القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt


27 يناير 2012
1,624 5 0
Russian Federation
L’Algerian Air Force évalue l’Airbus A330 MRTT

بعد عدة اسابيع من تجربة طائرات النقل سي17 في الجزائر هاهي اليوم تصل طائرة تانكر A330MRTT الى قاعدة بوفاريك من اجل المعاينة و التجارب

Quelques semaines à peine après, le test du C17 qui a eu lieu à Boufarik et dans le polygone de test aérien de Tamanrasset.
Voilà qu’un A330 MRTT débarque aujourd’hui dans la principale base aérienne Algérienne de transport et de projection.


Il était pile 18h, lorsqu’un A330 MRTT aux couleurs de la RAF commença son approche par l’Ouest, point de chute, La base aérienne de Boufarik. L’appareil avait décollé une heure auparavant d’Espagne, selon le site filght radar. Les photos exclusives ont été prises pas loin de Boufarik lors des manœuvres d’approche.

Selon nos sources, l’armée de l’air Algérienne serait en phase de finaliser un contrat d’acquisition de trois appareils. Ces derniers viendront renforcer la flotte de ravitailleurs, mais aussi de transporteurs, de l’AAF. Outre la possibilité de ravitailler en vol les chasseurs et les bombardiers, l’A330 MRTT permettra de ravitailler les C17 qui sont actuellement en cours d’acquisition.

حسب المصادر..القوات الجوية الجزائرية في المرحلة النهائية لإقتناء 3 طائرات من هذا النوع لتعديم اسطول التزود بالوقود جوا سواء للمقاتلات او المقنبلات او حتى طائرات سي17 التي سيتعاقد عليها قريبا


Il est à noter que la colonne centrale de ravitaillement était absente de l’appareil qui a atterri à Boufarik cet après midi. Seuls les deux pods de ravitaillement en bout d’aile étaient montés.

L’intégration du Tanker d’EADS sera d’autant plus facile car des équipages sont d’ors et déjà qualifiés sur cet appareil et sont même en manque de temps de vol. Il ne faut pas oublier que l’A330 MRTT est construit sur la base d’une voilure de A340, avion déjà dans les effectifs du GLAM.


L’A330 MRTT a la capacité de transporter jusqu’à 270 hommes de troupes, ou bien 8 palettes normalisées, grâce à sa capacité multi-rôle, ainsi que 65 tonnes de carburants. Il peut ravitailler 6 chasseurs lourds sur un vol de 4000 Km.

Avec l’acquisition des C17 Globemaster III et des A330 MRTT, l’Armée de l’Air Algérienne passe à la vitesse supérieur dans le renouvellement de sa flotte de gros porteurs et ouvre la voie aux spéculations relatives à l’acquisition des futurs remplaçants des 16 Hercules C130, qui subissent actuellement une profonde modernisation aux Etats Unis.
Cette modernisation prouve une certaine volonté de gagner du temps pour parfaire le choix, la prochaine entrée en service de l’A400 d’EADS et de l’Antonov 70 font que la compétition des quadri turbo-propulseurs de transport sera rude pour le remplaçant naturel des Hercules Algériens qu’est le C130J, qui a déjà fait l’objet d’une évaluation par Alger et qui aurait laissé les décideurs Algériens sur leur faim.


Concernant l’A330 MRTT qui se trouve actuellement à Boufarik, il est plausible de penser qu’il prendra, demain ou après demain le cap au Sud pour effectuer des tests, y compris de ravitaillement en vol, en conditions extrêmes.

غدا ستنقل للجنوب من اجل اجراء الاختبارات

رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt

En vue de son acquisition, un ravitailleur A330 MRTT à Boufarik pour tests

Quelques semaines à peine après le test du C17 qui a eu lieu à Boufarik et dans le polygône de test aérien de Tamanrasset, voilà qu'un A330 MRTT débarque aujourd'hui dans la principale base aérienne Algérienne de transport et de projection.
Il était pile 18h lorsqu'un A330 MRTT aux couleurs de la RAF commence son approche par l'Ouest, point de chute, La base aérienne de Boufarik. L'appareil avait décollé une heure auparavent d'Espagne, selon le site filght radar. Les photos exclusives ont été prises pas loin de Boufarik lors des manœuvres d'approche.

