نيجيريا تشتري طائرة بدون طيار اماراتية يبهون 20 و عدد 15 هيليكوبتر روسية

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خـــــبراء المنتـــــدى
26 يوليو 2008
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خبر رائع عن صفقة لبيع عدد طائرات درون اماراتية وعدد 15 هيليكوبتر روسية لنيجيريا ..

Pipeline attacks: FG imports Russian war helicopters, UAVs from Dubai
August 21, 2016

Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Abayomi Olonishakin
Fidelis Soriwei

The Federal Government is making a comprehensive arrangement to respond to the attacks on oil installations in the Niger Delta region through the importation of sophisticated military hardware.

A top military source said on Saturday that the Defence authorities had completed arrangements to bring in latest Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to boost the planned military operation in the oil-rich region.

It was gathered that the Federal Government has ordered for the Yahbon/20UAVs from Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

It was further learnt that the Yahbon/20UAVs were being procured to replace the Chinese CH-3A UAV in the arsenal of the military.

It was stated that the military would rely heavily on the Yahbon/20 UAV which carries four missiles on its wings for the success of the planned operation.

Investigation revealed that some of the new UAVs are billed to arrive the country November, 2016 while the others are expected next year.

It was further learnt that the Federal Government is also purchasing MI35M helicopters from Russia to prepare the Nigerian Air Force to monitor and combat those behind the destruction of oil and gas installations in the Niger Delta.

The MI35M is the latest and more sophisticated version of the MI35 which is one of the attack helicopters of the NAF.

The source said that three of the MI35M attack helicopters are expected to come into the country from Russia in November.

It was learnt that the Defence authorities made an arrangement with the Russians to purchase 15 of the modern attack helicopters for the planned aerial operation in the South-South.

It was gathered that the Russians had also trained 33 personnel of the Nigerian Air Force on how to fly and handle the ‘all-weather helicopters’ which could operate night and day.

It was learnt that those who went for the training in Russia arrived in the country three weeks ago.

It was also learnt that the acceptance flight for the helicopters was carried out late July.

The source said, “The Federal Government is not sleeping over the attacks on oil installations in the Niger Delta. Comprehensive steps are being taken on this disturbing development.

“The government is importing the Yahbon/20 UAV from Dubai. The unique thing about this drone is that it carries four missiles on its wings and it is quite effective. Very soon, Nigerians would see the difference.

“The latest drone will replace the Chinese CH-3A UAV which was found to be problematic in some ways. Apart from that, the military is also acquiring MI35M from the Russians. This is the latest version of the MI35 being used by the NAF.

“The difference is that this particular one is more sophisticated, it is all-weather and it has night capability which means that it can operate both day and night.

“Three of them will arrive the country in November this year; the plan is to bring the remaining 12 over the years.

“Some of the personnel of the NAF who went for the training on the use of the aircraft returned to the country three weeks ago. Also, the acceptance flight was done three weeks ago.”

When our correspondent contacted the Acting Director, Defence Information, Brig. Gen. Rabe Abubakar, for his comment on the story, he said that he did not have any information on the purchase of the military hardware.

“I don’t have that information,” he said.

Also, the Director of Information and Public Relations of the Nigerian Air Force, Group. Capt. Ayodeje Famuyiwa, said that while there were plans to acquire new platforms in the Air Force, he did not have any such detail.

The Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar, said while commissioning the third weaponised Alpha Jet of the NAF at the 99 Air Combat Training Group, Kainji, Niger State, on Friday, that the planned operation in the Niger Delta would require additional platforms.

He said efforts were being made to put together what was required for the planned operation, adding that the exercise would require the acquisition of additional platforms which was at the final stage of planning

“The exercise I am talking about will require additional platforms. They are now in the planning stage, very soon we will conclude that plan,” he said.

تصحيحا للعنوان .. هي من نوع يبهون- 20 وليس عدد 20 طائرة درون .. اما الهيليكوبترات فهي من نوع MI35M بعدد 15
وأصبحنا نصدر :جدا:

فجأة اصبح طعم الشاي اروع :)

طائرات يبهون 20 غالبا يقصد بها ( فلاش 20 ) احدث ابداعات الشركة بجانب شقيقتها حزم-15

فلاش 20 تتخذ نفس كونفيجريشن الاجنحة والتصميم العام لليونايتد 40 لكنها اخف منها واصغر حجما


في الخبر ورد ان لها قدرة حمل 4 صواريخ تحت اجنحتها وستكون بديلا للدرون الصيني CH-3A
اما هذه فهي شقيقتها حازم-15 ( تم تقديمهما في نفس المعرض .. معرض دبي للطيران بنسخته الماضية )

اشادة رائعة باعتمادية وكفاءة الدرون الاماراتي المسلح

“The government is importing the Yahbon/20 UAV from Dubai. The unique thing about this drone is that it carries four missiles on its wings and it is quite effective. Very soon, Nigerians would see the difference
في تعليق للسيد علي الضاهري .. افاد ان شركته مهتمة بدخول السوق السعودي والهندي ..

