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يعني بتفهم لغة الكتابة ؟ و لا بتتكل على قوقل وعيوبه !
لازم كل حرف عليه دليل ..
واذا ناوي تكون اخر مره تنزل فيها مصدر فاتمني تكون اخر مره تنزل فيها موضوع !! و الا بهذه الطريقه يصبح المنتدي فوضي اي شخص يكتب اي شيء حتي ولو كان ( خرطي ) ويقولك مو لازم كل حرف لازم له دليل !!!
وملوحظه اخي الموقع ليس روسي ولكنه اوكراني فقط يكون بنسبه كبيره غير محايد نظرا لوجود خلافات كبري بين البلدين
The Russian anti-aircraft missile systems, such as S-300, S-400 and S-500 well, there is one "Achilles heel" writes National Interest. For those of serious concern is the struggle of obscure American combat aircraft of the fifth generation F-22 and F-35, stated in the article. Russian SAM is able to detect these aircraft, but they can not make guided weapons for such purposes, the newspaper notes.
Russian defense may seem something terrible, especially considering the fact that Moscow is increasingly stepping up their antiaircraft potential, writes National Interest. However, the area protected by Russian anti-aircraft missile systems S-300, S-400, and in the future S-500 does not "impervious bubbles" or "Iron Dome" as they are called, some analysts.
Although it is true that in the confrontation with the military aircraft of the fourth generation of those systems can seriously thinned the ranks of the enemy air, but "they have an Achilles heel," emphasizes the publication. Russian air defense will still have to make serious efforts in order to deal with such obscure American fifth-generation aircraft like the F-22 and F-35, noted the article.
Research scientist Mike Coffman, who studies the Russian armed forces, said that the advanced Russian anti-aircraft missile systems S-300, S-400 and not even adopted by the S-500 equipped with systems designed to detect and track subtle aircraft but they can not carry weapons pointing at the target.
Russia continues to work on this issue, but it is doubtful that she was able to solve it. A heavy investment in Moscow in various "levels of air defense" say that the Kremlin is paramount threat to their ground forces says US air power.
"While the Russian - and Chinese - not yet decided the issue, it is clear that stealth technology will eventually become not so serious advantage, and it is unlikely in the future it will be less expensive. Ultimately Moscow find a solution to the problem of stealth - it's just a matter of time "- sums up the National Interest.