Selon nos sources, l'armée de l'air Algérienne serait en phase de finaliser un contrat d'acquisition de trois appareils. Ces derniers viendront renforcer la flotte de ravitailleurs, mais aussi de transporteurs, de l'AAF. Outre la possibilité de ravitailler en vol les chasseurs et les bombardiers, l'A330 MRTT permettra de ravitailler les C17 qui sont actuellement en cours d'acquisition.

Il est à noter que la colonne centrale de ravitaillement était absente de l'appareil qui a atterri à Boufarik cet après midi. Seuls les deux pods de ravitaillement en bout d'aile étaient montés.

L'intégration du Tanker d'EADS sera d'autant plus facile car des équipages sont d'ors et déjà qualifiés sur cet appareil et sont même en manque de temps de vol. Il ne faut pas oublier que l'A330 MRTT est construit sur la base d'une voilure de A340, avion déjà dans les effectifs du GLAM.

L'A330 MRTT a la capacité de transporter jusqu'à 270 hommes de troupes, ou bien 8 palettes normalisées, grace à sa capacité multi-rôle, ainsi que 65 tonnes de carburants. Il peut ravitailler 6 chasseurs lourds sur un vol de 4000 Km.

Avec l'acquisition des C17 Globemaster III et des A330 MRTT, l'Armée de l'Air Algérienne passe à la vitesse supérieur dans le renouvellement de sa flotte de gros porteurs et ouvre la voie aux spéculations relatives à l'acquisition des futurs remplaçants des 16 Hercules C130, qui subissent actuellement une profonde modernisation aux Etats Unis.
Cette modernisation prouve une certaine volonté de gagner du temps pour parfaire le choix, la prochaine entrée en service de l'A400 d'EADS et de l'Antonov 70 font que la compétition des quadri turbo-propulseurs de transport sera rude pour le remplaçant naturel des Hercules Algériens qu'est le C130J, qui a déjà fait l'objet d'une évaluation par Alger et qui aurait laissé les décideurs Algériens sur leur faim.

Concernant l'A330 MRTT qui se trouve actuellement à Boufarik, il est plausible de penser qu'il prendra, demain ou après demain le cap au Sud pour effectuer des tests, y compris de ravitaillement en vol, en conditions extrêmes.

تجارب الطائرة ستتم في الجنوب (تمنراست)

بالإضافة للسي17 و A330MRTT يوجد منافسة اخرى لتعويض السي130 القديمة و التي عددها 16 طائرة
التعديل الأخير:
رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt

وظهر الحق ...........
هذا رد على كل المشككين في أخبار تجربة طائرات سي 17
مشكور أخي Vasily على الخبر وربي يجيب الخير
رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt

وظهر الحق ...........
هذا رد على كل المشككين في أخبار تجربة طائرات سي 17
مشكور أخي Vasily على الخبر وربي يجيب الخير

لم يشكك اي احد
ولكن سنسمع لاحقا انها لم تعجب الجزائريين :kap[1]:
هذا منين رانا خايفين
رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt

مسار الطائرة حسب FLIGHTRADAR24

رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt

وظهر الحق ...........
هذا رد على كل المشككين في أخبار تجربة طائرات سي 17
مشكور أخي vasily على الخبر وربي يجيب الخير

نعم أذكر أنهم شككو في الخبر رغم أنا الخبر يقول أنها مجرد تجريب

و لكن أضن أنهم سينفون أنهم قاموا بالتشكيك في الخبر الأول
رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt

اذا صحت اخبار اخي Vasily فهناك مقاتلات قادمة مستقبلا ؟؟؟؟
رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt

اذا صحت اخبار اخي Vasily فهناك مقاتلات قادمة مستقبلا ؟؟؟؟

بطبيعة الحال اخي

مشروع التحديث الذي بدأ عام 2006 او قبلها بقليل لم ننجز منه سوى 30 بالمئة ...هذا البرنامج الذي عرقلته عدة عوامل داخلية او خارجية بدأ يتحرك الأن

اتمنى ان تكون هذه هي الهدف القادم لل AAF

رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt

لما قلت التشكيك فقد ةقصدت من هم وراء الحدود خخخخخخخخخخخ:a030[2]:
رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt

لما قلت التشكيك فقد ةقصدت من هم وراء الحدود خخخخخخخخخخخ:a030[2]:

