اللقاء المهم و الخطير لمايك موريل وكيل CIA السابق لشئون السياسه والامن القومي

16 أغسطس 2016
6,698 17 4
السلام عليكم

بصراحه استغربت كيف مر كلام هذا الرجل مرور الكرام الا من اشاره الي مقطع في موضوع درع الفرات
الوكيل السابق للمخابرات المركزية الامريكية وهو حاليا مستشار لهيلاري كلينتون وترك وظيفته في احدي القنوات ليلتحق بحمله هيلاري ليس حبا فيها بقدر ما هو خوف علي الولايات المتحده من ترامب و بالمناسبه قد يكون مستشار الامن القومي القادم او رئيس السي اي ايه في حاله فوز هيلاري

تحدث عن نقاط عده باسلوب رائع و علمي
لديه جزء مهم عن المملكه و تفائل بالامير محمد بن سلمان واجراءاته الاصلاحيه
في رده عن سؤال هل تتخلون عن الدول العربيه في مقابل ايران نظرا لان الارهاب حاليا يخرج من المذهب السني و ليس الشيعي ( الصيغه نقلتها حرفيا من المقدم تشارلي رزو ) و هذا مبدئيا معناه انه ما يروج في الولايات المتحده ان الاسلام السني هو ما اخرج الارهاب !! اذن فلنتوجه الي الاسلام الشيعي
كان رده بانه ايران تريد السيطرة علي الدول العربيه في الخليج او الهيمنه في حين دول الخليج لا تريد الهيمنه علي ايران او الحرب عليها وانه يتامل انه يتغير وجهه ايران الثوري الي وجهه اكثر ديموقراطية
في حديثه عن الازمه السورية اختصر لكم
انه في حاله اسقاط النظام عسكريا سنتجه الي النموذج الليبي وهذا ما لانريده و لمح ( بالقرب من حدود اسرائيل )
اذن لابد من وجود حكومه وحده وطنيه تضم المعارضه و ممثلين عن النظام بعد ابعاد الاسد
ابعاد الاسد يتطلب موافقه ايران و روسيا لذلك لابد من الضغط عليهم واستنزافهم حتي الوصول لتلك النقطه و في نفس الوقت ليدفعو الثمن غاليا ولا يفكرو في التحدي مره اخري

الحوار مهم جدا و بالفيديو بالاسفل توجد علامه CC بالضغط عليها يظهر التفريغ للحوار باللغه الانجليزيه
اتمني ان الكل يشوفه

مقتطفات من الحوار

Mike Morell: Right. Now, I'll tell you that what you just said is absolutely true. And so you have both of those dynamics.What's happening in Saudi Arabia is you have a young leader in Mohammad bin Salman, who I have met and who I am veryimpressed by, that understands that Saudi Arabia has to change.
Charlie Rose: It has to change in several ways in terms of it -- of the -- what kind of state it is and secondly, what kind of economic base it has.
Mike Morell: Exactly. And he's already taken steps that nobody thought possible, Charlie, including no longer allowing the religious police to arrest people. Huge.

Charlie Rose: Then there's this, today's paper. "Iranian Air Base Open to Russia: Bomber Strikes Syrian Rebel Sites; Moscow's Footprint Expands in the Middle East." Iranian air bases. So these planes no longer have to fly from Russia, a much shorter distance now, meaning the payload can be much bigger.
Mike Morell: Mm-hmm, a big deal.
Charlie Rose: Yes, a big deal because you have Iran and Russia being able to -- they have deepened a relationship with Iran, including supplying nuclear materials, which it does in part.
Mike Morell: Yes. So there's -- it's a big deal, right. It's a big deal for two reasons, one positive for Russia, one not so positive for Russia. The positive thing is it's deepening its involvement inthe Middle East, right, which is --
Charlie Rose: With a huge player.
Mike Morell: With a huge player, right. That's not in our interest.The downside is that Russia does want to have a relationshipwith the Sunni Gulf states. This is going to get noticed in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, and --
Charlie Rose: The Emirates.
Mike Morell: -- and Cairo and all of those other places.
Charlie Rose: Right.
Mike Morell: And their big enemy, right, their big enemy, in their mind, is Iran. And for Putin to be doing this, it's going to make itmore difficult for Putin to make inroads.
Charlie Rose: So you're saying short-sighted to be saddling upto Iran because it will endanger your relationship with Arab countries.
Mike Morell: Yes. And here's the point I'd make, Charlie, is that a lot of people see Putin as this great chess player, right, this great strategic thinker. No, he's not. He's a tactician, right. So he's doing this Iran thing for two reasons. One is the tactical military advantage he gets, which he -- you talked about, right, shorter distances, bigger payloads, etc. And he's doing it because it looks -- it makes him look like even a bigger player, right? So he's playing to those fundamental goals he's interested in, right. But he's not thinking about the larger strategic picture of siding up with, right, and being partners with a country in the region that is distrusted by everybody else, all of the Arab states and to include Turkey.
Charlie Rose: One of the things that you believe -- I believe you believe -- is that it's much more in the long-term interests of the United States to have a strong relationship with the Arab states, that these are not the same narratives, the Iranian narrative and the Saudi narrative, that, in fact -- or the Arab states' narrative, because they are very different in terms of their relationship and the potential of the relationship. I'm asking how you see a relationship with Iran and measure is there any -- and I'm using this word carefully -- equivalency in the relationship to the Arab states? Because the president, as I understand it, has basically been saying to the Arab states, look, you've got to talk to these people, you people have to find common ground, otherwise...
Mike Morell: Yes.
Charlie Rose: -- we will be looking at -- that's what President Obama's position is, as I understand it.
Mike Morell: Yes. It's a great question. So first of all, I would say, there is no equivalency between what the Iranians do and what the Gulf Arabs do. The Iranians want to dominate the region. The Gulf Arabs do not. They don't have an interest in dominating Iran. They're pushing back against an Iranian attempt to dominate them. So there's a fundamental difference between the two. Having said that, and I think this is a really important difference -- the revolutionary Iran that wants to dominate the region, that wants to spread its particular brand of extremism, it wants to spread its particular brand of religious governance, that is a Iran that we have topush back against, I think.
Charlie Rose: Yes, but, you know, people will argue with youand you know a lot more about this than I do. They will argue with you that extremism has come out of the Sunni branch of Islam rather than the Shia branch of Islam.
Mike Morell: Come back to that, OK? It's a really important point. So that kind of Iran is unacceptable and we should all oppose it, right, because they're trying to change the countries around them.
Charlie Rose: By supporting Hezbollah, by supporting Hamas and...
Mike Morell: By supporting all these Shia insurgent groups. By supporting terrorist groups...
Charlie Rose: Hamas and...
Mike Morell: -- all that kind of stuff, right.
Charlie Rose: And in Yemen, too.
Mike Morell: That is unacceptable. It should be unacceptable to the United States. What the Arab states are going to have to accept someday -- let's say we can change Iranian behavior so that they no longer want to dominate the region, right. Let's say we can get to that point. Iran is still going to be a powerful regional player because of its size, because of its economy, because of its Western, the Western orientation of many of its people. I mean, many, many Iranians admire the United States.It is going to be a significant player. Those Sunni states are going to have to accept that kind of Iran.