounds, and is operated by three people—two loaders and one gunner who is also the commander. A self-contained air conditioning system provides environmental control and protection against nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) attacks.


ربما يتم دمجه على شاحنات او على عربات النمر 6x6 .

وربما الزوارق ايضا ...

Patria to hide its NEMO 120mm mortar system in shipping container
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Dec 14, 2016

Photo by Patria
The Finnish defense company Patria as adapted its NEMO 120mm smooth-bore, gyro stabilized motor gun system to fit into an easily transportable shipping container.

That was reported by mvlehti.net.

The new NEMO 120mm container mortar system will showcase at International Defence Exhibition & Conference, IDEX 2017 in Abu Dhabi in February 19nd – 23th.

The special version of lightweight version of Patria’s Advanced Mortar System can be hidden inside a shipping container.

The special shipping container version of NEMO 120mm mortar system can be mounted on a vessel’s deck, on a pier, on a flatbed truck or sat directly on the ground. From those positions, NEMO can be put to work in fire modes that are direct (like a tank) and indirect (like an artillery piece). In the latter, it can have five rounds impact a target area all at once via Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact (MRSI) firing solutions calculated by the gun’s computer system.

According to сompany sources, Patria has developed a containerised system for its 120 mm mortar system, with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Navy to be the launch customer.

Inside it holds 100 rounds of various 120mm rounds, and is operated by three people—two loaders and one gunner who is also the commander. A self-contained air conditioning system provides environmental control and protection against nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) attacks.

سيكون تطبيقا رائعا وسريع الدمج ويناسب العديد من المنصات ..


هناك زورق ابرار تصنعه ابوظبي لبناء السفن ,,, اتخيل ان تم دمج حاويات النيمو به وتحويله لمنصة مدفعية بحرية :)