مرحبا أنا هنا وكأنك تناديني :shiny01[1]:، هذا الخبر لن أشكك به تجاوزنا ذالك رغم أنه نفس المصدر اﻷيام تمر بسرعة وبالتوفيق ،طائرة تزود بالوقود مثل هذه لن تأتي لعطلة الربيع في الجزائر ومازلت متحفض على c17 لحدود إعلان عن الصفقة .
رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt

مرحبا أنا هنا وكأنك تناديني :shiny01[1]:، هذا الخبر لن أشكك به تجاوزنا ذالك رغم أنه نفس المصدر اﻷيام تمر بسرعة وبالتوفيق ،طائرة تزود بالوقود مثل هذه لن تأتي لعطلة الربيع في الجزائر ومازلت متحفض على c17 لحدود إعلان عن الصفقة .
مرجبا بك .
لا لم اناديك اخي لو أردت لزرت بروفايلك
كما قلت ستأتينا الأيام بالأخبار الى ذلك الحين فكل الأبواب تبقى مفتوحة :celebrate14[1]:
وأنا أعتقد بأننا سنرى ما يفرحنا ان شاء الله :showoff[1]:
رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt

مرجبا بك .
لا لم اناديك اخي لو أردت لزرت بروفايلك
كما قلت ستأتينا الأيام بالأخبار الى ذلك الحين فكل الأبواب تبقى مفتوحة :celebrate14[1]:
وأنا أعتقد بأننا سنرى ما يفرحنا ان شاء الله :showoff[1]:

أعلم أنك لم تناديني أمزح فقط، لكنك قصدت من شكك في c17 وهم خلف الحدود من مثلا الليبين ؟؟لا عليك
كل التوفيق للجزائر الشقيقة وإختيار موفق أتمنى أن تتم الصفقة ، يبدو اننا كلنا ننتظر أخبار مفرحة قريبة ^^
رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt

هل دعم الاسطول بطائرات نقل استراتيجي مثل سي 17 و طائرات تانكر ك a330 mrtt اولية الان لسلاح الجو ؟؟
لا اظن دلك . نحتاج امور اخرى في الوقت الراهن خاصتا مع الانفلات الامني على طول حدودنا الشرقية والجنوبية
رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt

The 21st Century Benchmark for New Generation Tanker/Transport aircraft
The A330 MRTT is the only new-generation Multi Role Tanker Transport aircraft flying, and fully certified today, after having demonstrated its capability during an extensive Flight Test campaign. Following a first delivery in early June, it is due to begin operations with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in early Fall. The A330 MRTT uniquely offers military strategic air transport as well as air-to-air refuelling capabilities.

The A330 MRTT is the most capable Tanker/ Transporter currently available. It is the only aircraft able to perform simultaneously three different types of missions: (Tanker role), , and/or . Also, its tank capacity is sufficient to supply the required fuel quantities without the need for any additional reservoirs, nor major structural modifications and it is able to carry more passengers and more freight than any of its competitors.​
The A330-200 – A Sound Basis​
The A330 MRTT is based on the latest medium- to long-range, twin-aisle, twin engine commercial aircraft of the Airbus fly-by-wire family, the A330. More than 1,100 of these have been sold to nearly 90 customers and more than 800 are operated all around the globe, ensuring easy support and many years of commercial life ahead.

Able to carry up to 111 tonnes / 245,000 lb of fuel in its wings, the basic fuel capacity of the successful A330-200 airliner, from which it is derived, enables the A330 MRTT to excel in and refuel any kind of receiver, without the need for any additional fuel tank, hereby avoiding any reduction in its ability to carry passengers or cargo.

Thanks to its true wide-body fuselage, the A330 MRTT offers a great variety of configurations. It can be used as a pure transport aircraft able to carry up to 300 troops, or a payload of up to 45 tonnes/99,000 lb. It can also easily be converted to accommodate up to 130 stretchers for Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) missions.​
Air-to-air refuelling​
The A330-200 wing is large enough to hold all the fuel needed (111 tonnes / 245,000 lb) to make the A330 MRTT a high performing tanker able to refuel any kind of receiver, without requiring any additional fuel tanks and so avoiding any reduction in its ability to carry passengers or cargo. To refuel receptacle-equipped aircraft such as the F-16 Fighting Falcon, F-35A Lightning II, or even the A330 MRTT itself (when fitted with an UARRSI), the A330 MRTT is provided with the advanced Airbus Military Aerial Refuelling Boom System (ARBS), the only new generation and fully operational boom which allows the fastest fuel transfer.​
To refuel probe-equipped receivers such as Eurofighter or Tornado, the A330 MRTT is fitted with two Cobham 905E under-wing hose and drogue pods.