Al Dhaeri is also targeting expansion in two other territories - India and Saudi Arabia.

"India have a big interest in all our products," he says. "We are now in the process of creating the company and working with the government there. And Saudi Arabia is coming along very well. These technologies have to be established in the country, and it's not simple. We need to educate and train people to set up manufacture. But we are very fast - we can set up manufacture in six months."

الخبر بتاريخ 9 نوفمبر 2015 ويبدو ان هناك اهتماما كبيرا من الدولتين
في تعليق للسيد علي الضاهري .. افاد ان شركته مهتمة بدخول السوق السعودي والهندي ..

Al Dhaeri is also targeting expansion in two other territories - India and Saudi Arabia.

"India have a big interest in all our products," he says. "We are now in the process of creating the company and working with the government there. And Saudi Arabia is coming along very well. These technologies have to be established in the country, and it's not simple. We need to educate and train people to set up manufacture. But we are very fast - we can set up manufacture in six months."

الخبر بتاريخ 9 نوفمبر 2015 ويبدو ان هناك اهتماما كبيرا من الدولتين

يدور الحديث عن اقامة قدرات تصنيع هناك وان الشركة تستطيع فعل ذلك في ضرف 6 اشهر
الصفقات تسعدني شخصيا لانها ستصب في رصيد المنتج الاماراتي بشكل عام ..

السيولة الواردة من الصفقات ستعود لتصب في الR&D مما سيعجل بخروج التطويرات والابداعات في مجال الUNMANNED وغيرها ..
كلام كبير حول فلاش20

Yabhon Flash 20, which is the smallest of our UAVs at about 1.5 tonnes [maximum take-off weight]. The Hazem 15 is 5 tonnes, with very long wings - 23m. So now we've probably covered everything, and I don't think we need more than these."

The proposed mission sets for the Flash 20 are as distinctive as Dhaheri's eye-catching designs. He is keen to see Adcom's business come primarily from non-military customers, and the aircraft is being marketed for wildlife protection applications.

"I call that aircraft a whale tracker," Dhaheri says. "It flies for 60 or 70 hours, which would be nice for whale tracking."


تستطيع الطيران 60 الى 70 ساعة
مبروك ..
الامارات تصدر صفقات خارجية للدرونات..
والخبر عادي ..!!

واخبار دولة الميليشيات والمرتزقة وتلحيم البراميل
تملئ القنوات والمواقع العربية..قسم المرتزقة عندهم نشيط للتغطية على انكساراتهم والاحتماء بروسيا..!!

هذا خبر يثلج القلوب العربية..
مبروك للامارات ومزيد من الصناعات الحقيقية والصفقات التصديرية لكل مناطق العالم..!!
وأصبحنا نصدر :جدا:

معظم الشركات الاماراتيه تصدر للخارج من النمر الى ادكوم الى ابوظبي لبناء السفن الى كراكال

انجحهم اتوقع عربة النمر , تخدم الان بـ 5 - 6 بلدان عربيه تقريبا و دخلت بالمناقصه السعوديه لكن فازت الاوشكوش الامريكيه فيها

كراكال ايضا يصدرون كميه رهييبه من السلاح و الذخيره ( خاصتا للسوق الامريكي )

عقبال الصفقات الاكبر بالمستقبل ان شاءالله :D
معظم الشركات الاماراتيه تصدر للخارج من النمر الى ادكوم الى ابوظبي لبناء السفن الى كراكال

انجحهم اتوقع عربة النمر , تخدم الان بـ 5 - 6 بلدان عربيه تقريبا و دخلت بالمناقصه السعوديه لكن فازت الاوشكوش الامريكيه فيها

كراكال ايضا يصدرون كميه رهييبه من السلاح و الذخيره ( خاصتا للسوق الامريكي )

عقبال الصفقات الاكبر بالمستقبل ان شاءالله :D

لاحظ ان هذه اول منتجات الصناعة الدفاعية الاماراتية ( اول بندقية هجومية واول قناصة واول مسدس واول مدرعة الخ ..)

ومع ذلك تنجح في اقتناص صفقات عالمية ..

هذا لوحده يبشر بالقادم الاجمل وينبئ عن جودة وكفاءة المنتج الاماراتي .

الى الامام دائما وبالتوفيق ان شاء الله