اوكرانيا تصنع مركبة فضائية للسعودية

لعبة ذكية والشاطر يفهم .
قيل انه الربع الخالي مكان مثالي لبناء المحطة وطلعت اخبار انه كانت بتبنى بس مدري وش صار عقب
لو فرضنا إقامة محطة فضاء فان الربع الخالي مكان خطا
رمال و عواصف رملية و حركة الرمال و عندك اجهزة حساسة
و تحتاج مكان مناسب انا اشوف من غرب الرين الى بيشة الى وادي الدواسر هذي منطقة مميزة و فاضية و فيه بعض الاماكن جبال صخرية تستطيع بناء مبنى مستودعات و معامل اختبار و منصات و مخابئ لو أردة عملها

مشروع صاروخ بالستي عابر للقارات ؟!:confused:

مفتحانا لصواريخ الهايبرسونيك !؟

لب الموضوع ليس تقنية الفضاء بل أمور مستخبية طلع بعضها وبعضها ما زال.

فتحنا مع الاوكران باب وراح ندخل منه مداخيل باذن الله.

فيما يتعلق بالفضاء، مهما عملنا مع اوكرانيا في الفضاء لن نقارع space X و Nasa وبقية العمالقة... ليس مشروع ناجح ابداً
لب الموضوع ليس تقنية الفضاء بل أمور مستخبية طلع بعضها وبعضها ما زال.

فتحنا مع الاوكران باب وراح ندخل منه مداخيل باذن الله.

فيما يتعلق بالفضاء، مهما عملنا مع اوكرانيا في الفضاء لن نقارع space X و Nasa وبقية العمالقة... ليس مشروع ناجح ابداً

صحيح اخوي لكن لامانع من التطور معا ;) ولا
الاوكران برأي رهان ناجح للمستقبل
الله يذكر اخونا انتونوف بالخير ،، وين هذا الوحش الذي تحدث عن كل هذا منذو العام 2015،، في كل الأحوال المشروع مشترك لإنشاء محطة فضائية في السعودية تكون مركز للانطلاق نحو الفضاء وإطلاق الأقمار الصناعية محليا ،، ربما نشاهد خلال العقدين القادمين مشروع ملاحة خاص بنا ، أصبح طموح القيادة واضح، لا مكان للضعفاء مستقبلا ، ارجوا من الله التوفيق .
ينقصنا بناء محطة إطلاق فضائية
هل هناك أي معلومات أو أخبار بشأنها
Although the two seem like strange allies, Ukraine and Saudi Arabia have cooperated on a number of aerospace projects, including the , a scientific sounding rocket, a traditional medium-size satellite launcher, and an anti-aircraft missile.

هذي مجالات التعاون مع الاوكران ..صاروخ قروم-2 البالستي ، منصة اطلاق اقمار صناعية ومصواريخ مضادة للطيران .
In 2013, a Saudi-based center called or KACST began funding a Ukrainian-designed hypersonic aircraft, which would carry a throwaway rocket capable of delivering small satellites into orbit.

في 2013 بدات مدينة الملك عبدالعزيز للعلوم والتقنية التعاون مع الاوكران لانتاج مركبة او طائرة هايبرسونيك قادرة على اطلاق صاروخ للفضاء يحمل اقمار صناعية صغيرة .

In the Saudi-Ukrainian project, the ramjet will accelerate the vehicle between Mach 4 and 6. Climbing at a steep angle between 40 and 50 degrees, the carrier aircraft will reach an altitude between 25 and 30 kilometers, where the seven-ton expendable rocket will separate and fire its own traditional engine.
It will be able to haul small satellites with a mass of at least 220 lbs about 310 miles above the Earth.

المركبة الهايبرسونيك ستصل سرعتها ل6 ماخ ولارتفاع 30 كلم وتطلق الصاروخ ذو الوزن 7 طن والقادر على ايصال اقمار صناعية تزن 100 كلغم لارتفاع 500 كلم فوق الكرة الارضية..
هذه المركبة الهايبر سونيك .

السعودية في خطوات ثابته للوصول لمصافيء الدول العظمى بمشيئة الله
حق لنا ان نفتخر بهذه العقلية الجبارة
والتي تصر ولا تتنازل عن التفوق
شكراً ياعهد الحزم​
بالتوفيق يارب،
المهم عندي هو سرعة الإنجاز،
أوكرانيا بلد يعيش تحت الضغط المستمر،
وأنا لدي توقعات أن الجيش عندهم سيكون له كلمة خلال السنوات القادمة،
لابد أن ينتشل أحد ما أوكرانيا من الوضع الصعب الذي تعيش فيه الآن،
والمرشح الأكبر هو الجيش الأوكراني،
واخشى اذا أتى أن تتعثر مشاريعنا معهم،

لذلك سرعة الإنجاز ونقل الخرائط الفنية والنماذج إلينا يعتبر مطلب ضروري،
كما فعلنا مع صاروخ جروم حينما حصلنا على كامل المشروع في قرص،

نسأل الله أن يتممها على خير وأن يسدد قادتنا دائما
أكرانيا تطوّر مركبة فضائيّة لصالح السّعوديّة ؟

Ukraine Is Building a Spaceplane for...Saudi Arabia?