Large probe-equipped aircraft such as the A400M or C295, can be refuelled via the Cobham 805E Fuselage Refuelling Unit (FRU).

Those Air to Air Refuelling (AAR) systems are controlled from an advanced Fuel Operator Console that is positioned in the cockpit and features an Enhanced Video monitoring System to perform day and night refuelling.​
The A330 MRTT can also be used on towline mission, whereby it can be on station at about 1,000 nm / 1,600km from its base for some four hours 30 minutes, with the capability to provide 50 tonnes / 110,000 lb of fuel for needing receivers. Or it can provide 60 tonnes / 132,000 lb of fuel while remaining on station for five hours at 500 nm / 930 km from base. It enables, for examples, four Eurofighters to fly 3,600 nm / 6,700 km by refuelling them en-route, or, when carrying 20 tonnes / 44,100 lb of payload, to deploy four fighters a distance of 2,800 nm / 5,200km. This exceeds by far what any other current tanker can offer. It is therefore an unmatchable force multiplier, enhancing significantly the range or endurance of any fighter​
Air Transport Capabilities​
With its true widebody fuselage, the A330 MRTT is ideal to carry any kind of military or humanitarian payload on strategic missions. Furnished with an attractively modern design, the cabin is conceived to ensure optimum seating configurations in every class, maximising both capacity and comfort. These features enable a complete range of configurations, from pure to the complex customization required for . For example, it can accommodate 253 seats in a three-class configuration, through to 270 passengers in two classes, or some 300 in a single class layout.​
The A330 MRTT is also designed to carry a payload of up to 45 tonnes / 99,000 lb. Thanks to its optimised fuselage cross section, can conveniently be carried under-floor in any of the standard containers and pallets, ranging from the LD1 to LD3 and LD6, as well as the standard 88x108 inch 463-L NATO military pallets, which can be loaded onto the aircraft through a proven semi-automatic cargo loading system. Some of the cargo can also be carried as non-palletised “bulk”.​
The main deck cargo compartment can also be used for cargo, as required, when the aircraft is specified as a freighter. In this instance the main deck is fitted with a large upper deck cargo door and cargo loading devices in the main deck floor. This allows the A330 MRTT to carry up to 26 88x108 inch 463-L NATO military pallets. Furthermore, the aircraft can also be configured as a combi, to carry freight in the forward part of the main deck and passengers in the aft part.​
The A330 MRTT is also an outstanding strategic medical and casualty evacuation (casevac and medevac) aircraft with a widebody cabin capable of carrying, from prepared airfields, up to 130 stretchers over intercontinental distances in comfort. In a ‘light medevac’ configuration, medical beds can be installed above designated fold-down seats. This allows the aircraft to be used as a troop transport on an outbound relief mission, with medical beds stowed in the lower cargo compartments, and then rapidly converted for medevac on the return. In an ‘intensive medevac’ configuration, critical care modules can be installed to replicate an intensive care unit in the air. The aircraft could typically carry 28 NATO stretchers, up to six critical care modules, 20 seats for medical staff, and 100 passenger seats.​
Military Systems​
The A330 MRTT also benefits from the most up-to-date design and manufacturing techniques, and integrates the most advanced avionics as well as the proven fly-by-wire control systems which allow total flight envelope protection (when in normal control law) featured by the basic A330-200. This means higher reliability as well as lower crew workload, and enabling concentration on mission execution.

The A330 MRTT is offered with a customised suite of military avionics and a mission system integrated with civil avionics. A comprehensive survivability package including a Defensive Aid System (DAS), fuel tank inerting system and an armoured cockpit are all available.

