وفقًا لقائد سلاح الجو في الجمهورية الإسلامية ، محمد الزلبيجي ، فإن إيران تنشئ طائرة مقاتلة أخرى محلية الصنع لتكمل طائرتها السابقة التي تم إصدارها في أغسطس 2018.
وصرح زالبيجي لوكالة مهر للأنباء شبه الرسمية يوم الأحد بأن سلاح الجو الإيراني حقق "تقدماً ملحوظاً في تصميم أنواع مختلفة من الطائرات بفضل جهود أفراد IRIAF والشركات القائمة على المعرفة".
وأضاف: "إن شاء الله ، سوف نشهد تصميم وإنتاج طائرة [أخرى] تم بناؤها في IRIAF في المستقبل القريب" ، متعهداً بالكشف عن الطائرة الجديدة قريباً.
وخص الزالبيجي طائرة مقاتلة إيرانية الصنع كوثر ، والتي تعمل بالفعل في القوات الجوية للبلاد والتي قال القائد الإيراني إنها يمكن اعتبارها مثالا على تقدم القوات الجوية الإيرانية.
According to the Islamic Republic’s Air Force commander, Mohammad Zalbeigi, Iran is creating another domestically-made fighter jet to compliment their previous one that was released in August of 2018.
Zalbeigi told the semi-official Mehr News Agency on Sunday that the Iranian Air Force has made “considerable progress in designing various types of aircraft, thanks to the efforts of the IRIAF personnel and knowledge-based companies”.
“God willing, we will witness the designing and production of [one more] aircraft built at the IRIAF in the near future”, he added, pledging that the new plane will be unveiled soon.
Zalbeigi singled out the Iranian-made fighter jet Kowsar, which is already in service with the country’s air force and which the Iranian commander said can be seen as an example of the IRIAF’s progress.
“During the parade held last year everyone witnessed the flight of Kowsar aircraft”, he said, referring to the jet’s equipment that “conforms to the world’s most advanced [aerial] systems”.
The Kowsar was unveiled by Iran’s Defence Minister Amir Hatami during a ceremony in August 2018. Hatami said at the time that Tehran was acting within the framework of the active deterrence strategy to “acquire whatever is necessary for defence” and that apart from warplanes, Iran will also develop domestically-made surface-to-air missile systems.

Iran to unveil new domestic-made fighter jet 'in near future'
BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:30 P.M.) - In a response to the U.S. sanctions, Iran is seeking to unveil a new domestic-made fighter jet to enhance their military