Actual test facilities and experimental hardware point to a spacecraft that's much more fact than fiction.


In a presentation earlier this year, Ukrainian space company KB Yuzhnoye made a splash by unexpectedly revealing an exotic shuttle-like space vehicle. The presentation shows a bullet-shaped design that looks more like a plane than a traditional rocket—and unlike anything seen from the famous Ukrainian rocket makers before.
Of course, these images could be just a hypothetical picture on a computer screen, but the same presentation also shows active work at Ukrainian test facilities and even some experimental hardware, which was clearly related to the unusual space plane. This mysterious spacecraft is much more than just a simple brainstorming exercise.
At the time of writing, there was no official explanation connecting these pieces of the puzzle, but sources told Popular Mechanics the unusual “space plane” is actually a partially reusable satellite launcher being developed at Ukraine’s KB Yuzhnoye and Saudi Arabia is covering the bill.
Unlikely Allies
KB Yuzhnoye was a major rocket and space development company in the former Soviet Union. Its engineers developed several generations of Soviet space launchers and powerful ballistic missiles, as well as numerous spacecraft. After Ukraine's independence, the company continued working with Russia but also built boosters for the U.S. Antares rocket and engines for the European Vega launcher.


Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is currently emerging as a new high-tech and military powerhouse with wide ranging ambitions in aerospace. Its prince also has widely ambitious plans to build .
Although the two seem like strange allies, Ukraine and Saudi Arabia have cooperated on a number of aerospace projects, including the , a scientific sounding rocket, a traditional medium-size satellite launcher, and an anti-aircraft missile.
But this aircraft, like the one detailed in this presentation, would be a new challenge for both countries.
The Engines of Space Industry
In 2013, a Saudi-based center called or KACST began funding a Ukrainian-designed hypersonic aircraft, which would carry a throwaway rocket capable of delivering small satellites into orbit.
The most interesting detail in the proposed design is the 30-ton unpiloted aircraft serving as the first stage of the two-stage launch system. The aircraft is supposed to be propelled with a combination of turbojet engines and ramjet propulsion.
The ramjet engine lacks its own compressors needed to suck air into the combustion chamber to facilitate the thrust-producing combustion of liquid fuel. This means the ramjet can activate only after some other engine—in this case a turbojet—accelerates the vehicle to a high speed forcing air into the ramjet’s air inlet.


But once it does, the ramjet is capable of further accelerating its host aircraft to speeds unreachable with traditional aviation engines. At the same time, the ramjet is more efficient than a rocket engine, because it does not need oxidizer for fuel combustion.
In the Saudi-Ukrainian project, the ramjet will accelerate the vehicle between Mach 4 and 6. Climbing at a steep angle between 40 and 50 degrees, the carrier aircraft will reach an altitude between 25 and 30 kilometers, where the seven-ton expendable rocket will separate and fire its own traditional engine.
It will be able to haul small satellites with a mass of at least 220 lbs about 310 miles above the Earth.

The Big Business of Small Satellites

It appears this still unofficial project wants to compete in the emerging business of sending small satellites skyward, especially into polar orbits. In the next few years and decades, better and better satellite constellations could provide on-demand views of the Earth’s surface, , and various communications and navigation services.
Currently, a number of other contenders , including SpaceX's Falcon rockets, India's PSLV small launcher, and , not to mention the about ready to enter the fray.

But the ultimate goal is trying to get the cost of delivery as low as possible, and that’s where Ukraine's hypersonic aircraft-based system could have an edge over traditional rockets. The biggest unknown remains its exotic ramjet engines, which have never been in operational use and carry with them a high risk of engineering problems.
Sources familiar with the matter tell Popular Mechanics that while the Ukrainian space industry is a rocket pro, this type of vehicle isn't KB Yuzhnoye’s specialty as engineers would have to tackle new problems of propulsion, aerodynamics, and heat-resistant materials. The Ukrainian space industry would also need a large-scale testing and manufacturing base for building full-scale prototypes, airframes, and engines.
A ramjet space plane is an ambitious idea—most space projects have to be—but this one still has a ways to go before its ready for launch.

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