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رسالة من الرئيس الامريكي 45: دونالد ترامب
حان الوقت ليقدم الرئيس جو بايدن استقالتة بعد الخزي و العار الذي حل على امريكا بعد الانسحاب من افغانستان بشكل مفاجئ والسماح لما يحدث فيه الان ان يحدث, والزيادة الكبيرة في حالات فايورس كورونا, وازمة الحدود والمهاجريين الغير شرعيين, ودمار...
After pushing to retire and mothball existing ships so that it can field new ones, the Navy now says it can squeeze significantly more life out of the majority of the fleet it already has. This is all in reaction to the controversial goal set by the Trump Administration to grow the Navy's fleet...
Trump on NATO, what a tangled web he wove. During his campaign he questioned the alliance's relevancy, then said it needed to be revamped to fight terrorism, and all while slamming NATO member countries for not paying "their fair share." These statements rocked the alliance—one that is more...