Representing the state-of-the-art in its category, the A330-200 has a range of up to 8,000 nm/ 14,800 km, with a maximum speed of Mach 0.86. It is the primary choice as a platform for a Multi Role Tanker Transport, offering the best performance at the lowest investment and costs. It provides the best value for money, with potential for long-term growth as confirmed by its continuing successes in the market

هذه التانكر هي تعبر عن الجيل الجديد من طائرات التزود بالوقود في القرن الواحد والعشرين وتعتبر التانكر الوحيد متعدد الدوار فهي تجمع بين قدرات التزود بالوقود وقدرات النقل وقدرات الكترونية متطورة حيث هي الوحيدة من مثيلاتها التي يمكنها القيام بثلاث أدوار بكل كفاءة وهي التزود بالوقود والنقل وقدرات الاخلاء الطبية.
يمكن لهذه الطائرة حمل ما يقارب 300 من القوات أو ما يعادل 45 طن حمولة كما يمكنها حمل 110 كن من الوقود ............
رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt

The 21st Century Benchmark for New Generation Tanker/Transport aircraft
The A330 MRTT is the only new-generation Multi Role Tanker Transport aircraft flying, and fully certified today, after having demonstrated its capability during an extensive Flight Test campaign. Following a first delivery in early June, it is due to begin operations with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in early Fall. The A330 MRTT uniquely offers military strategic air transport as well as air-to-air refuelling capabilities.

The A330 MRTT is the most capable Tanker/ Transporter currently available. It is the only aircraft able to perform simultaneously three different types of missions: (Tanker role), , and/or . Also, its tank capacity is sufficient to supply the required fuel quantities without the need for any additional reservoirs, nor major structural modifications and it is able to carry more passengers and more freight than any of its competitors.​
The A330-200 – A Sound Basis​
The A330 MRTT is based on the latest medium- to long-range, twin-aisle, twin engine commercial aircraft of the Airbus fly-by-wire family, the A330. More than 1,100 of these have been sold to nearly 90 customers and more than 800 are operated all around the globe, ensuring easy support and many years of commercial life ahead.

Able to carry up to 111 tonnes / 245,000 lb of fuel in its wings, the basic fuel capacity of the successful A330-200 airliner, from which it is derived, enables the A330 MRTT to excel in and refuel any kind of receiver, without the need for any additional fuel tank, hereby avoiding any reduction in its ability to carry passengers or cargo.

Thanks to its true wide-body fuselage, the A330 MRTT offers a great variety of configurations. It can be used as a pure transport aircraft able to carry up to 300 troops, or a payload of up to 45 tonnes/99,000 lb. It can also easily be converted to accommodate up to 130 stretchers for Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) missions.​
Air-to-air refuelling​
The A330-200 wing is large enough to hold all the fuel needed (111 tonnes / 245,000 lb) to make the A330 MRTT a high performing tanker able to refuel any kind of receiver, without requiring any additional fuel tanks and so avoiding any reduction in its ability to carry passengers or cargo. To refuel receptacle-equipped aircraft such as the F-16 Fighting Falcon, F-35A Lightning II, or even the A330 MRTT itself (when fitted with an UARRSI), the A330 MRTT is provided with the advanced Airbus Military Aerial Refuelling Boom System (ARBS), the only new generation and fully operational boom which allows the fastest fuel transfer.​
To refuel probe-equipped receivers such as Eurofighter or Tornado, the A330 MRTT is fitted with two Cobham 905E under-wing hose and drogue pods.

Large probe-equipped aircraft such as the A400M or C295, can be refuelled via the Cobham 805E Fuselage Refuelling Unit (FRU).

Those Air to Air Refuelling (AAR) systems are controlled from an advanced Fuel Operator Console that is positioned in the cockpit and features an Enhanced Video monitoring System to perform day and night refuelling.​
The A330 MRTT can also be used on towline mission, whereby it can be on station at about 1,000 nm / 1,600km from its base for some four hours 30 minutes, with the capability to provide 50 tonnes / 110,000 lb of fuel for needing receivers. Or it can provide 60 tonnes / 132,000 lb of fuel while remaining on station for five hours at 500 nm / 930 km from base. It enables, for examples, four Eurofighters to fly 3,600 nm / 6,700 km by refuelling them en-route, or, when carrying 20 tonnes / 44,100 lb of payload, to deploy four fighters a distance of 2,800 nm / 5,200km. This exceeds by far what any other current tanker can offer. It is therefore an unmatchable force multiplier, enhancing significantly the range or endurance of any fighter​
Air Transport Capabilities​
With its true widebody fuselage, the A330 MRTT is ideal to carry any kind of military or humanitarian payload on strategic missions. Furnished with an attractively modern design, the cabin is conceived to ensure optimum seating configurations in every class, maximising both capacity and comfort. These features enable a complete range of configurations, from pure to the complex customization required for . For example, it can accommodate 253 seats in a three-class configuration, through to 270 passengers in two classes, or some 300 in a single class layout.​
The A330 MRTT is also designed to carry a payload of up to 45 tonnes / 99,000 lb. Thanks to its optimised fuselage cross section, can conveniently be carried under-floor in any of the standard containers and pallets, ranging from the LD1 to LD3 and LD6, as well as the standard 88x108 inch 463-L NATO military pallets, which can be loaded onto the aircraft through a proven semi-automatic cargo loading system. Some of the cargo can also be carried as non-palletised “bulk”.​
The main deck cargo compartment can also be used for cargo, as required, when the aircraft is specified as a freighter. In this instance the main deck is fitted with a large upper deck cargo door and cargo loading devices in the main deck floor. This allows the A330 MRTT to carry up to 26 88x108 inch 463-L NATO military pallets. Furthermore, the aircraft can also be configured as a combi, to carry freight in the forward part of the main deck and passengers in the aft part.​
The A330 MRTT is also an outstanding strategic medical and casualty evacuation (casevac and medevac) aircraft with a widebody cabin capable of carrying, from prepared airfields, up to 130 stretchers over intercontinental distances in comfort. In a ‘light medevac’ configuration, medical beds can be installed above designated fold-down seats. This allows the aircraft to be used as a troop transport on an outbound relief mission, with medical beds stowed in the lower cargo compartments, and then rapidly converted for medevac on the return. In an ‘intensive medevac’ configuration, critical care modules can be installed to replicate an intensive care unit in the air. The aircraft could typically carry 28 NATO stretchers, up to six critical care modules, 20 seats for medical staff, and 100 passenger seats.​
Military Systems​
The A330 MRTT also benefits from the most up-to-date design and manufacturing techniques, and integrates the most advanced avionics as well as the proven fly-by-wire control systems which allow total flight envelope protection (when in normal control law) featured by the basic A330-200. This means higher reliability as well as lower crew workload, and enabling concentration on mission execution.

The A330 MRTT is offered with a customised suite of military avionics and a mission system integrated with civil avionics. A comprehensive survivability package including a Defensive Aid System (DAS), fuel tank inerting system and an armoured cockpit are all available.

Representing the state-of-the-art in its category, the A330-200 has a range of up to 8,000 nm/ 14,800 km, with a maximum speed of Mach 0.86. It is the primary choice as a platform for a Multi Role Tanker Transport, offering the best performance at the lowest investment and costs. It provides the best value for money, with potential for long-term growth as confirmed by its continuing successes in the market

هذه التانكر هي تعبر عن الجيل الجديد من طائرات التزود بالوقود في القرن الواحد والعشرين وتعتبر التانكر الوحيد متعدد الدوار فهي تجمع بين قدرات التزود بالوقود وقدرات النقل وقدرات الكترونية متطورة حيث هي الوحيدة من مثيلاتها التي يمكنها القيام بثلاث أدوار بكل كفاءة وهي التزود بالوقود والنقل وقدرات الاخلاء الطبية.
يمكن لهذه الطائرة حمل ما يقارب 300 من القوات أو ما يعادل 45 طن حمولة كما يمكنها حمل 110 كن من الوقود ............
يوجد منافس اخر لها و قد فاز بالمناقصة التي طرحها سلاح الجو الامريكي و هي من انتاج العملاق Boing انها KC-46 Tanker
رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt




رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt

يوجد منافس اخر لها و قد فاز بالمناقصة التي طرحها سلاح الجو الامريكي و هي من انتاج العملاق boing انها kc-46 tanker

و من ثم مالفائدة منها ؟؟؟؟؟؟ ............... لم افهم
رد: القوات الجوية الجزائرية تعاين a330mrtt

يوجد منافس اخر لها و قد فاز بالمناقصة التي طرحها سلاح الجو الامريكي و هي من انتاج العملاق boing انها kc-46 tanker

تدخل الخدمة في 2018

الحمولة 40 طن للإرباس مقابل 29.5 طن للبوينج
المدى 14 الف كيلومتر للإيرباس مقابل 12 الف للبوينج
الايرباس تستطيع حمل 380 شخص و البوينج 114

أعلى أسفل